If you are new to this forum and are looking for information that is particularly helpful and relevant to those who have recently left RSE and are starting their recovery process, this is a good place to start.
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu May 19, 2011 10:06 pm


Unread post by Oldie »

I have searched many writings Heard sermons galore
Looked in old manuscripts ,locked in old drawers
Searched til my head spun.enlightenment to find
Ramtha I though- his knowledge divine

Awakening for me was a slap in the head
When I heard from the guru my persona was dead
I climbed up a mountain, alone and unsure
I needed to ask GOD if there was more
I listened HE told me All I should know -
The order of Universe
The rising of sun
How moon holds us here
And how we begun

Of salt in the ocean
Of air and of fire
All to perfection
That man will desire

God given abilities
For man to proceed
With love in one's heart
Will fill every need
So simple the formula Do not challenge the plan
We come here to live for the betterment of man

Then that I realised no words had been said .My answer for guidance was right there in my head.
Thank GOD for this gift Its free and its true
Application of formula is just up to you.

Apologies for "waxing" But seem to find it cuts through to the chase for me !
No use ageing if one can't wise up
Posts: 71
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:36 am


Unread post by Justtruth »

A beautiful 90 year old man said to me last year that ''God is in our hearts to the degree we let him within our heart''

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