Just need to say

If you are new to this forum and are looking for information that is particularly helpful and relevant to those who have recently left RSE and are starting their recovery process, this is a good place to start.
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Just need to say

Unread post by Justtruth »

That no where if my life would I accept the behavior that Ramtha is now showing with his drunken behavior and F....... you bursts from a lover, a boss, a pastor, mayor, friend

Or anyone, grew up with 2 alcoholic parents and I saw so many students start to have drinking problems and all they while they were saying their veils were down, they just sounded drunk to me

I am grateful I have seen this , it is one more wakeup call

Just recently, I felt myself split into like a house divided regarding Ramtha

then I took my doubts and put them in a corner of my being ( knowing I could not really answer it) and still tried to be open to Ramtha

Then I realized that is probably what rape victims do, or people in domestic abuse or some kind of horror in their life do to cope

And now I am going to follow my wisdom, my guidance, my heart, his original teachings
Lost in Space
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Lost in Space »

Dear Just Truth:

May your decision sit well with you in time. It can't have been easy.
If it's not too personal right now, could you say what you have noticed about the differences between the original teachings and what Ramtha is saying now? I think it may help others who have questions about the changes in the school.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Ockham »

I am pretty skeptical of the entire Ramtha legend from the outset when Judy first stuck the cardboard pyramid on her head.

None the less I am willing to say, "OK, maybe..." I wasn't aware of Ramtha in the 1980s and don't personally know anybody who was a devotee back then. There are people here on EMF that have written that they feel sure channeling was indeed going on in the 1980s, and they still feel that way even after departing a regular relationship with RSE.

Ramtha originally said that he was going to conduct a ten year school. Ten years after Knight debuted Ramtha to the public is also about the time the, "teachings," began the 180 degree turn and the doomsday talk began to dominate. I feel that if Ramtha ever did exist at all, Ramtha probably kept to his word and went back to Plane of Bliss or wherever he usually stays, and that was it. Ever since, Knight's been using her emotive skills to play Ramtha's character, but since Ramtha isn't there, all Knight has on which to base the modern day Ramtha is Knight's own skewed egoism.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by joe sz »

If I may. I suggest you ask yourself some questions:
What are "original" teachings of Ramtha? recall that JZ said "he" or it appeared to her in 1977. Her partner/husband at the time said in an interview in 1984ish
http://www.amazon.com/Soulmates-Jess-St ... 010&sr=8-1
that he never saw the entity, contradicting JZ, that JZ claimed appeared at the time they were playing with cardboard pyramids. He said he saw JZ looking at something {hallucinating :?: }
JZ had at least 2 years in regional interaction with small, intimate groups to hone her style and delivery until she emerged to Jeff Knight and others in Richard Chamberlain's living room in 1980.
If you mean The White Book, that was based on a compilation of Ramtha dialogues and an early "Love Yourself into Life" 1983 text [that is reissued by ramtha folk]:
http://www.amazon.com/Love-Yourself-int ... 0932201830
Both texts were edited by Steve Weinberg who later ceased believing in JZ/R.

Again, determine carefully what you want to find as "original."
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Justtruth »

to be clearer, original teachings meaning

His original messages, not the stories of how JZ met him in the living room, etc......

The simple messages

To love oneself

That God lives within us, we are our greatest teacher

To strive for honesty, integrity, to forgive, to allow others

To love, love, love

Also the greatest difference in the beginning was we were free to come and go, nothing was required and it was more about learning from ourself

Which was our greatest council NOT about following a teacher
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by ex »

just maybe: jz cooks this ramtha gig up. she is healthy good looking, stable relationship. positive with a healthy outlook on life.her ramtha role is too: intelligent loving powerful. so she starts playing her role maybe even: ' to better the world'.but just like a drugi the first few years of consumption r not too bad for body and mind. but than it happens the lie takes over. ramtha brings her new lovers prosperity admiration,but he also has to manipulate the new husband the new environment. has to keep more followers in check.to play her role more and more is needed: plastic surgery, prosac, alcohol, chain smoking, power boosts. the original little white lie got out of hand and creates more and more misery. i think ramtha got created and played from the beginning. just the script of the show went downhill. i also remember the new age mambo jumbo which enriched me in my earlier younger years and i would laugh about, if i would hear it nowadays. the quality of the fraud doesn't make it real.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by ex »

hi justtruth. always interesting to hear old and new stories about rse and ramtha.
Lost in Space
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Lost in Space »

I am a little troubled with the tone of some of the responses here. It does not appear to be enough for some EMF members for justtruth to have repudiated the more recent teachings at RSE; no, he or she must devalue every single aspect of the entire experience for however many years he or she was involved, and never own having received anything good, beautiful or worthwhile at any time or in any way. Nothing less will do than to repudiate the entire x many years worth of experience in every respect, absolutely and forever and there can never be owned to have been anything of value in any aspect of anything learned at RSE. Sorry, this is just IMO and I am just venting a bit here. I think salvaging what one can is probably the gentlest, healthiest course for a huge shift like leaving RSE.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by ponysong »

Lost in Space wrote:I am a little troubled with the tone of some of the responses here. It does not appear to be enough for some EMF members for justtruth to have repudiated the more recent teachings at RSE; no, he or she must devalue every single aspect of the entire experience for however many years he or she was involved, and never own having received anything good, beautiful or worthwhile at any time or in any way. Nothing less will do than to repudiate the entire x many years worth of experience in every respect, absolutely and forever and there can never be owned to have been anything of value in any aspect of anything learned at RSE. Sorry, this is just IMO and I am just venting a bit here. I think salvaging what one can is probably the gentlest, healthiest course for a huge shift like leaving RSE.
I think it's a natural urge to want to devalue the whole experience, once you realize how the "good" parts of it have been used to manipulate you into accepting bad on bad on bad. This topic links to an interview with Joe Szimhart where he talks about that very subject:


I experienced something similar with a really manipulative man in a one-on-one relationship (years ago, and nothing to do with RSE). He had used my most loving and sacred feelings to control my behavior, and it was many months after leaving him before I was able to accept that there were good things that happened too, and think of my ex-abuser without resentment.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by ex »

if there were good parts i paid heavily for them. the scam works with the good things otherwise we woulden't have gone there. especially the good minded people who witness the magic give this scam creditability. thanks again for your post justtruth. sorry for offending anyone but i still think whatever good ramtha produced is out of the treasures of human culture copiewrited and twisted. by the way i saw once a movie about jim johnes even he had good beginnings and valuable times for his devotees. for me its black on white were ramtha got produced: with the writing of the white book from steven weinberg.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Another Dimension60 »

a little emf history -- in the 'early' days of emf there was similar discussion - even the phrase used re not throwing the baby out with the bathwater -- many here, including myself, acknowledged valuable lessons learned in the experience with jzk inc. It was also mentioned that many learned valuable and deep lessons from their experience in Hitler's concentration camps. Learning and value gained doesn't make jzk inc or concentration camps ok.
And, I think it often takes awhile after freeing oneself from such as jzk inc to recognize and acknowledge value gained - and most of the recent posters are newly 'free'.
And, we don't need healing from what we gained, we need healing from all that was lost....
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Ockham »

I meant my remarks to indicate thtat while I am personally skeptical, that others have seen something they feel is real, especailly in the 1980s. In context, what I am trying to say is that I indeed accept that is something good.

I don't know when some of the insturments such as tank, field work, neighborhood walk, C&E, etc. have been introduced. Based on what people have written about their pre-1990 experiences, those sound like post-Ramtha-departure constructions that have been have been invented by Knight. They seem to be a mish-mash of eastern philosophies, 1960s popular psychology and feel-good books. No doubt, in some contexts, people actually get beneficial experiences from the behavioral instruments touted by RSE; that is why virtually the same, "disciplines," with other names, have been effective elsewhere.

What you don't get at RSE is access to those instruments in a carefully controlled conditions by staff people that have training to keep people safe and make sure the psychological outcome is actually beneficial to the people in the program. That's why you see pople tearing off fingers in the Tank (tm), smashing their faces running in the Field (tm), becoming alcohoics, having psychological melt-downs, and finding themselvs with unplanned pregnancies.

The recent disaster talk from RSE has reached a new pinnacle of psychological abuse. Several ramsters I know are living misable lives because they aren't able to follow the ridiculous instructions issued by Knight's Ramtha character. They live in fear that they're going to be wiped by quakes, tidal waves and comets because they haven't been able to afford a pilgrimage to Yelm to buld the requisite underground shelter. I also know ramsters who have liquidated their homes to move close to RSE and they're having trobule too becuase they're finding it difficult to comply with peraparing for Knight's illusory disaster dates. These people are acting in good faith following the crap dished out by RSE. In a few years their savings that could have provided a stable retirement will be gone into Knight's coffers or spent on useless survival supplies they can't used for anything practical. Those post-RSE broke people may well become a burden the rest of us have to care for thanks to RSE.

From what I understand as an outsider, the Ramtha character has issued fairly specific instructions about how to build underground shelters. No doubt the instructions are carefully couched so that ramsters aren't actually being specifically told to, but rather how to make a shelter. I am not a structural engineer, but if what I've heard is correct, I believe the so-called shelters could be easily smashed when the ground liquifies in a moderate to serious quake, killing people unfortunate enough to be inside at the time.

As empowering as some of RSE's behavioral instruments may feel or how beautiful sessions with Knight may have been in the 1980s, that doesn't justify the organization as it now exists.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by WofthesunEofthemoon »

However, we are still left with the very sticky question of whether 'Ramtha' ever did, indeed, exist, even for those first few years. No 'truths' espoused at that time seem to have been unique to 'Ramtha'/JZ, nor were the 'teachings' on a level which could not have been found elsewhere, as has been found to be the case with so much of JZ plaigerized material.
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Re: Just need to say

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IMO, having never been a ramster, but having studied the ramtha phenomen extensively, since I lost my family to it, the whole thing was a scam, created in the mind of Judy Knight, to get her a following and get her out of the trailer park and into ill gained wealth.

I'd have considered her less evil, if she had just scammed these people out of their retirement savings, rather than also stolen their minds and a chunk of their lives. Beside Judith Hampton Knight :twisted: , Bernie Madoff was a saint!
Down with Judith Hampton Knight!
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Ockham »


What really pains me is that your grandkids have been dragged into the RSE silliness. I met a ramster family a while back, and the mom had several kids that she made to do some of the RSE disciplines. It looked to me like the kids were doing the disciplines with a wink and a nod, knowing that the Ramtha stuff is silly, but also knowing that it would keep mom happy if they complied.

Personally, I remember doing the fall-out drills when I was in Kindergarten before the school dropped them as obviously pointless. I didn't really fully appreciate what an A-bomb is, but even as a little kid, huddling under my desk didn't seem like it woudn't hlep much if A-bombs were as bad as the teacher said. I did the exercises anyway becuase I figured out that would be better than defying the teacher.

So my thoughts are with you that your grandchildren will see Empress Kinght's new clothes for what they are, and they'll grow up to be happy and healthy adults.
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Re: Just need to say

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Thanks, I have hopes. The grandson got involved and is now into all kinds of conspiracy theories and junk science. He is starting college at Central Washington, and I hope he gets over it. The granddaughter was dragged out there against her will and I don't think she is , in any way, involved. She has 2 more years of high school and I hope she keeps her head until she can get away.

I seldom hear from them, even though I made a deal with my daughter to not mention the ramtha crap to her, if she would also ignore the elephant in the room. They have been out there for 3 years, and I have seen them once and hear from them every 3-4 months, if I send the first email. I am a 77 year old cripple caring for my 75 year old wife who has Alzheimer's. We have a friend who couldn't have children. After I told our story, I think she felt fortunate.
Down with Judith Hampton Knight!
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Ockham »

Hi Grandfather,

Blessings to you and your family. Thank God that your grandson is financially able to go to college. That is probably the best hope he has: an environment where he is obligated to step outside the JZK Inc. tunnel vision denial of reality. He won't have any choice but to come to grips with the fact that one doesn't intend and manifest himself through life. The way he'll have to manifest is hard work to earn what he needs and wants.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Another Dimension60 »

Ockam - I was replying to Free's statement re people just seeing the negative in their jzk inc experience.
There is a consistency of behaviors from day one by jz which have been previously enumerated - and yes, they've become more exaggeratedly and overtly abusive, and, nevertheless the same.
And, as been said before, some people believe they have had experiences with Ramtha while nevertheless recognizing the abusive nature of rse.
Whether or not ramtha is "real" is irrelevant in face of the consistent fact of jz's ego running the show since day one.
I can certainly agree that the 'disciplines' can have validity with appropriate training and practice - none of which is available via rse.

Again, some history. The first wave of fear based messages came in the mid-80s. There weren't undergrounds then, but the instruction to become self-sufficient; that the economy would collapse within 4 years - so people gave up their goals and dreams and maxed out credit cards and did all manner of what could now be called foolish things in preparation for societal collapse. .... The first wave of undergrounds was in the early '90s - with imminent societal collapse and the need, at first to hide food from the hungry marauding city hordes, and then to hide ourselves. Again people went into fear and debt and absurd construction projects. Robair can speak eloquently to that 'era'. It died down a bit until 9/11.

There's no question that much of the 'teachings' of Ramtha have changed since the mid-70's - mid '80s, but the underlying psychological emotional spiritual manipulations are the same.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Ockham »

Good evening Another Dimension60,

Thanks kindly for the enlightenment you have given me re: the early days of Knight and Ramtha. I appears I have been to kind in my evaluation of early days. The only 'live' old days experience I have is the Merv Griffin interview where Knight's Ramtha character is almost likeable, however that's a TV personality and not necessarily what her followers were receiving in person. I don't want to dismiss Knight from any abuse, no matter when, no matter how friendly the Ramtha character may seem.

By declaring a school of enlightenment, she puts herself on ground where a high standard veracity and scholarship should be expected at all times. If students are only seeking a means of proving to themselvs that they are capable of excellece and transcending an ordinary life, they'd probably be better served by taking an Outward Bound leadership course. (I don't have any association with that group nor have I ever taken one of their courses.) You'd learn how to create your day for real without the dose of RSE pseudo intellectual pseudo scientific baloney, and you'd get properly trained qaulified instructors instead of some uncredentialed piece of JZ's arm candy. Students interested in spirituality should be able to find some sort of new age society near where they live.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Robair »

Hello Guys
I do understand very well the confusion between the new and the old Ramtha, myself struggled with it for a longtime before be able to recognized that It was JZ all the way, but this did not happened over night it took lot of reading and searching for me to get to that point of understanding, My lack of knowledge was probably my main problem. When I first woke up to the fact that the School had change from what I believed, my first thought and reaction was like most of us from the old school (Dialogues) that Ramtha had left and JZ took over or worst that JZ had sold her soul to the dark side if you will, even when I started here on EMF I was still holding one the OLD and blaming JZ for everything obviously that part stayed with me.
With all the facts and knowledge that we have today and knowing that JZ is and always has been an avid reader and the biggest plagiarizer in the world no way One can still old to the old believe that Ramtha ever existed Starting with the important fact that Lumeria or the land of Mu if you will never did existed in the first place making the whole things a lie right from the start.
Just truth. I started in the summer of 1981,did the Dialogues from New York to San Francisco and everything between, Love Your Self Into Life was a beautiful time in my life also and I also hold on to some beautiful memories , but to say that I am going back to the early days believing that Ramtha was real ,Sorry plain and simple the Facts do not support that at all.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by WofthesunEofthemoon »

This thread has wound itself around many concepts. Justtruth thinking in terms of what he/she thinks of as the original message, Joe asking some powerful and essential questions, as a result of that, ex expressing very important thoughts with regard to the overall picture, AD60 giving some crucial history from the early days, and Lost in Space feeling upset that people are trying to force Justtruth to accept that everything about Ramtha is a scam and sham, before he/she may be ready to see that. My thoughts are that it is not at all helpful to enable a person to continue with any sort of delusion/misapprehension when they are seeking recovery from a cult, and that Joe's powerful questions are key.

Also everything that has been offered by others, concerning the early days (which J.T. sees as holding the original teachings), can only help the originator of this thread to come to a sensible conclusion about Ramtha and his teachings, even those from early days, in order to avoid being drawn back, time and time again, to the school, in the hopes of rediscovering what he/she experienced, at that time. The information given by AD60 is crucial to this. I would disagree with her as to the importance of a person's view as to whether or not Ramtha actually existed in those early times. I believe that Justtruth needs to find clarity with regard to this question, and Ockham, although in kindness, implying that there may, indeed, have been a 'Ramtha' in those days, has not been at all helpful with this situation, as there is absolutely no clear, objective, testable, refutable and unbiased evidence for there ever having been a Ramtha at all. It is clear to me that this is an issue that J.T. needs to address, although I would mitigate such a harsh denoument with the thought that some of the 'truths' and 'teachings' of the early days may, indeed, have had some value, but were most likely 'borrowed' from others.

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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by WofthesunEofthemoon »

I was in middle of submitting my reply before seeing yours, Robair. Thank you so much. Everything you say is so spot on.
A bientot,

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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Vanilla »

I think at the onset of her prozac, alcohol, vitamin injection shots, energy drinks,plastic surgery medication, that started messing with her mind a little bit. Made her nutty channel.

Just because she was intelligent when she started fooling people, doesnt mean its truth. I am sure the original teachings sounded really good and her tone of voice was crystal clear, like she was really impressed with the ideas she was plagiarizing.

Have I hit it?
Another Dimension60
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Another Dimension60 »

over 15 years after 'waking up' re jzk inc's ramtha I'm still learning and gaining insight into my experiences there. I'm particularly learning how I/we have gotten baited and hooked and so utterly manipulated.

For me, as Robair, it took quite a while to recognize that there was always just jz - - and the beauty and truth of whatever ramtha said were beauty and truths gleaned elsewhere. Although jz is an absolute genius in many ways, including her ability to weave information,,, and aside from some stories she made up -- ALLLLLLL the "truth" taught was and always has been previously printed/published/said by someone else.
Pavarotti may be a genius and brilliant and spectacular singer - but he didn't write the music he can so impact us with.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by ex »

pavarotti is an artist he sings.he never claimed to be the componist. jz is not an enlightened beeing. she gives her stuff out as original. she might be clever but her genius is used to lie and cheat.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Another Dimension60 »

that's what I'm saying ex - that even though there may be genius in presentation, it doesn't make it 'original'.... The comparison was about the brilliance of performance, not the claimed source.
thanks for clarifying for others.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by freemysoul »

Great topic and posts. What I read here are peoples personal opinions based on their personal experiences. I know for me, there were wonderful times that I had at RSE, in that, there is no doubt. I also had wonderful times at keggers in high school, and rock concerts surrounded by pot. Just because my experience from those things were fun, or that I became wiser from them, doesn't have to mean that everyone involved had good intentions or righteous purpose. Some of my most memorable times in life haven't been because of where I am or who I was with so I'm not about to throw the baby out with the bathwater. What I read from most posts here is that people have gained from their own personal participation, regardless of the location or company. I learned things at RSE, and most of them had nothing to do with JZ Knight, but in spite of her. Just because I have acquired knowledge from something doesn't release accountability from someone who is intentionally misleading me for their own financial or perverse gain. If I know that someone is out there intentionally hurting people, destroying peoples lives and creating chaos for the sake of greed and power, I feel obligated to tell as many people I can about it, regardless of what that person has taught me.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Justtruth »

To love oneself

That God lives within us, we are our greatest teacher

To strive for honesty, integrity, to forgive, to allow others

To love, love, love

I am listing the above again, to be even clearer, these are my truths and what I hold dear, I have not been back to the ranch in over a decade

Have only done the streamings for the last couple of years, so the years I was gone, I worked alot out in myself and I missed the years of abuse and wine ceremonies

Which, I am glad I did and I have gained my trust in myself and that is what will lead me for the rest of my life

I am keeping the beauty I gained and and feel a great peace in that, but am looking wisely with open eyes that something is very wrong there and abusive and dangerous

And many have been hurt there, so I am posting here, partly to see it in writing and free myself even greater from it and maybe to touch someone else who is reading this with the same issues

And struggles. Many, many read and do not post , because of fear. I understand. I have felt that before.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Ockham »

Good evening Justtruth,

Thanks for sharing. What you said doesn't depend upon an eccentric lady in Yelm, Washington or a 35,000 year old man from the Indus Valley. It is so wonderful to know that you are your own person and your truth is your own.

I would like to mention an a very well written article by Rick Martin from August 2000 that in Spectrum that looks carefully at RSE. http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 080100.PDF (See page 1, continued on pages 17-33). Be sure to check the list of references in the right hand column on page 24. You'll see some familar authors cited.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by freemysoul »

Thank you Ockham for putting that article back up. I know it is on here somewhere else, but this was a refreshing reminder. That article is one of the best and most accurate accounts I have read of RSE, overall I found it very accurate and unbiased. It is kind of dated, and it would be great if the media were to do a much more involved and intense expose' on RSE that covers the most current state of fear mongering and greed that has seemed to be in overdrive over the last five or six years thanks to JZ Knight's insatiable thirst for power and cash.
Also, I appreciate your posts Justtruth. It is great to hear that what you hold onto from your time there is such a positive thing as Love, and grateful that your life wasn't devastatingly altered like so many peoples have been. It sounds like you got out just in time. What a blessing to be able to take away from that experience something so positive.
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Re: Just need to say

Unread post by Justtruth »

Thank you Lost in Space, Ockham and free my soul for understanding that I am keeping what rings true in my heart and soul. I posted here in 2007 under the handle of Beautiful Mind and I had been gone 9 years ( from RSE) and I posted what I wanted to keep and I felt people jumped on me for that and I posted no more. We are all in different levels of healing and facing the truth of what we experienced, I think we should just listen more and give a person space as we do when someone is grieving a death or a breakup, sometimes even speaking to a person is the last thing a person needs, a hug is better or a warm meal or the company in silence.

Like the story of the little boy, who crawled into the lap of the old man who lost his wife and threw his arms around the man's neck and said nothing, but allowed him to cry.

I read a post here from Elizabeth Claire Prophet's son, regarding that his mother revealed to him that she had abused her power, but he was still looking to love her, that was beautiful to me.

As I will always cherish the moments and the truth and the beauty that I gained with Ramtha, real or not , though at this stage, I am starting to review all things I have been taught there

And addressing them as if I have a brand new life, because I do.

Posting this time, I do not feel guilty as I did the first time. I am also NOT afraid that ''Ramtha will bring me down" because the Ramtha that I first knew at first, real or not, would NOT be this character

that we are seeing now and the very skills that I learned in the beginning from him are THE VERY ONES THAT TELL ME SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT with this character we are seeing now.

If you are reading this, I know your pain, your anger, your loyalty, feelings of betrayal, confusion and fears and I have so much compassion for where you are, hugs to you all.
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