Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

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Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

Unread post by Vanilla »

I met someone the other night. A student. He had gotten so drunk he was stranded and had no ride home. Another student had punched him out for stealing wine from his house at a party. He was starting trouble at the bars. He was hit a few times by some bouncers. Also for flirting with a woman.

He arrived in Yelm a year ago. I am not blaming the school, but he is very close to living on the streets as an alcoholic beggar. I know people have problems when they come, RSE attracts alot of criminals and really sad people wanting to change..I know we can't blame the school, but I have heard and seen this more than a few times.

He begged me for a place to stay. I couldnt help him.. All his friends were kicking him out of their house.

But I remember when I first met him, we all had a beautiful dinner at his girlfriends house, he had just arrived. He lives and breathes the Ramtha education, says things like "dont create that reality, for me.." when told he must stop drinking. He texted me a week before there was a wine ceremony at the school. Like that was amazing or something. I cannot help him.
I am worried for him. I shouldnt. He used to have a girlfriend, a job and friends. Now he is a wine drunk and pipe tobacco smoker and annoys everyone with Ramtha-isms. He cant keep a job, only works with ramsters and they all had it with him.

I have another friend who spent 16 years in the school. He is jobless.

He cried to me. He was basic college educated, spent all these years and money in the school and cant even win in a casino.

I thought to myself: that people become lawyers in 4 years. They become rich, wealthy. If he chose to go to college, in those 16 years, for same cost-- he would be a professor, scientist or a forensic expert... he would now be rich.

People go to the school for years, and they are poor. They cant even go into a casino and win a jackpot. I thought for all the money they spent on the school-- they could have gone to an ivy league college for a year. Its so sad.

He unfortunately is getting into the doomsday business in Yelm, because thats the only thing thats making a killing and bringing Yelms economy up up up. But its not his passion at all.

DO any of you guys know dedicated students who became drunk or homeless? Because they thought the school would win them money at casinos or make them be gods and make things appear in front of them?
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

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The only rich students in Yelm, are the people associated with the running of it. At all the wine and music parties -you see the fabulous wealth...the big BBQs, the lavish dinners, yeah, of the RSE business. Not independent or hard work wealth. I heard how much Greg S gets paid. I know how much a month people get in checks who originally invested. Fabulous wealth can only be had working within the school. As teacher or employee. SO all you students who see these wealthy students, they work for JZ. Or they advertise them on stage or on the movie screens the doomsday businesses.

This paralegal once joked to me, "How can u tell a new student?"
The answer :
" They still have money!"

I didnt think it was true. Because I saw so much power, cliques and great clothes within the student structure.

And I had sooo much money. I kick myself for not saving it, or buying all those Ramtha cds. I lost it.

You only make money by working hard. Thats it. No magic is going to get you rich.
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

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Hi Vannila
Thank you for your posts,
I know we can't blame the school, but I have heard .....
Who is this "we" you are referring to?
I certainly blame JZ Knight also her RSE inner circle lapdogs for they are to blame for the deaths of hundreds of RSE students,
along with the RSE madness, chaos and destruction seeded into thousands of innocent lives over the past twenty years...
Interesting to note that the word BLAME soon disappears from an RSE member’s vocabulary and understanding!
How convenient and twisted for JZK/Ramtha to spout “there are no victim’s in this world”

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
Another Dimension60
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

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yes, Vanilla, there are now many more alcoholics in the greater Yelm area than prior to wine ceremonies. Omega was also a very significant factor in people losing everything -- quit their jobs, got into drinking wine, lost their property, and in one form or another are living off other people.
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

Unread post by Vanilla »

I know alot, alot of rse students..

whose teeth are black, from the months of wine binges. Rotten.

I also see most of them have either one of their two front teeth chipped from smoking pipes.

I have seen this alot. Only students.
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

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At the time my daughter got involved with Judy, my son-in-law was a successful veterinarian, looking forward to retirement. His big failing was that he "goes along to get along", so when she moved to Yelm, he was told if he wanted to "keep the family together", he had to sell his business and move there, also. His daughter, who was not swayed by the ramster BS, was dragged out there with them. His son, got involved when she took him out there and now, it seems has gotten into a lot of other wierd, crap.

They are going through the proceeds of the sale of his business, and he is working full time for other vets in the area (So much for retirement), but he has to "manifest" a living for them, as my daughter isn't going to work, and is sure his income is a manifestation of ramtha. I am quite sure they will die broke, since they are too old to start over when the money is gone and he can't work, anymore.

There is hope for the kids, as they are both doing well in school. Maybe they will take care of their parents, and won't follow my daughters example by saying my wife's Alzheimer's and my physical condition are the "reality" we created. I have a decent retirement income, and we can make it OK, as long as I can care for my wife, and then I guess it will be a nursing home for us.
Down with Judith Hampton Knight!
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

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that's a bummer. you invest in getting tools for a extra-un-ordenary life. than you go on extra events to get skilled in using them. you spend several hours on creating your day. focus several hours on fabulous wealth just to end up in the street with no money to take care of your teeth.
i once discussed with a guy how he earns his money. he traded something.so i asked him: how it works out for him. he told me that he made last month slamming 600$. so i asked him how much time he put in. he told me every day in the morning and the afternoon each about 1 hour. that's: 600/25/2=12$. i pointed out to him that he could flip burger or clean houses for this kind of income. he still was dreamy about the 'potential' of making the big bucks. than he additional admitted that he breaks only even in bad month and that he can loose his investment too. but then he stopped talking to me because i was too negative.
i too see that the only rich masters have there money from before coming to rse. or they make money in the rse system. mostly through scamming other ramsters [ug building, giving advice, realestate] or they earn theire money in rse itself. but i doubt that they make money in the lower ranks. and its a pretty afoul workplace [mobbing backstabbing]
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

Unread post by Vanilla »

Sad Grandfather, I read all your posts and I see wow, you really have the philosophy down pat. And you didnt pay a dime!

I have to tell you guys another thing. I do want to be fair though.

But I always had my doubts about the wine thing.
I was friends with someone in the school who everyone internationally knows by face, a sweet lady. When I first met her I noticed she had a few black and blue marks on her fingernails. Many months later I worked with her and I noticed her toes, some of them were black.

In some countries that is contagious, with bad immune systems. It wasnt a black and blue bruise. It was a fungal nail infection. YOu can try to put creams or take antibiotics, but it usually comes back because its a symptom of bad living.

Wine is bad news in your bloodstream if you drink bottles daily. Like I said, students I have seen up close, since I met them, teeth turn black, maybe they are dehydrated from all the alcohol, or dont brush.
Ramsters drink bottles of red wine daily. They go to wine clubs and make their own. If you have bad cheap wine at a party they will all let you know. They all bring bottles to each others homes.

Ramtha said wine had reservatrol which is good for you, maybe it does, or is another scam..but definitely not good to drink bottles everyday and lie about it, " Oh I drink with my food" " I just had a couple glasses" and then drive home.

NEWS: Ramster just got into a car crash last night. Just drove off the road and into the forest. I just got the text message.

Anyways back to this lady with black nails. It means fungus is in her blood. I looked on the internet. Lots of things to blame. But I think its personally that the yeast, candida is feeding off all the mycotoxins and yeast the wine has. Some breads give certain dogs yeast infections, it works like that. It feeds the yeast in your blood and too much and you have a fungal infection. Some with too much yeast in blood have things like ringworm and get sick easily.

In a immune system thats lowered, a bottle of wine can cause havoc that may take days to heal. Your body has to be alkaline and if acidic and you drink wine, well it creates housecleaners who eat the toxins the yeast gives off. They are posionous to you- if you are clean, so you begin to crave wine to feed the mycotoxins.

Like a drug addict, you have to be weaned slowly off wine. Or processed acidic food.

This is my opinion. What do you guys think about red wine as spiritual food everyday? Not good? To drop the veils, make you beautiful forever..what was the reservatrol ad say they gave out at the school? That James sold? What did it say?
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

Unread post by Justtruth »

Many people I know in the school have a problem with wine and they drink it everyday and one friend calls me when she is drunk, going on and on about how her veils are down and it is sad, she even got a DUI, but still has a problem.

Everyday is not in balance
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

Unread post by Vanilla »

Not to mention all the Ramtha school of enlightenment students all go to food banks.

They go to take all the bags of canned food, pastas, noodles, sugar, flour, etc for their food storage.

The Rainier Bank I was told is run by Ramtha students. I do not know if this is true.

Ramtha students go to food bank for their food storages..
Or.... are they just poor????
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

Unread post by ex »

no wine drinking culture gobbels down the wine like ramtha. hart problems might be lesser with wine drinking. but liver enlargements or liver problems are quite common in wine producing areas. if you drink red wine for health reasons its about a glass or half a glass never about getting one full glass down in the morning or being drunk everyday. also the cocktail from prosac and wine is a different story. as joe mentioned jz lakes more and more stile and elegance in her show. maybe the audience deteriogates and nobody recognized it.
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

Unread post by ex »

another thing about rse: so lets assume ramtha knows how the world goes with his superior knowledge. shouldn't there be an astonishing group of people around yelm who created a futuristic new kind of society? which is rely visible remarkable. i cant see it. there is only proof of a scam which as you point out creates a more miserable delusional sub culture.
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Re: Ramtha school of enlightenment creates poverty

Unread post by Vanilla »

Including the school, the average income of Yelm..is not even ''lower middle class!"
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