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Ug building gone bad

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:30 pm
by Vanilla
This story is about as nutty as the woman a few years ago who accused Ramtha students of remote viewing her gold,digging it up and stealing it. She went around angry, blaming, involving authorities. Who just laughed at her. But the damage was done to a few peoples reputations. I smile as I say this, because remote viewing gold is definitely something to do not think Ramsters can do. And a few people are labeled now as Thiefs in the eyes of the students.


Anyways, this hardcore Ramster couple hired UG builder to do a job. Their house was in foreclosure, they used money out of a trust or something, they werent supposed to touch. Wrote the guy a check for 20 grand. Well the trustee or bankrupcty people sued THE UG BUILDER to hand over the money. He did nothing, he was told not to do anything, by of course it looks like he is guilty. He now has judgment against him and somehow it raised to 70 grand . The couple went in hiding. But they go to events. Their property is visited all the time by people with court orders. They are hiding out. They have this sign on their fence telling people they will shoot who comes on their property.

Anyways, the couple hired another UG builder to cover the Ug. And this guy is doing the job, unknowing to this all.

And the couple are telling everyone, the first UG builder, was the guy RAMTHA spoke about at the last event, the bad ug builders who take advantage of ramsters!! I heard this story and I just reeled over. Its so freaky.

Everything is done off the books. Its a danger to everyone.


One guy got hurt on the job. He was paid cash for his work. He got injured, He went to see if he could get money from some government service, the authorities were made aware the business he worked for--- isnt even legal to work in the usa. Plus all the back taxes. Advice was to leave country.