From Virginia

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From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

Hello everyone. I have been referred to as “V.” I am the person who was blamed for James Flick and JZ Knight's break up—although, as we all know, you can’t break up a happy couple. I take responsibility for the justifications I made to myself regarding how I got involved in the situation. I want to share my story and then move on, as my life is wonderful now and I don’t feel the need to “rescue” or “enlighten” anyone who still attends RSE. Writing this gives me closure and explains things from my perspective.

I have been blatantly slandered by JZ for the last couple years and until now have not struck back; I have not publicly defended myself nor presented the facts that took place—I thought this would all just go away. Since JZ has decided to continue with her character assassination of me, years after-the-fact, I will now “speak my truth.” Since some of this happened quite some time ago I will do my best to put the events in chronological order and speak honestly about what transpired.

One day Robert Jones (Sir Robert) invited me to a poker game at his house; a mutual friend had told him that I liked poker. James was there. I was not initially impressed. James acted immature and unsophisticated. Later I was invited to the ranch to play. James seemed overly attentive and soon became flirtatious. I thought nothing of it since he was with JZ and I was still married. After months of this, while he was drunk at a game at someone else’s house, he said something that confirmed that his flirting was not imagined and that he was struggling with some feelings. We decided to be friends and make sure we didn’t cross the line.

Eventually, for my own reasons, my marriage ended (we had been having problems for some time). James and I continued to be friends. We would meet at poker tournaments and have coffee or a drink. One night after about a year of playing poker and being friends, we kissed. As far as his relationship with JZ, I got the story that they had drifted apart. I did believe he cared about JZ, but James told me that she was pretty smitten over Lars.

James related that JZ had come into the work-shop and asked him to clean it up (or something along that line) and he said “This is the only place that’s mine, you have the whole house, can’t I keep it the way I want?” She responded, “this isn’t yours either, it’s all mine.” It appeared that, after a twelve-year relationship, this was a sobering moment for James.

The next few months, we began spending increasing amounts of time together. I had feelings that were growing—but also mixed over his lack of ability to make any changes in his life while seemingly unhappy. At times I told him to go away and never text me or call me again. At times, I stopped going to the casino to meet up with him. I was really becoming fed up. Then, when we would talk, he sounded lost and I would feel bad knowing it was a tough spot to be in.

At this point it was getting painful, so I decided to stop seeing James (again). A girlfriend of mine was having a birthday and at the last minute had changed plans to go out of town, so I told her we could do a little something at my house. I thought it would be the two of us and a couple of her friends. She decided to invite 20 people (you just have to know her I guess). The worst part was one of the people she invited was James. He got there early and pulled me into a room. I said, “I did not invite you, (my friend) did.” I wanted to be clear. He kissed me and told me he was going to do something—that he had to do something. I honestly believed at that moment he was leaving JZ. Everything in what he was saying and doing told me he didn’t want us to be apart. He did mention that he “had to get through the (Whitewind Weaver) trial first”. Later that night when everyone left he stayed for awhile. I figured our being together was imminent. That was the first time we were really “together.”

The trial began where JZ sued Whitewind Weaver for “stealing” disciplines. James had been attending the trial daily. He told me other students were there for support, so one day I stopped in. On a break, James and I took off and went down to Olympia and walked the pier and talked. At this point I was a complete mess. I was so mad at him for not having had “the talk” with JZ and I was mad at myself for still talking to him. He seemed to be doing a lot of soul searching because of something that had just happened during the trial:

James told me that JZ was asked by the defendant’s attorney something similar to: “Did you ever channel Jesus?” James was perplexed over her answer. JZ said, under oath, “No.” Now many people remember the tape she marketed as “Jesus Speaks, JZ channels Jesus” (or something like that). It was represented as Jesus being channeled by JZ. The judge would not allow the tape to be introduced by the defendant. When James asked her later about her response in court, she said something to the effect, “Oh that silly thing, that was just me and some friends doing an acting (workshop or impromptu).“ James was pretty disturbed by this. I asked him, “Do you think she is a fraud?” He said very sincerely he didn’t know. He told me one time years ago a small group of friends asked her to imitate Ramtha. She did it so precisely that he said everyone just looked at each other speechless.

Later, a friend of JZs who had been at my friend’s birthday party had noticed an attraction between us and called me to ask if something was going on. I hesitated but told her yes and that it had just recently gotten physical (which was true) and that I expected he would be talking to JZ very soon. Of course very soon turned out to be weeks, but eventually he told JZ what was going on and he called to tell me he had his things with him. He told me he thought that he should stay with his sister to kind of buffer this for JZ and to give her time. That made sense to me.

After that he was being really covert. He was at my house quite a bit, he even had one room completely filled with his things, but then he went to his sisters to call JZ, or spend a night to make it look like he was staying there more than he was. When he started visiting JZ, she would pull out all the stops. She had “Ram” calling me a “succubus” and trashing me. James had apparently been “seduced.” By the time he/she was done, I swear James himself was convinced that the devil (me) made him do it. The big spin became “it was all about SEX!!” It was like the song in the musical Chicago “they both reached for the gun.” It became the community spin; JZ chants it and everyone repeats it:”it was all for the sex.” “He doesn’t love the other women…it’s just SEX!!!”

JZ started making appearances around town and drew crowds to tell her sob story and never failed to mention it was all about sex. Wow, we had been in a virtually non-physical relationship for a year. By the time the puppet master was done, everyone was convinced that James fell from grace because of a “succubus, whore”. James actually seemed to be buying it himself (yeah, I was seduced, that’s it!) Huh? However, we did continue the same routine, breaking up and then missing each other. I was hoping he was just temporarily panicking and that in time he would find some courage.

Then I received a phone call from Steve Klein who read a letter to me from JZ that was subsequently emailed to me as well. It informed me that I had been thrown out of school. Then it went on: “Congratulations you got your card you made it to the void, you stole my sweet man from me”. Getting thrown out of school hit me pretty hard. James was defensive of me for a short time, but not enough to skip his next event. He went and danced and partied. He could NOT handle not being accepted by that community. It was too much for him. Every time he was with me after that, I was pretty nasty. I called him weak, I called him a coward, I called him a liar. I was mad that he could continue to go back to the school I had been thrown out of and where I was being lied about by JZ.
The divide and conquer was working for JZ. Things weren’t going very well. I was stressed out and I was mad at “Ramtha.” After all I believed it to be “Ramtha’s” School of Enlightenment, not JZ’s School of Enlightenment. I thought JZ was some kind of strong spiritual woman and then I found out just how despicable she was. Everyone was falling off the pedestal. James came over one night just prior to our final break up and he was sitting on the couch with me. We were kissing a little because I was so upset about everything going on, but we were breaking up. I was mostly upset that he was falling for her crap. I now understand that the pressure was enormous. JZ had already started the character assassination on both of us. Also you have to remember that James has spent half his life as a student of the “Ram” and there is no easy way to come out of that.

I thought I heard some footsteps on my porch. I dismissed it as it was probably my mom (who lives just down the road and is always dropping stuff off). I figured she was on her way to visit, saw us and left. Next thing I know, James is getting a series of text-messages from JZ calling me the “Devils whore” and he is the “devil “and calling me so many disgusting vulgar names that I really can’t even write them. And it went on and on and on and on. JZ sent pictures of my house to prove she had been there. She was out of her mind. None of that really bothered me too much when I considered she was human and hurting, but when the texts got incredibly religious, I was disturbed. It was like the worst fire and brimstone you could ever imagine; against EVERYTHING we have been taught. I wish I could remember it all but at some point, I remember saying to James, “I don’t want to see anymore of this, she’s just sick.” It was however added to my ever growing doubt that “Ramtha” existed.

It gets even more disturbing; After that incident, JZ told friends close to her (which got right back to me and James of course) that while at my house “Ram” showed her what James was really like by showing him having anal sex with me. WHAT????? We were kissing on the couch with my daughter running around us. James was furious but still not enough. He just told her she needed to get a hold of herself and stop the (b.s.).

When James first left her, she called all the poker players and tore them up. She had some of them in tears. “I am the channel, how could you not tell me.” So, why didn’t RAMTHA tell her? I don’t know, but “he” sure tore into everyone who didn’t tell her at the next event. The reason was, there hadn’t been anything to tell- no affair, no relationship until right at the end about a month before he left. What were they supposed to say exactly? James and I watched the live-stream in horror as “Ram” tried to get Steve Carlton (who has a girlfriend or wife, not sure) to go out with JZ. It was like she was embarrassing herself more and more. Then he/she yelled to certain people “Why didn’t you tell your channel?” ?????

Eventually it all calmed down. I was really wrecked about how someone I had cared about and coddled and waited for so long could throw me under the bus and run. I’m not sure how coincidental it was, but one week after I told him I was going broke and might lose my house, he took the rest of his stuff. Yes—good riddance but it was tough, because of where I was at the time: I had lost my school, many of my “friends,” my health (I got down to 98 lbs), my business, and James was at the ranch partying. Wow.

After about a year (I saved my house and was feeling well), I wanted to go back to the ranch. I called Steve Klein when I was ready and was told JZ said okay. I guess, since James was already on to someone else, she didn’t care if I was there or not as long as I paid. I think I just wanted to walk in with my head held high after all the lies and nonsense. I just wanted to go look at my “teacher” again to see if there really was a purpose to it all and if it was all some master plan for growth. I only went a couple of times and then said to myself: if it’s a fraud why go, if not Ram is with me. So I quit the school without fanfare.

I am now happier than I have ever been with a beautiful man of integrity, courage, class, and unconditional love, a person who has never attended RSE but who could teach them a lot over there. So why am I finally speaking out?
At this last event my mother had to be the one to tell me that “Ram” had referred to me as a “whore” about three times. “He” had gotten done singing JZs praises for some ridiculous length of time and then of course had to insult James again and then said (it varies slightly as to who was telling me what happened) “and he left (JZ) for a whore”... or a “f—ing whore.” Luckily, at this point in my life I am in such a great place that I was mad, but surprisingly grateful, for I finally have closure to the question of “Ram” and I finally feel completely free. Now we all know that JZ Knight has stolen about every man she has been with from someone else, and cheated on at least three, that I know about (the dentist, Jeff Knight and JO). We all know she has been trying to steal Lars from Janine. We all know she sells spirituality for money—but I’m the whore. Okay.

“Ram” came clean about JZ hitting on Lars after all tongues were already wagging. Janine, Lars’s wife, has always been kind and has always taken people at their worst and embraced them. She has always been a friend to JZ and this is what she got. Of course “Ram” will bail JZ out with talking about JZ's and Roses' past lives and how they are meant to be together—that’s of course if JZ thinks she can get him. I figure she isn’t succeeding and since she can’t just get anything she wants anymore, she is throwing a public tantrum through “Ram”. The worst part about the “whore” reference was how many times “Ram” has said that the church made women out to be whores. Women are degraded—on and on. Somehow as the frog slowly boils, no one has seemed to realize how disgustingly judgmental JZSE has become.

Why did I stay so long? We all know the major messages:
1) If you leave you are a “victim” or “unwilling to change”
2) If “Ram” does or says anything judgmental, unloving, contradictory or horrible, he has “a mind we can’t understand and it’s all purposeful.”
3) Many of us truly do believe in a lot of the information that came out of the school. Of course the more I study, the more I realize it was information that was already out there some almost verbatim.

A few years ago, many of you asked to hear from me. I was in a horrible place, but I felt that no matter how sick JZ was acting she is a “human.” I will say that if she had just been nasty to me privately, this would have remained private. To continue at this point to slander me in my community through “Ram” shows her ever-growing frustration over where her actions have landed her in life. I don’t think any of us can really have an impact on the students at RSE. Everyone will drink the Kool-Aide until it just doesn’t taste right anymore. I still have great friends and family in school that I love. I expect I will lose some or many after this. Each time I go through something difficult the quality of my friends increases, so, as I see it, I have nothing to lose.

For now, I am free at last, and I’m sure, as time passes, it will become more and more clear to most everyone who and what JZ really is. Until then we all should just enjoy the freedom and the wonderful life we have and thank our lucky stars to be away from the never ending contradictions and hypocrisy of Judith Darlene Hampton Zebra Knight.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Rooster »

Thank you, Virginia for your courage to post your experience. It sounds as if you were just on J.Z's dirt list.
Sorry you had to go through that. I too used to think she was a spiritual mature women. I was terribly disapointed with the few contacts I had. I found her to be rather self centered, rude and belittleing. I am sure others will be most interested in reading your story. I am glad your life is now happy and free!
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Vanilla »

Hi Virginia. How are you doing after your post?

Dont feel like you are a scandalized as an "other woman" .. or like delilah or Jezebel whatever...This negative opinion of you, was from a woman, JZ, who cheated on her husband with a homosexual, confused cowboy, she tried to turn while she was married.., and stole James from one of her girlfriends.Jz is a woman who sleeps with Lars after marrying him off to another one of her friends. ( I think for blackmail- assuring loyalty)

Basically, KEEP YOUR MAN AWAY FROM JZ...and ew who would want him after that anyways.. thats the ultimate "mommy's boy". I would not want to date someone who was a boy toy for an older woman. Obviously for her money and prestige. Thats the ultimate gold digger. What good could he have done for you?

I heard that JZ heard James was going to write a tell all so Ramtha got on stage and confessed all of Jz knights dirty secrets, stupid he couldnt do it..did you ever hear about this?

Was James a nice or bad lover? I would think he is terrible.

You are right. JZ or "Ram" tells people how this world talks about how unfair we all are to women. But its being a hypocrite to call you a whore. Please, you make James look so good. James obviously wanted you. He didnt want JZ. He did this in her own house. He did not respect her. Why she should be mad at you? Men who are superficial to begin with...they dont want a woman to be richer than they are. They secretly resent it and rebel.

You caught in the middle.James using her money to be with you. That is really rebellion. Jz should be mad at herself for picking such an idiot.

So Ramtha came clean about Lars? What did Ramtha say? --In defense of his channel being "adulterous"---when you know good and well Ramtha CRUCIFIES people publicly for cheating.

Its just not fair. I just want to point this out. That JZ points fingers at you. Look at her history.

Anyways, what other signs have you seen "Ramtha" as totally fake. What else did your mom say. Is your mom siding with you?
Do you believe Ramtha is fake, or that the old was real and the new is fake, like so many these days say.

I am so sorry. And I once believed in the Ram, loved him as a father. But I never went back after I was humiliated. People who love Ramtha and donate money, have been outcast for no reason, and their lives ruined and alcoholic wine drunks now.

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND THIS IS NOT PART OF YOUR FUTURE ANYMORE- say hello to money again and being wonderful.

"Ramtha" is not to be trusted.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by ex »

congratulation virgina for your new relationship, for your freedom and for loosing false friends. in my book, if you can throw a 35 000 year old warrior off, that he goes for slander and getting upset, you r the greater person. well we know that 'he' is just a construct of jz to enlighten her followers pockets.
thanks for this post. sadly however outrages jz behaves it doesen't relay open eyes of the still rse involved students. the ones willing using their own critical mind find help in your story to see trough the charade. all the best.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Carol »

Hello Virginia
I was saddened to read how jzr had demonized you to a captive audience with the intent of casting you out, I am sure to anyone who possessed even a small proportion of critical thinking the toxic version of events jzr delivered all directed at you and designed to send you over the edge, would have sent out an enormous red flag, who knows how many freed themselves from a soul destroying cult thanks to you and your fortitude to let it be, honour is a gift you give to yourself.

I am so thankful to you for finally exposing the true version of what really happened, that takes true courage, you have strengthened my resolve, the more I read of others experiences especially those within the inner circle, the more my of my critical mind is restored. When you told James he was a weak coward and a liar, I think you called him out on who he was and I do believe that jzr is descending into complete madness. I am thrilled that you have found true love at last and I loved your statement: I AM FREE AT LAST, to me and many on this site you are an inspiration, keep on thinking free
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Re: From Virginia

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I was saddened to read how jzr had demonized you to a captive audience with the intent of casting you out, I am sure to anyone who possessed even a small proportion of critical thinking the toxic version of events jzr delivered all directed at you and designed to send you over the edge, would have sent out an enormous red flag, who knows how many freed themselves from a soul destroying cult thanks to you and your fortitude to let it be, honour is a gift you give to yourself.
Well spoken to the truth outonalimb thank you everyone for your posts.
Cult leadership is feared. To disagree with leadership is the same as disagreeing with God. The cult leaders will claim to have direct authority from God to control almost all aspects of your life. If the cult is not a religious group then questioning the leaders or program will still be seen as a sign of rebellion and stupidity.
Guilt, Character Assassination and Breaking Sessions. Guilt will be used to control you.

Character Assassination is used to help create the guilt in you. Character Assassination is a type of false reasoning used by people and groups who have no real arguments. The technical name for Character Assassination is "The Ad hominem Fallacy"
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Dove »

Hello Virginia

I am in awe of your courage and dignity for sharing the true account of your horrific experience with JZ Knight. I was helped greatly too by reading others experiences when I was having severe doubts, I am so grateful to you (as this cannot have been easy). Please know you will be helping many others if & when they are ready to face the truth.

It was early 2009 that I really started to see the true JZ Knight aka Ramtha partly due to the red flags so blatantly flying after JZ & James Flick broke up. My first Blue College was that year which I believe was the first event James Flick attended after he had left JZ. The students roared with enthusiasm when he stood up in the arena, obviously pleased he was back. This must have really annoyed JZ, as the Ramtha character then began to verbally assassinate the “master builders of the tank” over & over again – it really got boring. It’s so obvious to me now, this was an indirect way to humiliate James (a master builder of course) without naming him directly. Ramtha insisted “the master builders were 1st seal males who helped women in the tank if they are pretty or sexy”. I later realized this really translated to “if any of you thought James was more evolved (4th seal Blue Body perhaps) then no no no he is a 1st seal male who is obsessed with sex. Yes we got the message loud & untrue :roll: One brave soul shouted back at Ramtha in their defence when the abuse happened once too often & JZ as Ramtha said he/she was saying all this because he loves them. :roll: How noble.

It’s astounding to me that more RSE followers don’t ask the question:
Why would a "supposed" enlightened being care so much about JZ’s love/sex life, her agenda (romantic/political/financial)???.
Why is any person JZ is opposing always the enemy with big Ram Daddy backing her up abusing the perceived enemies publicly & childishly??? (eg. Joe Dispenza).
Why did we all have to sit for hours listening to the dribble of how wonderful JZ is, how humble she is, how she is the only one impeccable enough for the job of channeling??? Yet the way she lives her life appears to be far from impeccable.

I am absolutely disgusted that JZ has been having temper tantrums through her Ramtha character & has been abusing you publicly for years in front of your mother and family. I met your mother in Yelm and found her to be a very sweet, gentle woman. How horrible this must have been for her.
James told me that JZ was asked by the defendant’s attorney something similar to: “Did you ever channel Jesus?” James was perplexed over her answer. JZ said, under oath, “No.” Now many people remember the tape she marketed as “Jesus Speaks, JZ channels Jesus” (or something like that). It was represented as Jesus being channeled by JZ. The judge would not allow the tape to be introduced by the defendant. When James asked her later about her response in court, she said something to the effect, “Oh that silly thing, that was just me and some friends doing an acting (workshop or impromptu).“ James was pretty disturbed by this. I asked him, “Do you think she is a fraud?” He said very sincerely he didn’t know. He told me one time years ago a small group of friends asked her to imitate Ramtha. She did it so precisely that he said everyone just looked at each other speechless.
Thank you for mentioning this – it is so important for all to see.

Congrats on your wonderful life now – wishing you the best that life can offer :D
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Robair »

Hello Everyone

To Virginia,
First I would like to let you know what you have done with your letter is very courageous not too many people are willing to come out and tell their stories about this crooked 9 facelifts Rapist of mind and soul, you may recieve some kick back from one of the Three Stooges,(Steve, Greg, and Mike.) I know that you might be worried about the so call RSE non Disclosure paper you have signed, I do think that they are worthless piece of paper and even more in your case, the disclosure papers that everyone sign at RSE are signed under Duress that if you don’t sign it you do not get the so call teaching (see what you are missing the Flashlight Teaching ) they are intended to protect RSE INC’s trademarks like all the disciplines, Books an stuff like that, but never was indended to stop someone to talk and write about their personal experience with the Cult leader and her former Boy Toy , so whatever the JZ Knight cohorts may be trying to do it is nothing more than mind games which is one of the Corner stones of the school Mind Control, they are expert at it. The best they can do is to try to scare everyone who would like to come out and tell their stories and the truth about this Crooked Corporation hoping that they will not check on the legality of this worthless paper. Steve Klien like all others that are or have been close to JZ Knight know very well that it is all a scam and that there was never an entity call Ramtha,( Point in Case they wont take us to (EMF) court) It is a Scam pure and simple. Steve is nothing but a low life helping JZ rip people off, there are no others names for guys like him. They should be held responsible at the same level as The Charlatan they are working for.
Virginia you were able to start a new life, something guys like Klein and the others two stooges cannot do, they are all too old now to start all over again, they are at JZ Knights control and mercy and are completely owned by her. They are not men. They are nothing more muppets under a Drunk Master manipulator. EMF will stand with you whatever these Crooks will try to come up with.
Again, thank you for posting your story it will help countless of people.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

Thank you all for your letters. I would like to respond to a couple of points:

1- I have no evidence of an actual "affair" between Lars and JZ. I do know she was trying to seduce him, but I would never want to suggest that she succeeded. I guess it's difficult for me to believe that Lars would do that. Maybe I just have a soft spot for Lars since during this whole original attack he was the only one that stood up to her. He told her she shouldn't have thrown me out of school, why not throw James out..he challenged Ramtha one evening up at the house. "Why is the student not in school" From what I understand "Ramtha" freaked out on him yelling "how dare you question me?". I guess JZ hated the object of her affection defending me.

2- I believe that Steve Klein believes that JZ is Ramtha. To that end, he may have operated in aggressive ways to protect JZ but personally the only thing I feel I can accuse him of is not backing her off when I know he thinks she is crossing the line. I felt he was truly embarrassed the night he called to throw me out of school. If he is starting any posturing at this point, when he personally knows the truth of my post than I would be very surprised. However, I may find out that you are right and I am still deluded as the the basic decency of people.

3 - I am unconcerned about JZ taking any action against ME for many reasons. One, what I have written is true. Two, the counter suit will be much more detrimental as she will have to prove that "Ram" slandered me, not her..yeah I'm sure the court will buy that one, three she can't legitimize "ramtha" through test results that do not exist. The one report that does exist doesn't confirm or deny anything and was taken by one of those "ghost buster" type guys, the women whose name is on the study doesn't have any confirmation of any test results that support JZs claims and the third guy she says saw her pulse go down and then raced while channeling has been convicted of felony fraud and rape and to my knowledge never wrote a report anyway. The fact she paid these people to come out undermines the basics of "independent scientific study". And FYI it was NOT Stanford that sent these people out. It amazes me that she lies about things so easily checked and that one one checks them. As for the other so called "scholars" that she lists that have purportedly "studied her" -they have interesting credentials and were basically stopping in to listen and write a paper on this or that but none of them where there to prove her legitimacy. The way she markets it you would think a panel of experts agree...NOPE. She has NOTHING to gain and EVERYTHING to lose. I will be the one that triumphs. She is lucky that I have a life and I am too busy to sue HER. If her lawyer has a brain in his head he will tell her not to touch this one with a ten foot pole. However you can't reason with crazy and is she is arrogant enough to come after me she will lose.

4 - I understand the frustration of EMF bloggers however... I feel as long as people believe she is really channeling they can't be attacked. However if someone were to know the truth and support her anyway that would be despicable. I have seen the light on JZ but I am not willing to attack anyone else without first hand knowledge that they know she is a fraud and protect her anyway. We need to put the focus where it belongs...JZ is the one perpetuating a fraud. The people paid to protect her seem irrelevant to me. If they are puppets she is the one pulling the strings.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Vanilla »


I actually want you to know your post went viral. I didnt do it of course. But I got copies of it in my email and people are talking about it. Your post created a...I dont want to swear but a "s--t fight"..everybody sent it around.

I heard from students who believe in the Ram, who love him, still donate money, go to events, that what you wrote is true. They know people who were witness or who were at the poker table, they couldn't deny it. The look on their faces! Like fear for thinking that. Nobody wants to say anything but they said it ..Even though they love JZ , they believe your story.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Ockham »

Hello Virgina,

This is an awesome series of posts! Thanks for mustering the fortitude to share your experiences.

It is quite apparent there is a lot of worldly politics and much that falls short of enlightenment and impeccable behavior on the part of Judy Knight and company. That the enlightened entity is rooting around getting its nose dirty picking sides in base worldly affairs makes no sense. That pretty much puts a lock on the fact that, 'Ramtha,' is nothing more that Judy Knight's alter ego and not an independent entity.

Virginia, you are really in the power position as the other woman. You are completely within your rights to spend as little or as much time with James doing whatever you see fit. Assuming James and Judy are legally married, Judy has some legal rights and might be able to sue James over his alleged marital infidelity. That is strictly between Judy and James. No doubt Judy also knows what I just wrote, and it drives her crazy that you hold the power. It is good to see Judy Knight come unhinged, it couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

I don't live in Washington and I am not an attorney. As such, I am not qualified to give specific legal advice. To me, the behavior of Judy Knight that you describe, Virginia, is way over the line. Judy Knight or somebody at the behest of Judy Knight was trespassing outside your home. Idle threat text messages and the photo snapped of your home are very concrete evidence. I wish you had been of the mindset to go after Judy at the time of the incident, because Judy gave you a pretty good smoking gun. The origin of the phone harassment was certainly traceable at the time. In my home state, I think you could easily have filed menacing - stalking charges against Judy and received a restraining order. That you are a female is an aggravating factor. Menacing - stalking, where I live, is a third degree felony and punishable with both fines and jail time. You deserve the right to be safe and secure in your own home and not have to worry about a deranged woman thinking she's channeling a 35,000 year old god crashing through your door.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by ex »

just to throw this in: if some thinks there is paranoia involved by feeling threatened from jz. that is absolutely wrong. i heard it with my own ears on a wine ceremony how she sends out her goons, later i got it confirmed from the harassed person and i could put 1+1 together.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Vanilla »

Ex, can u explain? Who was this harassed person and what did you hear at wine ceremony?What happened and why? Who told you she sends out goons?
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Robair »

Hello Everyone.
Sorry to late responding.
To V
Thank you for the respond. I do understand to a certain degree your unique situation, you have been close to many of JZ’s Generals I am sure you have developed a close relationship with some of them.
My Point is very simple and come from plain common sense, remember that as long as Glen was in the school and close to JZ no one would have think that he did not believe that Ramtha existed and new that she was a fake, he said many times that if you know JZ you know Ramtha do not exist, for whatever reason or justification he used he played along with the whole Charade. My point and it is not at all met to convince you, is using just plain common sense is clear to me that anyone that have been very close to JZ has to know that something is not right whatever their excuse, reason, or justification is, it is theirs Steve, Greg, and Mike Knows what glen knew. Even though we all know that JZ is a very smart woman, she cannot keep this Charade going without any help, no matter how you slice it, someone is helping. Steve, Greg and Mike like many others have no were to go, like I said they are stuck in that vicious circle, it has been too long for them to get back into the work place too long for coming out and tell their stories, even though they are welcome on EMF anytime. They have probably signed very specific Non Disclosure agreement scaring them to ever think that they could get away without facing JZ Lawyers. I am sure they have seen much more then you and all of us ever did, also not like anyone else in the school they make money with this Scam, they had invested in RSE International and got money out of this scam, many of them are living a very good life, James still part of RSE but not even sure if he still in the school. I do not think much of him either.
Many would like to portrait me as an angry man, Myself not like most of RSE students do have a L.A.R.S.E. My wife would like nothing better then for me to let all of that go, We have a very comfortable life, I do not do that because I have too I do it because for what I know, I hate to see people getting hurt and scam by a bunch of crooks,. There is lot of thing in the World I cannot do anything about, but I know I can do something about those scammers and make a difference, I have friends still stuck in that scams some don’t talk to me anymore and some don’t even know that I am one behind EMF, they are too brainwashed that we are all devils :evil: or angry (disgruntled) people by this bunch of Crooks . You cannot be gentle with Crooks you have to call them for who they are,. What kind of people are they anyway that see from close what JZ does and has been doing for the last 30 years and just do not do anything about what going on, These People got to be Narcissist, sociopath, they sees and know the same things that we all do, people leaving their family, leaving their lives behind, leaving their Countries, wasting their life saving making those Crooks richer, people are dying refusing to seek medical help, Becoming alcoholic, exposing their children to drinking, smoking, and sex, and some want to call me angry and would like for me to be gentle or perhaps gone all together, good luck. I call S. M. G. the three stooges ((Somebody who is exploited by others, especially somebody used by criminals in committing their crimes)) That is why I call them that, and that being Gentle on my part. No amount of people hiding behind an agenda will stop me. Politically Correct I am Not.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Rooster »

Thank you, Robair! I am so happy you and others keep EMF going. I know this is for Virginas response. we are with you and I am so happy for this site and for the same reasons!!! I love your post!!!!
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

I think its funny that everyone believes we're "angry" people. I have never been so happy to have gotten out of that cesspool. I mean we aren't the ones afraid to leave town because "the big one" might come..we aren't jumping into holes in the ground. We aren't paying JZ to defecate on us under the guise of "learning how to detach".

I love how she accuses every man of masturbating (wow what a guess) "boy that Ramtha must be real, he knew I masturbated!". Or when "ramtha" calls people out on stuff she heard through the grapevine. James told me that JZ didn't do disciplines, she watched tv all the time. I love when she plays a discovery channel show at the ranch to validate what "ramtha" had said, meanwhile that is precisely where "ramtha" got the information in the first place. I had a friend from "school" tell me that maybe my personality had to learn to get past slander. :shock: Is there no end to the justifications over there? I don't blame the "students" for trying to find the meaning of life and trying to grow. We were all suckered at one point..we were all looking for a alternative to the dogma of religion. However, we all dismissed so much because we didn't want to believe we had been such fools. :oops: So if there is any anger at all its just at myself for looking past so much but let's face it, the music was really good over there. :roll:

I haven't lost my sense of humor. I was one of the few people in the world that got thrown out of a cult...that's funny stuff...then I went back and paid her again..then the all-loving "ramtha" called me a "whore"..that is hilarious! I mean I have Judy Darlene so pissed that she is making mistakes like that. I can't wait for how she spins all this. Grab your popcorn and watch the master manipulator at work. C'mon this is good stuff. If anyone here is angry over the financial losses, the loss of family, the loss of years of worry about the end of times then consider this, people this horrible always get theirs. It's not a matter of if, its a matter of when.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Carol »

I haven't lost my sense of humor. I was one of the few people in the world that got thrown out of a cult...that's funny stuff...
I love it, the ability to laugh at the insanity of it all is a sure sign that you've taken your power back, yeah jzkr stick that in yer pipe and smoke it
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by joe sz »

I was one of the few people in the world that got thrown out of a cult...that's funny stuff...then I went back and paid her again..then the all-loving "ramtha" called me a "whore"..

not unusual for devotees to be kicked out of cults. Here is a list of reasons:
1. mental illness
2. dare to question leader
3. leader notices that devotee has "too much power"
4. no more money
5. more loyal to wife or children
6. honoring other teachings

also, not unusual for kicked out members to grovel to come back, then be treated like crap, starting all over again as a "novice". One cult leader, Fred 'Zen Master Rama' Lenz kicked out @500 members in late 1980s for no other reason that he thought they were practicing "black magic" against him or not ponying up enough money.
CUT leaders often kicked members out for all of the above reasons, hundreds of them over the years.

The list is longer for this kind of behavior by cult leaders.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

So now JZ Knight is reaching out to the "folkies" and actually talking with the "nobody's" for the first time on Facebook. It must really hurt to have to eat so much humble pie after she knows that everyone is finding out what a fraud she is. Damage control..cute idea. "Oh my heck" what a bunch of crap. Maybe she can find a picture of herself with a halo.

Let me remind the folkies that there is NO scientific test that proves she is not a fraud. NONE and now she knows that we know and boy what is she going to do to keep them faithful. I guess an imminent new scare is on its way.

The stench of desperation is in the air. :oops:
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Carol »

Hi Virginia, it would seem you can now read old jzr like a book, sadly she appears to be a work of fiction, with a re-ocurring theme, no heroes and a crap ending.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

It appears I have been "unfriended" by JZ on Facebook. :sad:
JZ, I think you kind of unfriended me when you lied and told everyone you saw me having anal sex with your boy toy... By the way, why are you still so upset with me? I mean haven't you been able to buy anyone new by now? I hope for all of our sakes that you get someone soon before those poor folkies have to hear another three hour commercial about your virtues from rambles. Here I've written a personal ad for you to help you out:

Sociopath female searching for ANOTHER soul mate
heterosexual, bisexual, gay, married, anything male
must know how to carry luggage and walk dogs
must look pretty and have barely reached puberty
must read well enough to sign their name to a non-disclosure agreement, but not so well that he can make out my reading material at night
My hobbies include pretending to channel, shopping, watching people garden and watching people cook.
I train people and love dogs, wait I mean I love dogs and train people, no no no (oh my heck)..I LOVE PEOPLE and train dogs..that's it!!
Please enclose a picture of you (and your wife/husband/life partner if you have one) and sign the attached letter from my attorney.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Dove »

:lol: :lol: :lol: Touche :mrgreen:
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by WofthesunEofthemoon »

:lol: :lol: :evil: Brilliant!!
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

I was reminded today that JZ has had a chat on her blog for some time, so I stand corrected. I will not purposely mislead anyone and if I find I am in error I will always correct it immediately. So, I apologize, JZ showing up on Facebook being as sweet as possible must have been a complete coincidence to these recent chain of events. The fact that I was "unfriended" proves one of two things however: JZ or her staff is monitoring this site or my facebook. Yet, I don't want to make this about me..there are many others bailing on the school and waking up and people are coming out of the closest to speak about the experiences that showed them she was a fraud. The more I have been hearing the more sad I am that we all were so gullible and the more joyful I am to be free. I am pleasantly surprised to find that many of my friends were already out and afraid to talk about it. Someone asked me, "Why not just let it go and walk off into the sunset?" I think I would have if it was just about me. I am someone's fiancee, I am someone's mother and being slandered effects them in this community as well which is what upset me the most initially. Then after posting my story I was going to be finished with this. What happened next was a surprise. People privately contacting me to thank me for helping them see even more and helping them really shake off their lingering doubts about her legitimacy. I don't feel narcissistic enough to feel it is my job to save anyone however I believe that once you believe one hundred percent that something is a fraud you have a certain responsibility to share. We didn't just go to a seminar we didn't like, many of us lived for twenty years with a knot in our stomach about earth changes or that we wouldn't be ready to ascend or stop a wave. We have all had major lifestyle changes due to the fraudulent information we were given regarding her "scientific studies"...and other major lies. If JZ had never made false claims and just hosted a spiritual seminar delivered by HER and I didn't like it, then I would have said "hey I paid for it my bad". However she has lied about everything and misrepresented and committed a huge fraud. The ramsters are always very happy when whistle-blowers of industry come out but I'm supposed to shut up and walk away. No, a con is con, misrepresentation is misrepresentation and I would always speak up about fraud whether it be in business or in a so-called school or anywhere. I will not be silenced. It is America and at least for now we are still allowed to voice opinions and post contradictions.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Sad Grandfather »

Way to go!
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Down with Judith Hampton Knight!
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by ex »

we all had our little voice in the back of our heads which tried to warn us. or at least told us when its time to leave. through the rse structure and our fellow students we override that far too long. in rse we seemed to know that we r on our way to greatness . leaving the lost flock means we have to find our way alone. with people like you we know we leave and find our own road, and we r not alone. with people who speak up we see that the rse mindset is not a big accomplishment. there r more who left than stayed. they should not be asked to leave in silence and not voice their opinions. jzrs opinions which she feeds us in her audiences as superior to ours have no more weight than our own. the important thing is that we make up our minds and be well informed for that.
thanks for speaking up.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

To all my EMF friends. Please enjoy and feel free to share:
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

My friend just sent this article and I think it is exact in its description of Judy.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Carol »

Hi Virginia,
Wow!!!!!!! such an accurate description, its jzk alright, in every sentence, I am no longer in any doubt as to who she really is and what her intent and hidden agenda would be, thankyou so much, I now know who I gave my power too for all those years. To think that I was so deluded that I tried to emulate such a horrible specimen of humanity. The EMF message board is such an empowering lifeline and I am certain that without it I would have been completely out on a limb, every day I read my way through wonderful posts which is ultimately setting me free.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by tree »

Dear Virginia-

Thank you for writing your experience and story.

I have been on a long trip without access to the internet and upon returning, decided to check the EMF site out.

I have to say, for the first 3 1/2 years out of the school, I felt that I was in the only "unique" position. I have suffered tremendous pain and disillusionment; I have felt pretty much alone in my exit.

Now, with your story and its presentation, I feel another step closer to being healed.

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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by tree »

I know that Steve Klein is working on something, I dont if is against you, a friend of me send a E mail about your letter to Steve and he answered that they are working on something, so be ready if something show up.
jz does love the drama.

waiting with popcorn.....
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Kelku »


Must be a long term project since V.'s letter dates back to March. ;-)

Join you with the popcorn, Tree.
“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.”
- Sophocles
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Ockham »

Good luck to Judy. Judy's a one trick pony and that one trick Judy knows is lawyering up. Too bad for Judy that there's no law to allow for suing over feeling annoyed.

Bring on the popcorn! So be it.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

Well I have been so busy with this election I didn't hear my ears ringing.

Welcome NACHOMAN!!!! I am so happy if what I wrote helped you in some way. Fear not for me my friend, I have the truth on my side and I will be quite happy to get my day in court. Right now Judy has much bigger fish to fry. If Andrew Barkis or Karen Rogers or both with this election they are going to do whatever they can to shut her down. The authorities in this town have seen David's video and are horrified by it. Most people don't take kindly to children being duct taped, corrupt commissioners, and lunatic cult leaders. If JZ thought she had gained any credibility over the years it's over now. She is, as always, the joke of this community.
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Re: From Virginia

Unread post by Virginia »

To the rest of you, thank you so much for your support. Yes, roast some popcorn and have a seat. You are going to want a front row! 8)
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