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Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 7:14 am
by joe sz
tis is a blog by someone [lindsbo] that lives in Olympia area from 2009 that has a video of jz/r expounding on emotion, ten commandments, etc while smoking a pipe. ... -best.html

I may be recycling this video but the 'pseudo-accent' JZ uses reverts to JZ speak often. If you look close, JZ gets quite nervous when addressing the 10 Commandments and makes some stupid errors of fact. she treats the lame interviewer like a cat does a mouse, waiting to pounce at any move. jz treats rthe 10 Commandments as they were designed to squelch emotion or expression thereof.
one quote re our addiction to emotion:
"You can't cure an addict until you give an addict everything they want abd want no more..."
this is entirely similar to what Rajneesh taught: In order to overcome anything you must go into it first until the desire is completely satisfied, then you can be rid of it.....

It is also a parody of 19th Cent. Romantic philosophy that held that we need to immerse ourselves into life with abandon, break the rules, in order to experience life fully.
or is that FOOLY :lol: :?:


Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 5:17 pm
by Ockham
That's a good one Joe!

The video linked in the blog must be out takes from the What the (bleep) movie. It looks like Judy Kngiht has on the same outfit as in the movie, and not quite as much plastic surgery as she has now.

I like the way when Judy's smoking her Ramtha pipe and talking and playing with the pipe that Judy forgets to do the Ramtha accent, and she's just talking in the Judy voice but saying Ramtha stuff.

What JZ/R has to say regarding text from the Bible is just plain stupid. If I understand the double talk, she's suggesting we have to experience emotions/addictions/whatever completely before we can let go of them. That's pretty much what the What the (bleep) movie is portraying in the scene wilth the dancing molecules followed by Matie Matlin paintng henna webs on herself. It doesn't take too many neurons to figure out that logic is nonsense. Go contract HIV/AIDS so you can experience it fully, then let go (by being dead)? Or, go shoot somebody so you can let go of feeling what it feels like to shoot somebody? (You'll get a lot of time by yourself in jail to think about that one). I don't think Judy thought it through that far; she was just giving ramsters a ticket to rationalize off whatever miscreant behavior they feel like doing: Soemthing that everybody would like to hear. Like, say for instance, Judy getting falling down drunk at RSE events. No problem Judy, that's just getting ready to let go.


Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 7:36 pm
by joe sz
good points O..

of course, on second thought...a dangerous proposition in Ramthaland to have 'second thoughts'...any extreme or indulgent behavior creates the opposite effect desired unless it is truly regulated [religious]. eg, one can have the emotion to play piano and start pounding the keys until her fingers bleed yet end with mere noise, but the result will be much better if one takes lessons over time, practices hard according to the science and history of music, and then and then only can one really let loose and actually be FREE to play the piano--of course it helps to have a competent teacher.

all the above is missing in RSE---the teacher sucks, the curriculum is crazy-making, and the fruit from this cult is hardly 'remarkable' save for its damaged goods.