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To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:00 am
by Ockham
I heard from my friends in RSE that in the last several RSE hosted events that there have been fewer appearances of JZ/R. They said that it was supposedly stated Ramtha may not make any appearance at all at upcoming events.

Reading EMF, it sounds like we've heard this all before with threats of Ramtha making a permanent retirement having been trotted out several times before.

Still, it could finally be that JZ Knight is getting to the point where she can't take the alcohol, tobacco, Prozac and Twinkie abuse any longer. I doubt JZ would ever get tired of the Ramtha gig because she is a psychopath, and I am sure gets a big high out of having the Ramtha character manipulate the students. Probably only severely deteriorating heath would get her to stop.

If RSE does pack up the Ramtha act, then it doesn't seem like RSE has much gas left in the tank. Without the Ramtha stage act, RSE's message is pretty much the same New Age drivel that one could get from any number of other sources for substantially less expense. I doubt students would want continue to cough up huge fees to get canned remote viewing lectures and shakra talks they can get for free by listening to George Noory on Coast to Coast or Alex Jones' radio show.

One can only hope....

Re: To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:37 pm
by Mitchell
I sooooo love George Noory. Alex Jones is not my thing at all but George Noory you can wake me up for any time :D

Re: To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:59 pm
by ex
yes all of it will apply in the near future. down the road: therer some greedy shadowy players who will continue the great work. they will clean up jzs act. the old followers will share the fallout occasional as the good ol times. a whole archive will be available to spin ramtha in every direction nessesary to hall in the money. there will be a bunch of newbies attracted to the new set up. maybe in the future someone will be inspierd by the 'real deal jz' and invent a scam and trademarks the teachings in a more modern way.

Re: To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:57 pm
by Ockham
I like George Noory too. I've enjoyed the show since back when Art Bell was the regular host. It is interesting that quite a lot of expose information that I've heard from RSE people is virtually the same as what I've heard from the guests on George Noory's Coast to Coast show.

It makes sense that there is a small core of New Age, conspiracy and UFO people on the lecture circuit and they cross pollinate a common set of stories. It makes the stories sound more believable when a number of the, "experts," are all repeating the same stories.

Re: To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:18 pm
by WofthesunEofthemoon
:sad: Yes, it does seem that various cults, organisations and New Age 'teachings' seem to feed into one another.

So a person, perhaps disillusioned with RSE, can switch tracks and find 'someone else/another organisation' who/which is proffering another equally delusional 'truth', and feel compelled to pick it up and run with a the new 'discovery'. (More than likely what many ramsters are now doing, feeling that the JZ show is no longer "on track" Cult hopping, or something similar.)


Re: To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:00 pm
by preeatenna
A major red flag for me was when I did some research and found that all of JZR's crap predictions were coming from the internet.

Re: To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 6:04 pm
by Mitchell
I was shocked to find out that in one of his morning teachings (streamed worldwide) Ram repeated a youtube video (that was posted hours before on youtube) as one of his own predictions. I guess he was not aware there was a 9 hour timedifference with Europe and I already posted that video on facebook and people already commented on it. Now all of a sudden it was a fresh prediction streamed from Yelm in the early morning as if it came from the Master Teacher himself.

And ofcourse the whole Elenin-drama after that was digging the grave for the school. I was most surprised when the teachers were not allowed to fly (saves money), yet JZ made it to Milan to have a feast for 5000 $ per ticket.

Re: To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:22 pm
by preeatenna
Yes, Mitchell, it has become blatantly obvious that Scamtha doesn't have an original prediction of his own. Even JZ thinks she knows more than he does.

Re: To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 3:40 am
by Ockham
I read that there was another magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Italy last evening. I think that's the second serious earthquake in the region within about one week. Apparaently JZ/R had nothing to say about Italy's status, either before or after the earthquakes.

Re: To be fewer Ramtha appearances in coming months

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:03 am
by Rooster
JZ/R does not know anything until told. I at least have concluded this. My first suspiscion of this was in the mid 1990's. Florida was having many fires, burning out of control. I was at and event and worried about loved ones. I had called family at lunch time, only to sit next to one of J.z.s familiar frieinds. At this time the fires were all over the news, as my parents were very worried.
J.Z's friend was listening at lunch and my fear of family. I said it is all over the news! She seemed to be rushed to leave. Of course, when we again started in the arena! Florida is going to burn up!! It will all be destroyed! I was thinking, yes fires often happen in that area. Seen many! It was just such and obvious ploy!