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Lawsuit: White Wind & JZ Knight

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:21 am
by EMFWebmaster
-Moderator comment-

EMF received a private email (posted below), that is being posted on this forum, without citing the sources of who sent and received it, though we have that information. It was sent to an RSE staff employee, by a current student who is wisely questioning the actions of the people involved in the lawsuit between RSE/JZ Knight and White Wind. This is being shared only for the purpose of information for the reader, and is not to be mistaken as any endorsement by EMF. The following is unedited.


?Regarding the lawsuit between RSE and White Wind

The Joker takes neither side on an issue, and in the Royal Courts, as I understand it, the Joker was considered a messenger to both sides, and the Royals took into consideration the potentials that the Joker presented, in her lighthearted way. The Joker had no energy on any outcome, which is really rather wonderful. And the Royals loved the Jester, because sometimes the Jester saw things that they didn't.

I don't pretend to be as wise as the Joker, and I am on neither side. For me, the core issue is "Keep the Teachings Pure". I don't want to come back, in my next lifetime, and find that there are 20,000 different sects of Ramtha's teachings, like there is with Christianity. Because, I have come back, lifetime after lifetime, sincerely questing for Truth, and all there was was religious dogma, indoctrination, enslavement, superstition, absurd rituals, etc. And it's been thousands of lifetimes of that garbage. Now that I have found Ramtha, the true Heirophant and Master Teacher of this planet, I do everything in my power to Keep the Teachings Pure. From that premise alone, I become into Jesting in a lighthearted way...

To WhiteWind I say, I know nothing of your teachings. But I do think it took a great deal of courage to send your materials to the School for review. That's analogous to "sticking your neck out" on the proverbial guillotine. "Tell the truth and let it all fall". What a test!

To JZ I say, I trust that you don't make personality decisions anymore, and that I trust you are enacting your Wisdom from your HolySpirit.

Keeping the teachings pure is an Ideal for both of you; this is what my HolySpirit is strongly telling me.

To WhiteWind I say, Although you don't perceive the School, the Teachings, or Ramtha as an "enemy" to you, you may not know Ramtha's teachings on the subject. I'm going to quote Ram verbatim here, and it can't possibly be taken out of context or misconstrued because these quotes stand on their own: "Love your enemy"... "Tell your enemy what you are going to do" ... "study and understand your enemy"

So WhiteWind, your proverbial "enemy", to know where they're coming from, is to keep the Teachings pure. That is all you need to know in order to understand your 'enemy', which Ramtha is not your enemy, and you know that.

The Self Betrayal Initiation

Whew.... what a test!!! Who is betraying who? *Laugh, Jest*

I loved the Self-Betrayal wine ceremony of 2000. I was "run-through" in 2004, and had a choice as to fall into the abyss of chronic victimhood, because I had done nothing wrong! OR, was I to understand the Self-Betrayal test? It was three months of psycho-torture, but thanks to the Self-Betrayal Teaching, I understood it and have blossomed from it.

WhiteWind told the truth and she's getting "run through" by the School. However, what if the School coached her and taught her how to better keep the teachings pure, and the School developed a Test, in which the School would authorize more Teachers, who are Wise Ones, who really can be excellent Ramtha runners? After all, WhiteWind is responsible for many people to have attended a Beginner's Retreat, and many of them have continued on with School after that.

So it's quite easy to assume that WhiteWind is a noble entity indeed. And how the School treats her will go down in history.

I hope the School's history will not confuse the School's treatment of her, with how Ramtha would have treated her, and for historical purposes. I think the School should make a statement about that.

Did you fog-out? I hope the School's history will not confuse the School's treatment of her, with how Ramtha would have treated her, and for historical purposes.

This is not Serious, is it? Life is Wonderfullll!!!

To WhiteWind I say, in the absence of the School coaching you, and in the absence of the School devising a Test of Teachers, in order to grant Wise Ones the opportunity to take an Oath... The Test would be very necessary because there's only a rare few that really "get it" and can talk truth, and even amongst these rare few, we must take care that they don't get on a power-trip -- they must Oath Loyalty to the School, which stands for the Knowledge and Training that WILL be Global in the future/now, instead of absurd religions. What a Splendid Dream-Reality-NOW! Indeeeeed The School should devise a Test, which even its own appointed teachers should pass. And then, after passing the test of being able to speak the Teachings accurately (not filtered through the dirty-rag, but accurately)...

Here's an Oath that the School might consider... after passing the Test ... "I vow to always give credit where credit is due, that I am not a Heirophant, only a fabulous Runner, and my passionate intent is to keep the teachings Pure.

As Jester, I do know that Ramtha is allowing this to unfold, and he is watching. He has not intervened. Am I right? Yes, I am.

I love that Ramtha is allowing this, without intervention, as of yet.

Do we conduct our affairs through our HolySpirit, or from our monkey-mind? I Jest you! Hmmm?? There is no real conflict here. There is instead an opportunity for RSE changes, to accommodate Wise Ones who are so very open to Coaching from the Teachers that Ramtha has appointed --- could that not be true?

I tell you, the School is more in jeopardy of being looked at with a dim view, by history... than it is for WhiteWind to be a betrayer of the School. The School could very well look like a tight-clique that does not recognize Wise Ones. That would suk gas.

Let there be a test for fabulous runners who keep the teachings pure. Let there be a test of their Wisdom, and their propensity to point people to the School and the Teachings.

I know, I Knowingness, that Ramtha has offered no opinion or direction in this lawsuit and that he is, of course, watching its unfoldment.

So, School, are you going to abort fabulous runners and covet that you are the only Wise Ones capable of keeping Truth pure? Or can you allow that there are Wise Ones who really do "get it" that are not part of your tribe? Do you think that just because Ram has appointed Teachers, that you are his only runners for Truth?


Please know that the students in the community, current and non-current ... apparently, this lawsuit has successfully caused a great deal of fear in them that they cannot speak their mind. Now, they're afraid to quote Ramtha, talk abut Ramtha. This lawsuit has aborted Ramtha's Runners!!!!!! And my knowingness says that the School has not even considered this, from this point of view. So how connected are YOU, RSE, from your HolySpirit's Knowingness? Or are you not aware of the effect of this lawsuit on the morphogenetic field of Ramtha's students? I don't think you're "dialed in" quite yet!

This is precisely why the School should develop a policy/test for appointed teachers, because so many people get it wrong... through their "dirty rag". But WhiteWind apparently is a very righteous and noble God, else she wouldn't be such a fabulous runner to the Teachings and the School, amongst her "followers". How often do you have a "guru" who realizes that there is a greater Teacher than her, and guides her "followers" to School?!! And the School is attacking her! Gosh, I wonder by what means you go t your card on the fence! I mean it! Fukk...

So who is betraying who? Is the School going through its Self Betrayal Initiation? Hmmm... or is WhiteWind, or Both?

Is the School Making Known, telling the truth, about exactly what Its issue is, exactly what plagiarism, or oath-breaking that WhiteWind has committed? Forgive my ignorance or ineptness, but I have not found it on a bulletin in or Steve Klein's subscriber list. Are we not taught that the truth should be written across the sky? would be the best forum for the School to help erase the fears that the School punishes people who tell the truth and make every attempt to be Runners for Beginner Retreats, books, CDs, DVDs... the Teachings!

I think the School has stuck its neck out, just as much as WhiteWind had the bravery to do. In other words, could it be that RSE has brought on its own self-betrayal test, and is being run-through? If the School punishes the Sincere, and has no regard or recognition of Wise Ones, no Test, then forgive me, but the clique, the Tribe DOES look like an undeserving elite.

What say you, RSE?

~*~ Your Jovial Jester ~*~?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:05 am
by joe sz
You picked a good day to post "Jovial Jester"

Jokes are best when the punch line reveals a trueism or educates us by surprise.
False Prophets must get stoned but Jesters will get canned when they do not entertain well.

You make a good point Jester re clique-clique behavior among the Schoolmasters. What would one expect after all these years of cliqueing to one woman's Rammings? Dittoheads however must copy something or the ditto means nothing. So what dost thou copy, Jester?

If Ramtha is not there, then where the punch line?

Or, if it as you say:

"I love that Ramtha is allowing this, without intervention, as of yet,"

how long will you wait for the punch line to appear?

Jesters can mask tragedy to help us avoid seeing it. A mere diversion but no more from what I have seen. But this Jester wants us to believe that who knows the Joker holds the card of Truth.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:15 am
by FreeNow
"Let there be a test for fabulous runners who keep the teachings pure. Let there be a test of their Wisdom, and their propensity to point people to the School and the Teachings."

I whole heartedly agree, but can they pass? And, if they don't who will be her appointed teachers? She'd have to go back and teach all the classes herself again, but who would go?

Jester, I applaud your email.

The sad thing is: A Jester requires a king and queen. We have been ruled by kings and queens long enough. Which one did you give your power too?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:41 am
by littlewiseone
It's interesting that the Jester only calls for a test of the teacher's ability to 'speak' truth... what about the ability to 'be' truth...? In light of the fact that 'ramtha's' only quantifiable feat lies in delivering supposed spoken 'truths', I guess we can't expect more from the appointed teachers than the master teacher him/herself... Let's overlook the fact that it would be quite impossible to assess a prospective 'teachers' ability to 'speak truth'.

The Jester astutely observes:
"I tell you, the School is more in jeopardy of being looked at with a dim view, by history... than it is for WhiteWind to be a betrayer of the School. The School could very well look like a tight-clique that does not recognize Wise Ones. That would suk gas."

Jester's suggestion to approve teachers based on an 'entry test' is really a clever suggestion to JZ for saving face. If JZ had any sense of grace she would take it and let this thing fade away. However, that's unlikely...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:45 am
by Whatchamacallit
If channelers in general were held to a level of credibility that required proving one's credentials for being who/what they say they are, it would solve the issue of fraud. The problem is, imo, there are no checks and balances in place for their accountability, veracity and ethical standard, to say the least.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:05 am
by littlewiseone
I agree, watcha... as much as I find 'the Jester's' letter courageous (in light of how hard it is to stand up and question 'the authority', or more aptly: point out the obvious...), he/she is very much operating under the false (and idealistic) assumption of JZ's altruism. The big mistake in that assumption is the hope that someone will actually take notice. :(

Re: Lawsuit: White Wind & JZ Knight

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 12:32 am
by Xylofone
it took a great deal of courage to send your materials to the School for review.

Wait a minute, white wind sent her teaching materials/course to RSE for review, and that's why she was called out by JZ and dragged through court? I've never heard anyone share that before. Wow. I thought JZ found out about her teachings and sideswiped her with a lawsuit. I didn't know WW was being open and honest about it and doing the right thing. That changes my whole perception of the case.