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C + E = R: Mathematics Of Demonology

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:50 pm
by Tyger
The cornerstone of all of the teachings done at RSE is the equation/concept of Consciousness and Energy create the Nature of Reality, or C + E = R. For those readers that are not familiar with the concept, I'll explain.

Basically it states that you....or your thoughts, are the author of your entire reality. You create it all. Obviously this is the anti-thesis to the understanding that God (or whatever you like to call it) created reality and you simply have free will to play in it. In the Scamtha world-view YOU are God. This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what every religion (and a growing number of modern scientists) on Earth teaches, which is that God/"Intelligent Design" created it all, including you. You simply have free will to make choices of how you live in what He/She/It created. Or in other words, it's the concept of Satanism. Usurping God and setting yourself up to be God.

Now this is how the teaching works. First you are given grade-school examples so that you can "get it". Crap like this: "Let's say you want to eat an orange. That is your thought, or consciousness. You reach out with your hand to the orange tree (energy), pick the orange, and eat it. Viola!!! You have just created your own reality!!!"

And the audience goes, "Woooooowww, Dude....that is so heavy and so true..."

Then they have more wine and the teaching continues. "Furthermore, let's say you want to build a skyscraper. You have the thought, design it all out, hire your slaves to do the work, and BINGO!!! New downtown skyscraper!!!"

More "ohhhs" and "ahhhhs" from the crowd. They are "getting it now". :wink:

Okay fine. Up to this point, the teaching holds somewhat true. Except for the minor detail that Scamtha is purposefully confusing her audiences by substituting "creating" with a simple ambulatory action or architectural design. The truth is that you didn't create anything (in the examples of the orange or the skyscraper). You didn't create ANY orange....even if you planted the orange grove yourself. You simply exercised your own free will (God-given, by the way), picked an orange off a tree and ate it. Furthermore, you didn't create the orange grove either, because NO ONE has yet been able to design an orange seed. God did that too. The same holds true for the skyscraper. You didn't create squat. You simply reformed existing materials into a new design. Designing from existing materials is NOT creating, it's simply designing. Hardly creating anything at all in the Scamtha sense. Or the Biblical sense either, for that matter.

Then, you have more wine, and the teaching gets a little deeper.

Phase II of this indoctrination informs you that not only do you "create" picking oranges and frying eggs (I don't even WANT to get into the dynamics of you creating a chicken, the chicken's butt, or all the rest of the things it takes to fry an egg.... :? ), but you also create all the "baddies" in your life. "Your diseasement, your tortures, your deaths, your murders, etc., etc., etc."

Scamtha then explains to her half-drunk audience that she has the magic wand that will allow them to create their "fabulous wealth", "impeccable health", blah, blah, blah...

The crowd goes wild!!!

This is where this so-called "teaching" goes awry.

Even a cursory glance at this ass-backwards notion of reality quickly unravels it and reveals it to be utter bullshit. I will explain.

Let's examine a few more examples and apply Scamtha's math to them.

Adolph Hitler. He mass murdered over 20 million Jews and easily another 20 million European civilians during his rather brief tenure here on Earth. According to Scamtha, the Jews actually "created that reality", and worked at a "consciousness level" WITH Hitler (how freaking bizarre is THAT!!!) and were only fulfilling their own thought creations by being herded into that oven to be burned alive or gassed to death in a shower stall.

In other words, the Jews created their own victimization, all 20 million of them, JUST IN ORDER to satisfy Hitler's "desire". They did it to themselves, according to Scamtha. Including the little children that Mengele experimented on with electrodes on their testicles, lobotomized them without anesthesia (sound familiar?), babies that were thrown against rocks and crushed, and on and on and on. "Boy, that Hitler was ONE FOCUSED DUDE!!!"

It's macabre. But not quite as macabre as Ramtha being recorded on tape as saying "I love Hitler." That's rather telling.....don't you think?

Let's continue. So if we take a quick look at recorded history, what do we have? Well, we have a small group of flat-out murderous tyrants, perhaps a few thousand at best, that are responsible for the deaths of upwards of a billion people over the centuries. Ghengis Khan, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Tse-Tung, etc., etc., etc......all VERY POWERFUL CREATORS (and mass murderers too, by the way), who were so "focused" that nearly a billion people HAD TO DIE HORRIBLY just to play their role in the game of destruction. There are no victims, according to Scamtha.

Now what does this mean? This means that tyrants are not guilty in the Scamtha World. They are the good guys who get their way, while all the "unfocused" morons get to die. It excuses ALL CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR and actually rewards it. This is anti-human, anti-civilization, and anti-christ....but only by definition. This is the message of a demon and not a human being.

It gets even crazier. Not only are these tyrants the "good guys" in Scamtha's world, but there is no good or evil either. It's all just a matter of intent and focus. Therefore, if you let someone march you and your family out of the house at gunpoint so that you can all be shot, ...YOU'RE THE DUMMY!!! The guy with the gun or giving the orders is the smart one. Why didn't you simply create a different reality? Why all of those pathetic stupid Jews, etc., etc., etc., ....look at how dumb and unfocused they were.... :?

I think I've read about this philosophy before. In the Bible. Hell, I even remember the author OF that philosophy.


One final example that should completely debunk this absurd and evil lie that Scamtha is teaching.


This is where a human baby, or "fetus", never develops a true brain. When the brain begins to develop in the infant, things go very wrong and a vegetable state is the result. There is no thought process that can be recorded on any encephalograph, there is no cognitive perception, there is nothing but autonomic function. No brain activity whatsoever. No thought. Period.

It's why they are called "vegtables". They do not possess the ability to all. In other words, THERE IS NO CONSCIOUSNESS in that brain, and never was.

So how does the Mongloid baby create that???? Since it never had a single ounce of consciousness to begin with??? Furthermore, if the Mongloid baby is allowed to live, how IS IT CREATING all that drool that runs down it's chin for years before it finally (mercifully) dies??? It HAS NO CONSCIOUSNESS TO CREATE WITH!!!


Did Mommy do it??? Was it Daddy?? Uncle Jack??? The neighbor across the street??? Perhaps it was past life consciousness that created it???

In the Scamtha demonology, we can literally pull any rabbit out of the hat, and find a convenient explanation...but one that rarely matches anything other than Scamtha's oh-so-unqualified opinion.

Think about it.

I leave you with a few quotes...

"Am I a demon? Yes, I am." ....Ramtha

"By their deeds ye shall know them." ...Jesus

"There's a sucker born every minute." ...P.T. Barnum :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:08 pm
by Living Force
I was unable to finish..or even reall start to read the white it only brought up the usual images of SATAN to me.....I mean he calls himself the RAM ....they use the pentagram as an image important to the school(i do realize these symbols are just that symbols..I don't put any energies into them)(and they have been used over the years by satanists/religious groups to further their own messages and such) so the images that comes to most peoples minds when discussing SATAN and GOD are what has been put out there over the ages....

I believe a star is just a star.....and the goat is just a goat....

but I must say I don't believe/practice in Organized I do feel they are all cults.....follow or be damned.....WTF?....and I also believe I will never know truly what life is about..until I am I do believe we continue on....just can't put a name to it that would explain my thoughts ....its really personal and quite deep....

maybe i am just too out there .....

and you know...I just want to be a good good things...don't harm others if I can help it(I try every waking moment to keep these thoughts in the front of my mind)...I try to put myself into others shoes to try to understand things better...and I wish for true peace for all....but we live and have to survive in a world that is 360 degrees different than my perfect world...or close to perfect....or at least what I think perfect may I have never seen/been apart of perfection...Nature is about as close to Perfection that I believe you can get....

Yes...I am too out there

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:15 pm
by Tyger
Living Force;

Extra-ordinarily well put. You can have a beer with me.....anytime. 8)

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:17 pm
by Living Force
thanks Tyger.....I may take you up on that..... 8)

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:40 pm
by FreeNow
Ok you say that JZR said he is a demon. I've also read he said he is a dark lord. Will you please reference that? :)

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:07 am
by Lost in Space
And you are trusting somebody who uses Darth Vader as his representative picture? Ah, well, Darth saw the light later on.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:13 am
by Tyger
Free Now;

I believe that you can find those quotes in the "Jehovah-Yahweh" tapes that Scamtha did in the late 1980's. There are few events where she does not cite similar things as well. In my own event Hitler was referenced several times...all in the positive.

For reference: The litany on the tapes goes something like this;

"Am I evil....I am. Am I an angel....I am. Am I good.....I am. Am I a demon....I am. I am anything and everything you perceive me to be."

You can find Satan saying similar things to several prophets, saints, and Jesus himself in the Bible. And let us not forget that Lucifer was a "fallen angel" who decided to pervert humanity to his cause, raise his own army of demons, and fight God for the throne of Heaven. EXACTLY like Scamtha told people that she was "fighting an intergalactic war against Jehovah". It also fair to note that Satan's nickname is "The Father Of Lies".

Sound familiar yet?

It IS what it is.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:18 am
by Tyger
Lost in Space wrote:And you are trusting somebody who uses Darth Vader as his representative picture? Ah, well, Darth saw the light later on.

:lol: LMAO!!! I use this icon because I've been using it for years now on the Internet. I told you guys that I was quite popular (still am) on the political websites of myspace and others. At first I used a picture of a tiger, but the liberals started calling me all sorts of stuff (most of it illiterate and un-printable in polite company), and the most common one was "Darth Vader". So, to humor them and my Republican readers, I adopted a pic of Vader as my icon and took the name Darth Tyger.

It drove them nuts and amped my readership 300% in one month. Nothing like results to prove your point. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:31 am
by Lost in Space
You're so eloquent, Tigger.

I don't buy that any one person or entity is the Antichrist, or that anyonei is purely evil.
And I think that presenting JZ/R in such a light may not be such a good is perhaps easier, and smoother for a recent ex student to simply conclude that, maybe, Ramtha is mistaken, or perhaps, Ramtha speaks in doublespeak as a lesson, but that is irritating, and we don't have to listen if we don't wanna, or pay to have such confusing headgames played on us, or pay to get yelled at cause "it's good for us" or because that's the only way we we really really thick clueless morons can learn anything.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:44 am
by Lost in Space
:lol: :lol: Did you know that there is a real, actual toy called "Darth Tater"? Yup, it's Mister Potatoe Head of old, but all the clip on accessories are straight out of The Empire Strikes Back. I cut it out of the newspaper and put it on my bulletin board.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:17 am
by Whatchamacallit
Hi Free,

You asked about the dark lord reference. I can help with that. I was in the audience when 'Ramtha' talked about how lucky we Earthlings are. He likes this planet, since he has a fondness for it being the place he experienced his one incarnation into a human body. He said that on other planets, where he makes life difficult for 'people', he is known as a "Dark Lord, indeed". If he wanted to be that way here, he could be.

I heard him refer to himself as a dark lord, at a few events.

Then, he talked about how the definitions of "good" and "bad" are relative.

Also, as I've posted before, I heard "both" Ramtha and Judith say that all of the people who died in the tsunami several years ago, deserved their deaths because they were too stupid (lacking the intuition to have advance warning) to get outta Dodge in time to avoid their ill fate. So, every man, woman and child, deserved their deaths.

Judith has much to explain. I wonder if she'd maintain that those poor suckers created their reality so they'd die in a tsunami, and just disregard human life in that fashion, if it were her family.

I think that remark is the single most abhorrent comment I have heard in all my years in RSE. And I've heard some doozies.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:39 pm
by Tyger
I'll give that piece of shit Ramtha a "Dark Lord".....that POS has no clue. :twisted:

I own that bastard.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:25 pm
by FreeNow
This Dark Lord stuff IMO reflects an immature and childish attitude. As a matter of fact this JZR is a bully. Who needs that! :roll:

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:09 am
by Tyger

There is no "Lord" about Scamtha. Only "Dark". I've seen enough and witnessed enough to know. She is being "brought low". Hehehehehe!!!!!

"Before you pull on that Tyger's tail, you better have a damn good plan for dealing with those claws and fangs." Guns 'N Moses on AOL, 1998

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:56 am
by Whatchamacallit
[quote="FreeNow"]This Dark Lord stuff IMO reflects an immature and childish attitude. As a matter of fact this JZR is a bully. [/quote]

Yes, it's a bully tactic. It's also frighteningly chillingly coldhearted to say that human beings deserved their deaths.

Along that line, I recall a conversation by "Ramtha", about Adolf Hitler. "Ramtha" was talking about the Aryan race as being a genetically superior race. The blonde, blue eyed people with superior genes. He said it was true. He also commented on how Hitler knew that, too. Well, what's the innuendo there ? Why did so many Jews die ?

The lack of regard and sacredness for human life that I've heard come from those teachings at times, is just ... evil.

Seems to me that if God cared about us all being Perfected Models, we'd be clones. But, we're not.

(Sorry, See&E - this wasn't exactly a 'lighter note' post)

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:34 am
by Lost in Space
That really does sound evil, agreeing with Hitler. :shock:

But Ramtha has told us, he is not the antichrist. He's an alien, right? Or, an ascended Master? Or, the new Christ?

See& E - did you see Sleeper, by Woody Allen? They worship a giant proboscis. Just a nose. I liked Life of Brian too.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:39 pm
by Whatchamacallit
Ramtha has said that the Pope is the antichrist. He has also said that negativity within each of us is the antichrist, so it's a personification of the base-ness of humanity. Just answering your question. Not endorsing anything "he" said.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:41 pm
by Lost in Space
Ramtha and the Born Again Christians agreed about the Pope, then. But I didn't think Carol Wotjilah was the Antichrist. He was not "my Pope" - I'm not Catholic - but as Popes go, he was pretty good, really, preaching peace. I don't know enough about the current Pope.
Kind of agree about that personification theory.
Also, my Mother's pastor told me that the Book of Revelation was an allegory about things that had already taken place, and that the "Antichrist" was perhaps the Roman Emperor Nero. But then, who was or is the Second Coming? She didn't know.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:33 am
by joe sz
C&E falls apart immediately whenever I haul back and sucker punch [metaphorically or verbally even tho I might fantasize the real thing ] a "I create my own reality" devotee. JZ/R never follows this un-philosophy of hers anyway. She sues people who dare channel any being called Ramtha. Can't they create their own reality too? Is Ramtha so singular that other beings in the universe can't have that name?
If anyone truly believed in that C&E=R bs, they would remain purely passive to assaults, insults, diseases because whatever happens because theyare obviously creating it.

There are many versions of C&E forms of subjective idealism.

Another is the all powerful guru.
Many cult members believe that their guru [Godman] "arranges everything" in their lives once they become a disciple. So, when a cult member complained that their family made or tricked them to meet with me a deprogrammer, my usually retort was: "This could not have happened if your guru did not arrange it, right?" That one question creates enough cognitive dissonance to allow for a fruitful conversation in most cases.

One more version is the myth of enlightenment and inner harmony:
This took place at a zen center founded by Roshi [self-proclaimed title] Phil Kapleau in Rochester. A good friend of mine was a devotee there for 10 years in the 70s-80s. He was a street fighter when young in Newark and knew martial arts well. Big guy with a scary horse face and calloused paws for hands. Whenever some so-called "zen master' came to talk at the center, Kapleau directed my friend to walk up to the master, hurl insults at him and even grab him by the lapels and spit full in his face. Of course, these "masters" would get visibly very upset. Kapleau's sick scheme was to prove to his followers that the "master" would not have reacted if he were truly enlightened, thus allowing Kapleau to sustain his own prominence. After he defected, my friend regrets never turning on Kapleau and throttling the old goat to prove how truly harmonious and "enlightened" he was....

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 3:21 am
by FreeNow
Tyger said,
For reference: The litany on the tapes goes something like this;

"Am I evil....I am. Am I an angel....I am. Am I good.....I am. Am I a demon....I am. I am anything and everything you perceive me to be."

I read that and it felt like hypnosis.

Do they do a lot of chanting?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:36 am
by Leemar
Is there a lot of "repeat after me" type chanting that goes on? In particular with respect to the C&E exercise, candle focus and the wine ceremonies. Also what form of regression therapy goes on at the school?


I remain Leemar Supreme Commander, Admiral and main guy in charge of the Galactic Invasion Force and ... still... Astro's best friend.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:28 pm
by Whatchamacallit

The C&E sessions seem to fall into two major categories. One is when there is music that plays (LOUD MUSIC), and students focus on creating whatever they want to, and just generally "raise the energy" (from the first to seventh chakra/seal).

Other times, "Ramtha" is there, and s/he leads the students through meditation, I'll call it. S/he will tell the students exactly what to focus upon, when to breathe, when to hold it (breath), when to lay down (rest), etc. S/he controls the entire session.

Sometimes, there are audio versions of these sessions played back, and students follow "his" guidance while doing their C&E.

The bottom line is, all of this activity is mind altering into a hypnotic state. The "thoughts" that are planted by Big Dude/ess. STudents may be told to breathe, breathe, breathe............hold on your fabulous wealth raining down on you..........hold it, see it, focus, focus..................hold it..........BREEEEEEEEAAAATHE.

And the good followers do just what they are told.

Most of them still live in dire situations. Hardly qualifying as fabulous wealth.

Does that answer your question ?

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:41 am
by ex
here my mathproblem:75%-25%=50% the amount of people who leave churchservices in europe acording to greg comparing apples with oranges.75000people who visited events at you have 6000curent students around the world=8%.the rest obviously left rse sevices rse lost92% compared to 50%of the what exactly did greg simmon wanna say at the larsemeeting?did he try out how stupid we r .like jzr does with her mathematics?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:42 am
by FreeNow
I agree, as a former student I was disappointed in Mr. Simmon's response. The best he could do was use a response that actually pointed out how many people have left the school. DUH! :roll:

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:32 am
by Tyger

I didn't get banned....amazing. I may have to write some stuff for you guys.


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:27 pm
by ignatious
Are you really in Yelm? Did you go there to be near Ramtha? I don't mean to get personal, am just puzzled. You seem like a bright fella. I'll keep reading other threads, maybe the answer is there.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:45 pm
by Tyger

According to the Ramsters, I'm one of the dumbest, stupidest, naive, and uninformed people you'll ever meet.

According to the SAT, Stanford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the U.S. Navy, I'm a card-carrying genius.

Take your pick, won't matter to me. The sun will still rise in the east tomorrow.

And yes, my reasons for moving to Yelm and moving back here again are posted in other forums.

Welcome to EMF.
