Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Many experiences have happened during these techniques, known as disciplines, at RSE. People have been hurt physically, emotionally, and otherwise. Post your experiences.
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Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by sequitur »

A few years ago, not sure exactly? I heard from someone something about JZ that bothered me.
It was told to me that she was speaking about the fate of the Jews in WWII and said they had gotten
what they deserved from something they had done in a previous lifetime. I do not know this for fact, I was
only wondering if someone else may?

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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

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Hi sequitur,
I remember ‘Ramtha’ (circa 1991) going off about Native Americans deserving their fate because they were once ‘Atlations’ in pervious lifetimes who enslaved the ‘Lemurians’...
that it was a Karmic lesson in humility they all needed to learn.
Yea right…. :cry:
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

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this idea of blame the victim or karmic retribution is nothing new. every religion has notions of it because all human beings need an explanation for disaster and want to power to avert it. Sodom and Gomorrah deserved to be obliterated by God! Fatalism in Islam and Hinduism is well-documented. The old default position is that God controls everything [Calvin's predestination], fate is not in our hands, so just accept it. The other position is that we did something to deserve it, that "he deserved to get beat up by a gang" or "she deserved to be gang raped", that we can control fate--sscientology's & jzk's position, when it serves their needs ;-)
The stupidity of jz's ideas comes in when she claims that she is also a "god" that controls or can her own fate by using a blowing and sucking air technique or a change in her atteetood.

The truth is closer to the addict's prayer:
Grant me the serenity;
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage, to change the things I can;
And the wisdom, to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.
Or Just for Today.

Here is a smart teen addict's essay:
http://www.teenink.com/opinion/drugs_al ... ts-Prayer/

jz is an addict in denial, not a guru, or a messenger of a god.
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by sequitur »

The bed she has made for herself I was thinking the other day, it has to be a lonely one. She can not tell a soul of her true intentions or
share her thoughts. It is a bit of recompense, I know it solves nothing for the families she has destroyed though it gave me a bit of solace
realizing it is not a free ride for her.
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by Sunshine »

Somehow I don't think she gives a sh*t. Although I see where this could bring a little solace.
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

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I tend to agree with Sunshine.
A Sociopaths only real concern is control, lust for power, and self-aggrandizement; the worst example are spiritual predators > cleary demonstrated at RSE by 'JZK Ramtha' masked as an enlightened master...
who brings whole new meaning to the word 'Master'... :idea:

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by sequitur »

I was in a discussion about the greys with a ramster awhile ago, I thought we were
talking about a branch of government, you know like the men in black. We went on for
sometime before I realized he was talking about space aliens. I realize anything is possible
though without any proof to back it or first hand experience he was speaking of this as fact
with only jz's meanderings as a launching pad. I was taken aback by what seemed to me to be
a classic and thorough brain scrubbing, and this is an intelligent person not some lame brain. What
magic potion does she sprinkle to get these people who are brilliant in every other part of their lives
to fall for this hair brained half baked pile of steaming shit?
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by sequitur »

She has to die completely alone with no one to share her secrets with.
She has no real friends and must maintain her lies on every level.
She is isolated and alone. I am sure she is burning to confide herself and she never can.

It is small but it is something.
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by newshoes »

Welcome sequitur, I appreciate your posts.

I have to agree with David, on whether jz feels any real discomfort about what she has done. Sure, she can't tell anyone about the extent and depth of her deception as master rambles. But she is deeply damaged, sociopathic and dissociative. This most likely keeps her from any deep reflection and certainly precludes a fearless moral inventory. She is one of those people who is incapable of personal honesty, and can't heal her mind. I'm not sure she can understand, emotionally, what she has done. And I don't think it troubles her. The palate of emotional feelings that this sort of disorder leaves possible is anger, and satisfaction at a game well played and won. Not a lot more.

I have come to understand that this disorder (sociopathy) creates a mind that has no facility of empathy. Which precludes compassion and, I believe, real connection with what I call the human soul. Absent self reflection, and self criticism, there can be no inner growth. A better scam, a better game, yes, but not true personal growth.

So the sad irony of rse is that we emulated the construct "ram", trying to become "masters", with tools created by someone who constitutionally cannot really know this path, if it exists.

For myself, I am working on getting the mind I created while emulating ram cleaned out. I daily struggle with this and can say that self reflection works. And fearless honesty. And it is a journey. One I am making, creating a spiritual life of my own.

With respect to all,
New Shoes
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by newshoes »

And I feel that Sunshine hit the nail on the head, Judy doesn't give a s**t.

Thanks, Sunshine ;-)
New Shoes
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by Sunshine »

Hello and thank you New Shoes ☺. I very much enjoyed reading your post here and all your others as well. You express yourself so well and you are an eloquent writer. I was just reading some of your earlier posts and it just stood out to me (and shocked me) that you were involved is r$e for 26 years and have been able to see the truth! That is amazing! What was it that opened your eyes? You must have an incredible capacity for strength and self/personal honesty! Did you feel like you had one foot in, one foot out for a time? Did you distance yourself from family and friends along the way? Do you have any family thats still involved? Your story gives me hope for my mother whom I, at times (a lot of times, actually most of the time) have zero hope for. I apologize if Im asking way to many questions, I realize I asked many, I am just so curious as to how you managed to get out after so long being in. And not just out, (my mom has not been to an event in many years but remains VERY brainwashed and is of the belief that Scamtha was here but has gone away some time ago) but free and recovering! What a BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL example you are of a strong, honest survivor.

I was actively involved from 14-25 but have not attended for 16 years now. I had doubts AND fears that maybe Scamtha was real and that I was just a failure as a "student". I carried around this notion for years after I left "the school" until I found you guys. I am free and recovering today and so grateful for it. Today I can say that in the deepest most honest place in my soul, that I don't believe that IS or ever WAS real. I feel completely comfortable knowing it is all a fraud and I no longer have any doubts about that.

It's very much ok if you don't want to answer all these questions, I would understand. I ask them because much of my struggle these days is with members of my family who still believe and I cannot seem to be able to find or make peace with this. I only hope I can come to terms with it as my mother is getting older and I in no way wish for her to not have contact with me. She wants to communicate with me but its that her whole thinking and talking is tainted with pseudo science and Scamtha lingo, it's incredibly difficult for me to choke down a conversation with her. She does not want to cut me out of her life, sadly sometimes I want to cut her out of mine, but I love her and could not ever do that. I couldn't live with myself.

Well thank you for listening, I've gone on for too long.

Love and hugs to you and all,
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by newshoes »

Hi Sunshine,

Thoughtful and well written response, yourself. ;-)

I think I did post a little of my 'scales falling from my eyes' experience here somewhere on the forum. In April 2011, I was driving through Yelm and I noticed several Japanese people standing on the corner near Walt's tires, holding suitcases and backpacks, looking toward the motel and looking completely lost. In March, jzk/r had declared that Japan would soon fall into the ocean and Japanese students should flee to the safety of Yelm.

I drove along, feeling an overwhelming sadness about the people I had seen, and that beautiful Japan would soon be gone. I found myself thinking, 'that's crazy, and mean and wrong!' Then the mind-lock cracked.

At first I felt like a fraud among my rse friends. I was adrift with no anchor. I didn't know what to trust or believe. I was also blessed with someone close to me who listened to me question everything, without judgement. Someone who wasn't a student, but was very close to several of us.

Yes, I was in deep. I had created the locked mind essential to a cult. In a recent conversation, I was asked why so many seemingly smart people are still hooked in rse. I feel that the 'teaching' that silenced my critical thinking was the 'doubt is the sword of the altered ego' (self, in non rse-speak), concept. My "altered ego" was the enemy of my enlightenment.

The return of my critical mind is key to my healing. And I will have more to say in answer to your thoughtful questions, Sunshine. And I am grateful to have somewhere to post these hard won insights on my journey through the cult of rse. Thanks EMF. And thanks, Sunshine for asking. I can feel your love and concern for your mom. I would be proud if you were my daughter.

Do your best, it is all anyone can ask of themselves.

Yours truly,

New Shoes
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by Sunshine »

New Shoes,

I look forward to more conversations, connecting, relating and healing with you. I will read your "scales falling from your eyes" post.

That is incredibly sad regarding the "looking lost" Japanese people you described, I hope they found their way back to their homes and family's.

I struggle because I have so much I want to say and share but find it difficult to "get it out" in writing. There's not a day that goes by that I don't ponder this destructive cult and my place in and out of it.

You have also HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD is saying "hard won insights"! They truly have been a life long battle and are very hard won, also, these insights are my treasures in this life and are worth every scary, courageous step I took to get them.

A conversation I hope will continue as we continue to travel this road in recovery.

Thank you for sharing so honestly your experiences. I will write more when I have time. I'm off to work now.

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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by Rooster »

Wow new shoes,
Read you post about the Japanese people standing in the streets with suit cases. How completely sad!!!!!
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Re: Wondering if anyone had heard this?

Unread post by newshoes »

Hello, Rooster,

I love what I know of Japan, the people and culture. I hope to visit there someday. It is probably a combination of reasons that the sight of lost Japanese students would be the key to unlocking my cult locked mind. When I think of the day now, I pray that those people also woke up, and were able to return to their home.

In another very recent moment, I was driving through the downtown of the city I live in now. There is a group of homeless people and their supporters camped on the sidewalk in front of the city hall. They are trying to force a dialogue with city officials about services and shelter for homeless individuals. It was early in the morning, and some were still sleeping, and some places were wrapped up, tarps folded over clothes and sleeping gear. It looked exactly like our stuff at rse. Exactly. Then it struck me, rse had literally and metaphorically made me homeless.

I do know that the story of homelessness is both complex and individual. And that morning I sent out a prayer for all people to find their place, their home, again.

I am so grateful for the understanding and love I have felt since waking up and really leaving rse. It feels like coming home.

New Shoes
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