ramtha not a god according to hindu scripture

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joe sz
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ramtha not a god according to hindu scripture

Unread post by joe sz »

JZ has spewed out her crude tale that the hacking warrior Ramtha is somehow related to the Ram or God in Hindu scripture and Atlantean Lemurian myth.
Ancient Vedic scripture spells out the qualilties of a "God":

http://www.forumgarden.com/forums/gener ... s-god.html
As explained in Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu, the characteristics of God are as follows: (1) His body is well constructed; (2) His body has all auspicious symptoms; (3) His body is beautiful; (4) His body is very glorious; (5) His body is very strong; (6) He always looks like a boy of sixteen; (7) He is well versed in various languages; (8) He is truthful; (9) He is decorated with pleasing words; (10) He is expert in speaking; (11) He is very learned; (12) He is very intelligent; (13) He is influential; (14) He is joyful; (15) He is cunning; (16) He is expert; (17) He is grateful; (18) He is firmly convinced; (19) He knows how to deal with different circumstances; (20) He is always conversant with scriptural injunctions; (21) He is clean; (22) He is controlled by His devotees; (23) He is steady; (24) He is self-controlled; (25) He is forgiving; (26) He is grave; (27) He is speculative; (28) He is fair in His dealings; (29) He is magnanimous; (30) He is religious; (31) He is a great hero; (32) He is merciful; (33) He is respectful; (34) He is competent; (35) He is gentle; (36) He is modest; (37) He is the protector of the souls surrendered unto Him; (38) He is the deliverer; (39) He is the friend of the devotees; (40) He is submissive to love; (41) He is all-auspicious; (42) He is most powerful; (43) He is famous; (44) He is devoted to all living entities; (45) He is worshipable by everyone; (46) He is very attractive to all women; (47) He is partial to His devotees; (48) He is full of all opulence; (49) He is the supreme controller; (50) He possesses all honor.

These fifty qualities or characteristics are fragmentally present in every living entity. When they are completely spiritually free and situated in their original condition, all these qualities can be perceived in human life in minute quantity.

There are five other transcendental qualities (mentioned below) which can be seen in Vishnu and partially with Siva also but are not visible in ordinary living entities. These characteristics are as follows: (1) He is always situated in His original condition; (2) He is omniscient; (3) He is evergreen or always fresh; (4) He is eternally blissful; (5) He is conversant and is the master of all perfection. Besides these five transcendental characteristics, there are five others which can be seen in the spiritual sky, especially in the Vaikuntha planets where Narayana is the predominating Deity. These are: (1) He has inconceivable qualities; (2) He is able to sustain innumerable universes; (3) He is the seed of all incarnations; (4) He grants the highest perfection to those enemies whom He kills; (5) He is the most attractive of self-realized persons.

The above-mentioned qualities and characteristics, which total sixty in number, are visible up to the platform of Narayana. However God has four special qualities, which are: (1) He is able to manifest wonderful pastimes; (2) He is expert at transcendental flute playing; (3) He is surrounded by loving devotees; (4) He possesses unparalleled personal beauty.
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Re: ramtha not a god according to hindu scripture

Unread post by Xylofone »

In an interview on one of the VHS tapes (Hawaii I think) JZ says that Ram told her he is the "original God of the Hindu people."

But in her autobiography there's a passage where she's "recalling" a conversation with someone (it may have been one of her kids) (sorry I can't find the book right now) and JZ says Ram was the first God of the people of Indus... and the person she's speaking to asks something like, "you mean from India?" And JZ tells them, "no, Indus" and explains what Indus is/was.

Her story started out that Ram was the first God of the people of Indus, and explicitly stated that it was NOT the Hindu people. It was only later in the 80s that she revised that part of the story to say he was the God of the Hindu people.

Who knows why that switch happened! She had already hijacked Hindu storylines so why not make it official and make him the ultimate God? Except maybe she didn't realize that would make Ram also Vishnu but that can't be, because Vishnu had ten incarnations as avatars... Ram claims to only have had one incarnation. And he totally hates being called an avatar. Avatars are lowly beings. He's a hierophant ;-)
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Re: ramtha not a god according to hindu scripture

Unread post by Xylofone »

Instead of editing my post, I'll add a point here.

The Hindu culture was born from the Indus river. When JZ wrote her book, it doesn't appear that she knew that? Why would she tell the story recounting a conversation where "Ramtha" (or JZ?) corrects someone to say that the people of Indus were not from India? Maybe later on she realized the connection to the Hindu culture and by the time the Hawaii tape was made, she was retelling the story differently, as "Ram" being the God of the Hindu people. Oopsies.
joe sz
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Re: ramtha not a god according to hindu scripture

Unread post by joe sz »

as I understand it, the indigenous peoples of early Indus culture are only part of what became Hinduism. The "Aryan" peoples came from somewhere around modern Iran/Persia, brought their "sky god" culture with them (Indra), and absorbed gods like Soma, Agni after conquering the Indus people. All I am saying is that reality is always far more complex and rigorous than cult leaders like JZ make it out to be. Garbage in, garbage out is the history of JZ's mind puppet cult.
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Re: ramtha not a god according to hindu scripture

Unread post by Xylofone »

Yep that sounds like more of the story. It's far more complex than her simple understanding. The Hindu culture didn't even start as a religion, it's kind of like Jewish people who can be Jewish by blood but not necessarily be Jewish in terms of the religion. Hinduism came later, as a more structured type of belief system rather than a culture and that had more influence from many other directions. I don't think JZ knew the finer details when she crafted her story.

It's funny to see her hodge-podge research reflected in everything she wrote/published/taught. What did JZ read about last night? We'll find out at tomorrow's event!

It was a good plant though, by making that claim she successfully established Ramtha as the creator of all Hinduism all spirituality across the whole world, and she's got people believing he was Lord Rama. It couldn't be that she stole from the Ramayana, no way. So when fallacies are pointed out, the RSE-ashramites declare the facts to be wrong and Ram to be correct since, you know, he invented spirituality. Lolzies.
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