NZ Legal Aid Final Costs JZK Vs. David McCarthy = $40,567.25

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NZ Legal Aid Final Costs JZK Vs. David McCarthy = $40,567.25

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NZ Court Documents NZ Legal Aid Final Costs JZK Vs. David McCarthy PDF Download

$40,567.25 NZ

I am in the process of contesting this payment.

Legal aid number 13443117
Lawyer Mr Richard Smedley
Phone: (03) 364 3825

Your case Civil - Defendant
Dear Mr David McCarthy,
About your legal aid
The final cost of your case
We have paid $40,567.25 including GST where applicable to your lawyer for your case.
Now that your case has finished we can determine the final repayment amount you owe.
Your final repayment amount is $40,097.25 including GST where applicable, based on the following considerations:
• how much we have paid your lawyer
• your prescribed repayment amount
• any payments you have already made
• the 'proceeds of proceedings' from your case (this is money or property that you got or kept, whether or not your case went to court)
Please note that this final repayment amount does not include any fees for the registration of caveats and charges. You need to contact our Debt Management Group on 0800 600 090 to confirm the total amount you owe and how you can repay this.
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Rotorua Office Level 4, Zens Centre, 1135 Arawa Street, Rotorua 3040, Page 1/2
DX JX10551, Tel: 07 350 1090 or Fax: 07 350 1080, Email:

You can apply for a 'write-off of some or all of this amount. A write-off means that you will not have to pay some or all of your legal aid debt. Please call our Debt Management Group on 0800 600 090 to talk about this.
If you think your lawyer has claimed for:
• more time than was actually spent on your case, or
• more expenses than they actually used
then you can ask us to look into ('examine') your lawyer's claim for payment.
To have your lawyer's claim examined, write to us with your reasons.
Unpaid legal aid debt
Interest will start to be charged on any legal aid debt that still remains 6 months after the end of your case. The current interest rate is 8%, however that may change. If you repay your debt within six months, you will not have to pay any interest.
If you wish to discuss this further, talk to your lawyer or contact Robin Lees on 07 343 1464 or by email
Yours sincerely,
<Htp6in Lees
Robin Lees Grants Officer
Reconsideration rights
If you disagree with the decision made you may apply for a reconsideration using the reconsideration form on our website or by calling Robin Lees on 07 343 1464 who will send you a form to complete.
If your lawyer's invoice has been declined for being out of time and your lawyer disagrees with the decision, they may apply for a reconsideration of that decision.
An application for reconsideration must be made within twenty (20) working days from the date of notice of this decision. If a reconsideration is not requested, this decision is final.
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But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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