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It Seems To Me

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:32 pm
by forever
As i read the alleged history of the "gods" it seems to me they were ego maniacs and power mongers competing. Human. Love and peace? And "channeling"? I am not listening to anyone/thing that operates from behind a curtain. Oh, and for a $$$$ to. Don't forget your credit card.

If you peel away the face and trappings Judith Hamptom and look at what's actually there, what she actually is-it isn't pretty.I cringe to think of all the lost people/souls. Those that died. Destroyed lives.

For me the lesson is to trust and listen to myself.

The quest-ion of God has always been a mystery. A blank piece of paper. Make it anything you want. I would rather have joy and happiness that comes from within-naturally. Rather than a PROGRAM that says emotion is wrong, deletes caring and life. Deletes joy.

Ramtha huh? You can find pieces of "him" and RSE all over the place. In other peoples work/writings that came before Judy Hampton did with Ramtha. Her avenue to fame. Why did she take acting lessons?

Heaven and hell are in the same place. It's what someone thinks, feels.