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Unread post by forever »

The theory is to be prepared for earth changes, aliens, government and thieves, correct? Radiation.
Have it water resilient and stocked for 2 years survival.

But she, JZ sold her horses for an outrageous amount on the same fear premise of DTC. People would need a horse for transportation.

Okay, and they were going to lodge the horse where? In their UG with them?
Or leave it above ground....? To drown, be stolen or eaten by aliens?

It's so ridiculous it's laughable.

The 20/20 interview. The student says that a murderer doesn't need to go to prison, be punished for it. Because he's going to feel awful for a 1000 life times? Well, if murder isn't wrong and good/bad doesn't exist...why would he feel bad? And what's to say it's a "he"?

It's insane. All of it is. Twisted. Just a way, an excuse for someone to do anything without having any accountability.

Why not just be honest and put it in those words? "I am God. Can do anything i want and it isn't wrong... unless someone does it to me."

I see someone that devised a way to wealth by scamming and conning-in the name of her created character Ramtha. DTC. Conspiracies. Paranoia. Without any accountability.
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David McCarthy
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Unread post by David McCarthy »

Okay, and they were going to lodge the horse where? In their UG with them?

Well actually forever, a very wealthy RSE member did just that.. built a UG for her horse :shock:
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Unread post by Ockham »

I remember learning a couple of years ago that somebody was building an underground shelter that could accommodate horses and laughing about it. Anybody that has lived with horses ought to know that horses eat a lot and a lot that needs to be dealt with comes out the other end of a horse after it eats. Horses also drink a lot. It would be difficult to store enough provisions to maintain a horse for long ... and dealing with all the waste products ... oh my! That would quickly be one stinky UG while waiting for the radiation, 1500 foot tidal waves and hungry alien lizards to go away.

It is really a shame RSE has made so many well meaning people waste their talents and financial resources for no substantive results. Just think what the outcome would be if those ramsters would have put as much time, energy and money into, say, building a community center for disadavtaged youth, or funding an endowed chair in a university humanities department, etc.
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