Domestic violence IS same as RSE?

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Domestic violence IS same as RSE?

Unread post by forever »

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This new thread "Domestic violence IS same as RSE?" has been split from our EMF topic thread 'pseudoscience/define'



Surely you jest? People paid $1500 to watch History channel? David, weigh in please.

Where does responsibility start? I am anything but hard nosed. I have a PhD from college of hard knocks. I am speaking from experience of VICTIM. Yes, they blame their self. But again there IS something in all of us....that cries out in pain in situations of abuse. And no one hears-or cares. Help has to begin with the VICTIM taking responsibility. And i have MORE than enough experience to know what i am talking about.

David, domestic violence IS same as RSE. It is. Mind control. Beaten down. Head game.

Some where in the the numb mind and blank person-something one day strikes a chord. That rears up in response to "you deserved it", and says hold it. Why do i deserve it. What have i done to deserve it? Linda Evans? She dared to have her own opinion? It's identical to DV.

Don't dismiss what i am saying. Get some brochures from a DV shelter. Apply to RSE abuse and methodology. You will be surprised.

There has to be something within a person that they are INSULTED at $1500 to watch History channel? It is personal responsibility? When someone decides to think enough of them self to vow-it's the last beating they are going to take-from anyone.
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David McCarthy
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Re: pseudoscience/define

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David, domestic violence IS same as RSE. It is. Mind control. Beaten down. Head game.
So you would also believe.. "people in a domestic violence situations have a choice.
If not everyone that's posting on a Domestic violence help forum would still be there? They DO have a choice"
"people in a cult have a choice. If not everyone that's posted on EMF would still be there? They DO have a choice
Don't dismiss what i am saying. Get some brochures from a DV shelter. Apply to RSE abuse and methodology. You will be surprised.
I was brought up within in a horrific domestic violence home and environment....I was also sexual abused in a children's home.
Really forever :-? , I don't need to "Get some brochures" visit a shelter or a children's home, to understand the problems we are facing with JZ Knight and RSE.
I have lived through both and still dealing with the consequences in my life and learning of its causes...
So as to help in my healing process and help stop it repeating and destroying innocent lives :idea:

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: pseudoscience/define

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It took YEARS for me to understand i had low self esteem to begin with. And RSE?

I listened to my feelings. Sat outside during wine ceremony? Climbed the wall and left? Took my blinders off doing forest and walked in to arena. Fine-kick me out but i am not doing it.

People DO have a choice.
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Re: pseudoscience/define

Unread post by forever »

David, i know. Our stories are ....i admire you for being open. Takes guts.

In my naivete i thought people didn't know they were hurting others. Giving what i experienced as a child it was incomprehensible to inflict pain on others. I dreamed of how to make the world a better place. When RSE came along?

It took decades of being alone and having a chance to address issues that i saw that i am the one that made the choices that created my life and pain.

I am NOT saying, "there's no such thing as a victim".

I am saying with my childhood and the same abuse you suffered-on my own at 15. Married at 18. Got into Pentecostal for a CLEAN life. Structure.

I had choices. I could have gone into the military. How different would my life be ? Would i have the heart i have today? Values? Would i care about others-but for my own pain? I made the choices David. I didn't believe in ME enough to put what's best for me first. I didn't think enough of myself to respect myself.Care about myself. I put everyone and everything else first. And LOST everything i loved as a result. Because i didn't love myself.

I don't tell victims they are victims. I tell them THEY are inn charge. To empower THEM. Being a victim is NOT empowering.
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Re: pseudoscience/define

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Thank you forever,
forever .
People DO have a choice.
In the context of religious cult indoctrinations....
So you don't think its possible a person can be brainwashed to have their freewill (choice) removed?
IE: That an individual is not freely capable of exercising free will (choice) to leave a cult?
psychologist Brian Gilmartin.
People freely enter such groups, Gilmartin admits, "but once the social process begins, the individual is not freely capable of exercising free will to leave."
psychologist Brian Gilmartin
The phrase "psychological kidnapping" does not exist in the nomenclature of forensic psychiatry. But Gilmartin is convinced that the phenomenon does exist. "The individuals are held against their will because the cognitive and volitional state known as will is removed from the individual," he says. He points to accounts of "ex-cult members" who report that they sincerely believed their lifestyle was one of free thought while with their groups, but after their deprogrammings claimed they had not been capable of entertaining thoughts contradicting the beliefs of the groups.
cult indoctrination stages ... ion+stages
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: pseudoscience/define

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I DO believe in cult/religion context (and domestic) people can be brainwashed and their will taken. Defeated. Absolutely. Can't say it loud enough.

However-it isn't immediate. It's a process. And in that time frame they have a choice. To listen to their gut or not. And if they don't? Heaven help them. But i will say it again- in that process they DO have a choice.
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Re: pseudoscience/define

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Having called paramedics twice in one day-first time refusing to go to hospital. The 2nd time i didn't have a choice. I just wanted them to stop the bleeding. Paramedic was mad and took over. Told me i didn't have a choice i was going to hospital. Good thing-i would have bleed to death. In the ambulance he tried to talk to me. Say "why are you there"?

Maybe YOU can relate to it. It's because of my childhood i have always been the "strong" one. Sensitive to pain. Trying to help. And not letting on when and if i was hurt. As well as having to excel to escape the disgrace of orphanage and abuse. As a result i pushed myself hard. Something tells me you....too?
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Re: pseudoscience/define

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its often a sad fact that those that are drawn to cults have also been severely abused in their lives and are looking for answers and healing. Cult leaders know this well how to 'Trojan Horse into a life" and target "The Victim Market" for fresh blood... :sad:
"The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out.
Boiling frog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cult indoctrinations (Brainwashing) work much the same way.
forever....You had the strength to climb out of RSE..
many of our kindred spirits at RSE have not survived...
Including the hard-core RSE follower who physically threatened my life for criticizing his great teacher!
He and his beautiful wife are now dead.

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: pseudoscience/define

Unread post by forever »

Thanks for sharing David.

Ironically the teachings i used were that sliver that helped me stand up for myself. Take responsibility for myself.

Yeah i know. Unreal isn't it?
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Re: pseudoscience/define

Unread post by forever »

Allow me to share this with you please. I wasn't going to post on EMF any more because i do not like conflict and friction. I was done.

And then in talking to my source tonight (last nite now) And for the first time in my life instead of asking for the strength and love to help others, i ask to be shown how to love myself. Something struck my heart and i came back and posted on EMF. And we got into that conversation?

You can erase this if you like.
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