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Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:03 am
by forever
Keep It Simple Stupid. KISS

A concept taught in sales. Not meant to be insulting.

Humanity isn't without purpose. Individual/personal responsibility is that each person has to identify and answer the "W" questions.

What am i.
Why am i here.
What's it all about.
What's important.
Where to from here.

Questions people go to shrinks, religion, cults, occult, universities, doctors, careers and relationships (to name a few) in an attempt to answer. To some it isn't important. To others it can be a life long journey. Neither is right or wrong, good or bad. It's an individual choice and personal responsibility. Questions no one can answer for another.

There is no one size fits all. One persons comfort zone is another persons prison.

I have thought about children born in third world countries that barely have enough to eat or a hut to sleep in. Do they grow up and blame their parents for the hardship. Do they question the "W" of their existence. Do they strive to improve the quality of their life and others. Or just live each day making the most of it. Do they blame and question God. Wonder what they did wrong that they are being punished for. Maybe they accept it as life-no questions ask. Perhaps within the same tribe there is both content and discontent.

It's amazing how children coming from same parents turn out completely different. Same genetics. What makes them different are the choices they make. Values and priorities. One likes tomatoes the others do not. To each his own.

Some are born with artistic abilities. Paint, draw, play piano. It's their personal choice to acknowledge and cultivate it. Not necessarily a responsibility-a choice. Thank God for those that do cultivate their potential. Music and art add a lot to any culture. Everyone has something to contribute.