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DEBUNKING Ramtha re Making Ourselves Invisible

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 8:56 am
by skills
Hi Everyone

It has helped me recovery and "de-radicalise" myself to look into some of the "super powers" Ramtha (and whenever I say Ramtha, it should read "JZ") espouses.

I hope this clear scientific debunking helps you as much as it helped me. I wish it hadn't taken me so long. Thank heavens for the Internet and whatever helped me ask the right question. It took me years, so don't feel in any way inferior if it's taken you a long time, too.

The example here is making ourselves invisible via C&E and focus. Well, despite Ramtha saying it's very simple as we just need to vibrate our body a small amount of extra Hertz (don't be scared of the's just a measure of frequency).

Well, here's the science behind what would really be needed: ... come-about

Let's even use a "dumb" example. Even if it were as simple as “increasing the body’s frequency by 10Hz (or whatever Ramtha says), let’s do some real back of the envelope maths:

There are about 2.5 x 10^27 carbon atoms in a 60kg human body (that’s forgetting all the other atoms). Increasing the frequency by 10Hz is equivalent to 10 x 1.6 x 10^-22kJ per carbon atom. So we have 4 x 10^5 KJoules (which is in 10^-3 seconds). Turning that from seconds to minutes makes it (4 x 10^5) x (8.6 x 10^7) = 3.4 x 10^13 KJoules.

Well, the human body can only perform work of about 9 x 10^3 KJoules (which is why the standard daily intake of food energy) we’d need 10 trillion times that work! (Please let me know if you see any flaws...I know it’s a nonsense scenario compared to the comments in the above link, but it even shows that the maths for the nonsense doesn’t do what Ramtha says!)

I hope this helps some folk/s.

Kind regards,

Re: DEBUNKING Ramtha re Making Ourselves Invisible

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:27 pm
by journeythroughramthaland
Well, the human body can only perform work of about 9 x 10^3 KJoules (which is why the standard daily intake of food energy) we’d need 10 trillion times that work! (Please let me know if you see any flaws...I know it’s a nonsense scenario compared to the comments in the above link, but it even shows that the maths for the nonsense doesn’t do what Ramtha says!)
Hey that sure is a big number!!!!

In fact, my back of the envelope math shows that if you laid 10 trillion $1 bills (figuring them to be .5 feet each) end to end that is enough to circle the globe (approximating a circumference of 25,000 miles) 37,880 times!!!! YIKES!!!!

Re: DEBUNKING Ramtha re Making Ourselves Invisible

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:15 pm
by skills

If I had a trillion $1 bills, I'd be laying them on top of each other in my banks!