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A valid learning process, going through the school..!!

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:27 am
by EMFWebmaster
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Judgmental thinking.

30 Jun 2008 08:11 pm

Lost in Space posted.....

Just before he passed, my Dad (a Christian, but also a Scientist) said to me that he DID believe in God but had never received a clear answer anywhere of just what God is...So, the "Ramtha" God, which I studied for a while, along with every other religious deity past and present; would appear to be about as valid as the others...Growing up I always felt that nobody has the whole picture, while, at the same time, I would not feel confident in asserting that anyone is "WRONG" in their belief, or disbelief as the case may be...the hitch in so many sects, faiths, or spiritual groups seems not to be in the belief, per se, but in the practice of same, the impact on daily life - problems arise when the cost of adhering to the faith or group isolates one from the rest of the world, and costs too much physically, mentally, socially and/or financially.
I was resistant to some teachings of the Ram, because I generally resist anything that smacks of "death worship", or, preparing for THE END rather than living as well as you can and taking a hopeful, constructive approach to World problems.

What I hear repeated here on this site is the general idea that it is a valid learning process, going through the school,
while, conversely, there is a price that is paid, and it may all seem like time and money lost when exiting...yet, I could say the same about some of my educational and life experiences. The thing I find most poignant is that, when you leave, it appears that you must write off all of the people there you were close to, in some cases over the course of many years, and this understandably causes disorientation and in some cases depression.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:36 am
by Whatchamacallit
LIS said, "What I hear repeated here on this site is the general idea that it is a valid learning process, going through the school,"

Personally, I don't agree with this comment. I do not see RSE as a VALID learning process at all.

I do agree about becoming resistant to the teachings, with so much emphasis on what you call the "death worship". Further, it's as though they are emotionally invested in being right about it happening, too. (The doom and gloom predictions)

That's not to say there is one way to look at it, but just that I'm sharing another viewpoint.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:41 am
by Another Dimension60
LIS - When I "left the School", I did not leave anyone behind - Ramster or nonRamster. Friends are Friends. More often than not, it's the Friends who remain in the School that drop those who left.
Any experience can be a learning experience; and so I learned during my years attending Ramtha events. I agree with Watcha - I don't think that JZ's method is valid - it changed too many times; too much abuse both subtle and overt; too much manipulation.
Thanks for the opportunity to exchange perspectives.....

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:47 am
by tree
More often than not, it's the Friends who remain in the School that drop those who left.
SOOO true.
Any experience can be a learning experience; and so I learned during my years attending Ramtha events. I agree with Watcha - I don't think that JZ's method is valid - it changed too many times; too much abuse both subtle and overt; too much manipulation.
I wholeheartedly agree.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:45 am
by Lost in Space
Perhaps "valid" was the wrong word to use with ex-Ramsters...I did not join RSE, just explored the I have perhaps no right to use the word valid, except that I have a philosophy which tells me that, so long as you are learning SOMETHING, it's valid, because I think we are here to learn (but one friend would put it down to "AFLO" - "another f@#$ing learning opportunity")

And, when I said you had to leave people in the group behind when you left I meant, as you said AnotherDimension, that it appears the group rejects and ostracizes ex-members, not the other way around. :roll: :shock:

As an outsider with a friend (and, I discovered, some long lost associates) in RSE, I may be insensitve at times to the real angst expressed here by ex-members, because I do not fully understand what it means to actively participate in RSE, just know about it second hand.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:49 pm
by Another Dimension60
Thank you Lost. "Valid" has called up different thoughts for me - Simultaneously making me realize that my ramblings will interweave among a variety of the "topics" here and simultaneously respond to posters from several different threads. So as not to co-opt "Current Students" space - I'll post over on "General Chit Chat".