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the uncanny ability of cults to inspire unwavering loyalty in their members

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 4:26 am
by David McCarthy
Copied over from FB.
Have you ever been astonished by the uncanny ability of cults to inspire unwavering loyalty in their members?
Those outside a cult often watch in confusion and shock as even seemingly grounded friends and family members are moved to discard everything they’ve known and loved to pursue a cult’s ideals and devote themselves to its leaders.
In 1988, mental health counselor and cult survivor @cultexpert Dr. Steve Hassan published a book, Combating Cult Mind Control, which detailed four areas of mind control used by cults: Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotion (BITE).
The BITE model provides valuable insight into how cults systemically rob their victims of the ability to make decisions independently, formulate individual opinions and viewpoints, and respond to situations with rationale and sound judgment. Applying the BITE model to the cult that we are focusing on this month helps to create a clearer picture of how mind control played out in this cult.
While reading the particulars of how this cult used BITE control to elicit unquestioning obedience from its followers, ask yourself whether any of the tactics sound familiar.
These methods of dismantling a person’s sense of self and inducing dependency are common, and not only in religious cults. They are also prevalent in other types of cults and high-control groups that use non-religious means of attraction, such as mentorship, self-help, or political, lifestyle, or commercial ideals, to draw members in.
Being aware of the tactics that cults and high-control groups often utilize is essential to being able to spot danger signs and steer clear before getting ensnared.
If you have ever been the victim of mind control, know that you are not alone. There are many survivors on parallel journeys of discovery and recovery, and we can support one another.

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