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Can we tolerate the contradictory truths of real science and of actual democracy?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:11 pm
by David McCarthy
copied over from a NZ Facebook page
Fritz Blackburn
Can we tolerate the contradictory truths of real science and of actual democracy?
Disinformation is never the ‘false’ views of the dissenters, as defined by a government or other entity that can pay off the media to ‘be responsible’ or ‘not seen giving a platform to conspiracy theorists’. The danger is not the few thinking people who escape the cultural conditioning and programming of those in power, specifically in power to influence via television in a repeated and thereby hypnotic way. Disinformation is always organized, deliberate and state-controlled, throughout all of history.
What is disinformation not? It is not disinformation when one questions that ‘narrative’ which authority repeats and repeats through the box in everybody’s living-room. It is not disinformation to state what only a minority can see. And it is not disinformation to have a dissenting opinion in science, which contradicts the majority view - it is the very nature of science to have multiple contradicting views about absolutely everything! Whether it is in physics, where some professors deny that there ever was a ‘Big Bang’ and assert the universe suddenly inflated from nothing (inflation theory), or bubbled from a vacuum (vacuum theory), or consisted of ‘strings’(string theory) or has always been (steady state theory) - or in medicine, where some doctors (especially those who receive bonuses from pharma companies or are concerned about losing their chosen metier) believe in the virtue of vaccines, and others do not (including the great Rudolf Steiner!) - or only in some but not in other or all vaccines!
In science, as in democratic discourse, it has always been natural and inevitable that a multiplicity of views compete with each other. The problem starts when one party starts owning their truth as exclusive and will not tolerate dissenters!
Only totalitarian and religious regimes hold such exclusive truths that must not be contradicted, as that might be ‘dangerous’! In Iran there is only the truth of the Ayatollah and that cannot be questioned. This is what some of us don’t want! We want democracy - that thing where it once was okay to hold a minority view such as not wanting to live in a world where the state can coerce its citizens into medical treatments (that many bodies and doctors and nurses have serious issues with!). I would have hoped that most people would notice and stand up against any owner of exclusive truth and realize what a democracy is - but neuro-linguistic messages in such frequent repetition causes most to fall into mass hypnosis.
Those who stand up for the right of the individual to decide what goes into their blood, and those who notice that our highest law, the Bill of Rights, has been utterly ignored where it explicitly says in section 15 - that no person may be coerced into any medical treatment - those few are all we really have, to hold on to a memory of democratic and judicial values before they are entirely forgotten!
Some undemocratic weirdos now spread the idea that all who deny the state a right to their bodies, and a government to blatantly break the law, are ‘conspiracy theorists’ (like those who protested the Vietnam war where the term was created to defame them) and thereby are enabling and enforcing the disinformation that serves the one-truth-for-all league. The media are now platforms for government ‘one truth’ propaganda by printing anti-democratic spin that belittles good people for their very intelligence.
This is what some of us realize is the truth about disinformation -
It is always in the hands of those powerful enough to massively influence, and never in the hands of a few protesters.
It is wielded by a party that sees itself as owning the exclusive truth about a subject and denies all others to speak their mind. This has nothing whatsoever to do with being ‘far right’ or ‘Trumpist’! I don’t like Trump and have no idea what ‘far right’ even means.
To say that a virus can be ‘eliminated’ is/was disinformation, meaning it was intentionally untrue and obviously impossible, as I posted many times on the Kerikeri Grapevine in March 2020.
It is definitely disinformation to count every positive case as a ‘covid death’, when he actually dies from his cancer/heart disease/old age/cancer within 28 days of a positive test. (Most people actually believed covid was the cause rather than just a condition, based on that disinformation).
Disinformation is to deregister doctors and nurses who deny state control of human blood and who assert democratic principles; It is disinformation to ‘keep the facts from the NZ public, as Dr Sharma reveals Ardern instructed her cabinet to do. It is totalitarianism to throw a victim who complains about bullying by the PM’s office out of the party, supporting the bullies, and it is anti-democratic to run courses for MPs to hide the truth from the public.
Unfortunately, very few can still observe these observables while under hypnosis - even when all the ‘facts’ given by the government are so blatantly and obviously false. That out of 100 000 promised houses only 500 were built, that children slide deeper and deeper into poverty when the ‘elimination’ of poverty was promised, and that it ‘saves lives’ when the health system is made dysfunctional by firing the smartest health professionals.
Voices of Freedom, and all other thinking individuals, have had enough of the lies and the ‘narratives’, enough of the coercion and enough of the one-truth personality cult that tries everything to suppress all dissenting views, even in their own party. We want all the scientists, not just a few cherry-picked ones, to freely speak their mind. We want the law to be respected, lawful protests heard rather than discredited, hosed down and ostensibly ignored and MPs banned from parliament, and we want doctors to practice medicine free of government coercion.
We want the state out of our bodies and those of our kids, out of our minds and out of our most personal decisions.
To follow the one-truth philosophy of the Adern cultists and to help put down those who speak their truth is to enable the current decay of democracy and the disinformation campaign that has replaced diversity and open sharing of facts and of opposing views.
Fritz Blackburn, author