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Mediums / Psychics : J.Z Knight And The Cult Called Ramtha
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jz ... t&aq=f&oq=

Posted by admin on 2008/4/3 19:12:47 (2509 reads)

Cults are powerful things; they encourage delusional belief and purposely separate themselves from reality.

According to thefreedictionary.com a cult is defined as
?A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.?

Ramtha?s School of Enlightenment, like the majority of organised religions naturally falls under this definition.

By Nathan Hiett

www.ramtha.com provides information on the school; make sure to check out the Lord Kitchener impression.

The mastermind behind this so-called ?School of Enlightenment? is a woman called Judy Hampton, who is more commonly known by the name of J.Z Knight. J.Z Knight is considered to be one of the most prominent and successful channelers and according to her website her guiding spirit Ramtha made the term ?channelers? ?known in the late 1970s?.

Thanks to Ramtha she is a multi-millionaire, who when isn?t charging an absolute fortune for seminars, enjoys breeding horses on her giant ranch.

The fore mentioned Ramtha is a spirit she channels who is a 35,000-year-old spirit-warrior who appeared in her kitchen in her home in Tacoma, Washington during the year 1977. This isn?t the first spirit to appear in an odd place, Mia Dolan?s spirit guide ?Eric? appeared in her bedroom and Colin Fry?s spirit-guide was met in a utility cupboard in Butlins, sometime during the summer of 1986 while on holiday in Skegness? not really.

With Ramtha at her side J.Z Knight conducts seminars in which she pretends to go into deep trances and speaks a broken version of her take on medieval English, that hopefully sounds like an American-musical version of cockney rhyming slang.

Thanks to her thousands of followers she has made millions of dollars from acting as an open channel for Ramtha, who fortunately turns up every time there is a thousand dollar per-head seminar. Many have faked going into trances in order to gain fame and fortune and promote spiritual belief, such as Colin Fry and his magical trumpet and Charles Sibley?s integral work with brutally murdered children and self-promotion.

I also used to pretend to go into a trance; I?d channel the spirit of a 45-year-old Hungarian housewife. In retrospect the skirt, whore-like make up and a girdle weren?t really necessary, especially on days when I wasn?t performing.

Ramtha sometimes appeared to Knight when she was having UFO experiences during her time at business school, I don?t mean to make jump to conclusions but the woman went to business school and now is a multi-millionaire, I don?t think we need to call Jonathan Creek in on this.

The Ramtha School of Enlightenment, like most organised groups denounces evidence and puts forward their own ideas, but Ramtha does it in style. They specialise in rewriting archaeology and history to a point of complete incomprehension that you may as well of taken a belief from a drunk four-year-old who?s trying to explain the concept of electricity.

According to Ramtha 35,000 years ago there were advanced civilisations, contrary to the widely accepted idea of primitive man as a hunter-gatherer, which, as we all know is supported by evidence.
Evidence is what occurs in dreams and hallucinations according to J.Z Knight that obviously makes it fact. From here on I?ll brand it ?Ramtha-evidence? it should be taken in the same light as ?friendly fire?.

Ramtha evidence tells us of an ancient civilisation known as the Lumerians who came from a place called Lumeria that was somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. This is where Ramtha spent the majority of his time probably not existing.
Lumerians came from beyond the North Star, Polaris. Not from beyond the planet Horseshit in the Orion constellation, as I had originally thought.

In the days of old Ramtha stomped around Earth conquering all that he saw fit, including Atlantis. This runs in a contradiction to Icke?s belief on Atlantis? destruction, unless of course Ramtha is in fact the Archangel Aktaurus. After all he is one cunning bugger.

Also according to the website (http://ramtha.com/html/aboutus/about-jz.stm) Ramtha is a born again spiritual guru, who when deceased ascended to heaven in a Christ-like way and promised he would return to Earth to teach mankind the ways of the world.

Ramtha?s prophecy came true when J.Z Knight wore a toy pyramid on her head and channelled the spirit when she was in her ?pyramidiocy? (a crazy idea about the origins of the Egyptians) phase, drop the ?pyram? and you have a spot on definition of what it is.
At this point Ramtha told her ?I am here, and we are going to do a grand work together?

Her followers blindly accept these stories and each year membership grows from people looking for an alternate view of the world. The Ramtha School of Enlightenment now boasts a membership of about 3,000 and an income higher than Pete Doherty in an airship.

Ramtha?s teachings are passed through J.Z Knight that in turn are then passed to her students. They are taught things such as theology and quantum physics but of course it?s according to Ramtha and very far from fact.

The Ramtha quantum physics was then used in a hit pseudo-documentary called ?What The Bleep Do We Know? and from the content of the film, pretty much nothing. Potentially her and the school of enlightenment could of created a very successful film. The very notion of J.Z Knights situation involving her possession by Ramtha could be manipulated into a very clich?d comedy; instead of an ancient spirit warrior she channels a racist, sexist, snobby English colonel from 1895. The sitcom would write itself.

Ramtha also taught her out-of-body experiences and therapeutic touch, the latter came in handy when her son became ?allergic to life? or fed up with his mother?s bullshit.

Knight?s success can be put down to a number of reasons. According to J.Z Knight Ramtha is a feminist, so by not appearing in a male body any notion of a masculine God is eliminated and a God as an entity is put forward. Of course if Ramtha didn?t appear at all, then there wouldn?t be this problem, but then J.Z Knight couldn?t make her millions.

A great income is also provided by her many books, Cds and Videos. Her book topics include alchemy, ancient wisdom and for some reason science. Some of the science books seen authentic such as Steven Hawking?s ?Brief History of the Universe?, others however are very dubious, such as Masaru Emoto?s ?Hidden Messages in Water?.

I was very surprised to see Richard Feynman?s ?The Pleasure of Finding Things Out?, as no doubt Feynman would refer to The School of Ramtha as ?cargo-cult science? a phrase he also used to describe reflexology.

Feynman also once famously said, ?I think I can safely say that no one understands quantum mechanics? I don?t see why The School of Ramtha are any exception.

In the spirit of Christmas I?d like to thank all who have read and commented on these articles (especially Tanydon) and wish all at Badpsychics a very Merry Christmas.

By Nathan Hiett

Further Reading:
www.enlightenmefree.com <----- Thanks for posting about us, Nathan !
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