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Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:19 am
by Optimystic
I remember the air raids that took place when I was a child. In school, we hid under our desks to keep from being hurt by flying glass from the windows. If playing outside, you'd run to your house or the nearest house to you.

Many people DID build bomb shelters & fully stocked it with food, water, seeds, tools, ventillation systems, waste disposal, blankets, battery-operated radios, tons of batteries, you name it!

They weren't built to escape The End of the World, but to escape radiation poisoning or being vaporized by an atomic bomb!

When THE END comes, I don't care if you're hiding in a bomb shelter, UG, in a cave, mountain, etc. GOD WILL KNOW WHERE YOU ARE.

So, why do so many people think they can PREDICT this event which they call "Doomsday?" Why worry about the inevitable? Why do they spend so much time thinking about The Days To Come "TDTC" instead of LIVING THEIR LIVES IN THE PRESENT? :roll:

It's just my feeling that JZ has a GREAT FEAR of TDTC (which she SHOULD) LOL & she, through Ramtha, instills HER own fears into RSE members.

This is just my own belief. Hey when the REAL BIG GUY shows up does anyone really think they are going to be able to HIDE from HIM? :wink:

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:34 am
by journeythroughramthaland
"t's just my feeling that JZ has a GREAT FEAR of TDTC (which she SHOULD) LOL & she, through Ramtha, instills HER own fears into RSE members. "

I agree, she seems to be a great projector of all her dreams as well as nightmares!


Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:05 pm
by Vanilla
I have heard before There is no shelter for evil.
Thats what this post reminds me of. I think that is what you are trying to say.

We can judge others. And be judged ourselves.

There is good and there is bad.