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my cousin is at RSE

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:09 pm
by INeedHelb
heya everybody,

I?m new here.

At first, I?m sorry for my English. I?m not from an English speaking country, so just ignore my mistakes ok 8) .thanks a lot!!!!!

I?ve never been tho RSE, so I?ve no idea what?s actually happening there, but I?m sure it?s no good.

now to my problem. My cousin is in that school and has moved tho yelm half a year aho, and had to come back "home" for 3 months, becaouse her visum was over.
she has changed herself so much. this pearson isn?t my cousin anymore. her behavior has changed comeplitely. In our childhood she always said, I used to be like like. now she ignores me. I wanted to see her just once until she is going back to america, but she doesn?t showes any interrests.
I don?t know why she behaves like that. Is is because I show to much emotions or because I have already told her, that I?m not interested in RSE???? Another idea of my darling was that I don?t give my cousin any money.

please help me to understand the situation. It hurts me much, because I really love her and don?t want to loose her.


I need help (I know there?se a mistake in the nickname, but I was so nervous

:oops: )

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:59 pm
by ex
thanks for your post. if i may ask whats your language? ramthas teachings include to leave your past behind. that sadly includes you as a peorson her old home as a place.breaking up with her old behavioure patterns to be free and gain enlightment mostly schows in given to her goes straight to the necesseties of living in yelm and being in the cult. if you read over the board you might get some sugestions to understand whats going on.jz knights ak ramthas net is not easy to understand also breaking loose of it.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:31 pm
by Kensho

Welcome to EMF,
It seems that your cousin has given her life over to RSE and the deception of Ramtha. As Ex has said, one of the things promoted in RSE (and in other cults) is to separate one's self from their past and all former attachments. Your cousin will think that she is right in doing this because she has likely been told that doing such things is necessary to attain enlightenment and complete god-hood. It will be difficult to convince her otherwise.

The best that I can offer as a suggestion is to let her know that you love her unconditionally and that what or who she believes in does not, and will not change that. It might give her a thread to hang on to and to find her way back on when the time comes for her to do that.

In the mean time, please do not hesitate to post on the forum. There are many here who do not have English as their first language just as there are many here who may be able to offer some insight and support. Know that you are not alone.

Again, welcome to our community of understanding.

Much love, unbound

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:38 am
by ex
i forgot to tell you that she is under imense presure to prepare for the days[catastrophes] to come. that means preparing food and shelter for several years. sorry for sounding so unpolite. i simply wanna make a generalisation to show you the mindset you might deal with. if you understand whats going on you can help better.