Hard to get someone out when they are in it.

How to help if you have family or friends in RSE.
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Hard to get someone out when they are in it.

Post by Vanilla »

I know because I was there.

But it is really hard for me to get to my friends & relatives in the school OUT OF IT. I try so hard and come up with all the reasons why this whole thing is fiction. They bring up the scientists and university that proved Ramtha was real. Yeah right I say, people fool scientists all the time. Wrongtha is not real, and they tell me he is and we go back and forth. I say he is 100% fake and I stake my dog's life on it. They say he is real because of what they have seen with their own eyes.

I say crazy people believe the CIA is watching them thru their vcrs and should we believe them based on what they have "seen"?

I say if it isnt true for everybody then it isnt true at all..then they say man cannot perceive reality...

They ask me for proof that Ramtha is not JZ. I look at the tv and say, I SEE AN OLD WOMAN, I DO NOT SEE A NONSEXUAL ATLATIAN WARRIOR, with my own eyes! And they look at me, like..
I swear its like the story of the emperor and his new clothes! Nobody can see the king is naked, until a little boy says, YOU ARE NAKED< KING.

I watch streams with all of them and point out the obvious, to the oblivious. Last night JZ really scared me. Wrongtha was being drunk, incoherent and babbling about elves. Noone saw this. I was just waiting for something profound to be said and nothing was said. Wrongtha went on and on and had half sentences pulled out of the sky with the magic KEY WORDS like "esoteric".

Wrongtha was really drunk and when I pointed it out, that JZ was a drunk they all said, No she isnt a drunk, she hates alcohol..but there she was in front of my eyes, drinking wine and everyone was denying she is a drunk. They say she hates alcohol. SO why is she drunk all the time? Its not JZ they say, its RAM.

Wrongtha talked about how His Channel only got plastic surgery in order to smile. Because her face was a permanent frown half side of her face growing up and she had to have plastic surgery in order to smile. Also how she had no back teeth for a long time.
Who the f wants to hear that I said. Then JZ went on and on and on and on about Lady Star, Linda Evans, her buddy. You could tell Linda didnt want the attention. Linda was blushing. Linda was nodding her head no. Linda was making motions with her hands, to stop talking about me.

I sat there about 8 hours and heard nothing. Sometimes JZ would get serious and say..more babble. Nonsense.
So many times I said WHAT??

Now that I look back to when I was a student, none of it made sense. We would turn and talk to a partner and I would not have a clue at what was said. Now I know it wasnt me. We all knew it was something deep and profound, but to the little boy who saw the King wore no clothes..it was all nonsense.

When was the last time Wrongtha taught anything? Why is everyone drinking all the time in the school? In the smoke pits, people smuggle wine all day long at the ranch.

That is not very spiritual.

When I say this and how JZ scares me, my relatives go, it's NOT JZ...Its RAMTHA. But I think or I hope they are starting to see this thru my eyes.

Sometimes I have a feeling, that I may just have to keep on going, until they can see. I do not want to give up. I do not want to allow anyone to throw their mind out the window to believe anything the next passerby says about the unknown.

So last night I took my closest friends and asked...AT LEAST ADMIT THAT YOU CANNOT SEE THE TRUTH BECAUSE YOU ARE IN IT..YOU ARE SELF programmed not TO SEE IT> and they agreed. They admit they cannot see what I see, because they are IN IT. Until they step away, they won't see this whole thing has been fiction and they have been bamboozled.

They will look at people- like me, as mean people who want to hurt innocent people- like JZ. Who does so much good. WHo hurts noone..and I just want to be mean and hateful...and attack..
But that is not what is going on. There is major major programming and abuse going on, with peoples lives being gambled.
Anyways I went home very sad. I may just have to walk away. If knowing Ramtha was a fake is going to be as traumatic for my friends as it was for me, I would like to be around to help my friends recover. Not to be a victim or anything, but anger does come up and self frustration at how I could have been fooled. What weakness did I have to believe..
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Re: Hard to get someone out when they are in it.

Post by Ockham »

Hi Vanilla,

Thanks for sharing. It was a pretty emotional experience to read your posting because your fellings really did shine through. It feels like you're still feeling a little self critical; don't be too harsh on yourself for getting hooked on the RSE mind seduction. People with PhD education get pulled in. It is probably just luck that I saw a red flag at just the right time and didn't get pulled into the RSE quantum rabbit hole. The RSE trap has been highly refined over several decades for maximum effectiveness.

My ramster friends did watch the May 4 event on the Internet, and wouldn't say much about it. They did say that JZ/R was drinking. Perhaps this was the first tiny bit of eye opener to the ramsters that the king is naked. I'm guessing they didn't have much to say because it was eight hours of incoherent drunken babble. I got the same response as you, Vanilla, from the ramsters I know when I asked them about Ramtha getting JZ drunk. They deny she wasted, but all they have to do is look - I'm presuming the Internet streams are even worse than the, "Ramtha the Inebritaed One," mideast solidarity video that we the public are allowed to see on Youtube. How enlightened is it for a 35,000 year old dirt bag to indulge himself in drunkenness over and over to the point he may kill his human host?

I'll speculate that if Ramtha is real, Ramtha left almost 20 years ago at the end of the original ten year school. I believe that now Judy is either just emoting what she thinks Ramtha was like when she originally channeled Ramtha or else some more base spirit is now being channeled and is pretending to be Ramtha. Fake either way.

If you can get your ramster loved ones to sit still for it, try to get them to watch the JZ Knight channeling of Ramtha with Merv Griffin in 1985. Ramtha feels like a cross between Jerry Seinfeld's Uncle Leo and Yoda; very affable and likeable. What comes across now is a loud, annoying, potty-mouth know-it-all drunk. Talk about your 180 degree pole shift! Ramtha clearly says talking to Merv that the Earth will not turn its axis and California will not have an earthquake. He's kidding, or what? Here's the web address for the 1985 interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3tugG0ch7s Why the heck (tongue in cheeck) is Ramtha and the message so different now? He was toying with us, only predicting just one decade ahead? I'm sure ramsters would say we collectively fouled up the timeline and that's why. But couldn't Ramtha see we would change the timeline and warn us about that? Easy scapegoat that timeline is; any inconsistency - well that's just timeline shift.

I can really feel your frustration that your ramster friends don't see what you do. It is like you're the one who can see in infrared and ultraviolet; it easy for you, but they still see JZ/R with all the fancy clothing still on. I can identify because I know people in RSE, and no amount of rational pointing out of glaring RSE inconsistency can help them see. I think each person has a unique trigger that finally makes him or her finally say, "Enough BS." We can hope to be around to offer compassion and support when friends quit the cult.

Blessings to you.
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Re: Hard to get someone out when they are in it.

Post by ex »

sadly it is a bummer being 1 in 500 to look through this scam. you help already people with sharing. because, i was alone the feeling of: maybe having missed the point. lingered too long in me.
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