Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

The stories of people who have been in RSE, and the red flags that caused them to step back, ponder it all, and realize it's time to leave, are varied and diverse. Post your story here to help others.
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Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Eddie »

I only have one regret in my 5-6 years at RSE. I am a critical thinker and prominent business man. Within a year, I was one of the popular students at RSE even though I never moved to Yelm. Many people would say to me, "Wow. There are not many guys like you who show up here; I had doubts if Ramtha was really real. BUT, if you are here and you see this as authentic then it must be real". My apologies to all the people whom I did not tell the truth to or influenced. I knew I was only staying for a couple of years to learn what I wanted to learn; and the only way to learn is to jump in the deep end of the pool and swim; but I knew I was gonna get out at some point. And there was no way in hell I was ever going to tell my family or business associates that I was in RSE.

I never bought into the Ramtha be all. My passion was the disciplines, and I still acknowledge that the TANK experience is my most favorite adventure/training. Candle focus and C&E still calms my brain so that I can make better descisions in life; much like othe NLP methods. My mathematical background still intrigues me to somewhat master the cards with a blank card on top; but a science experiment is still an experiment. I thank RSE for this training; and I am grateful for RSE to ignite my passion for Math and Science again. I don't need RSE for that anymore. I do love TED.com

I tried really hard (struggled) in buying into "Ramtha be all" experience. I am not on a tight budget, so I purchased every CD, DVD, etc. I flew to RSE 4-5 times a year for events. I owned a big tent and a trailer. And most important, I paid $5,000 to attend the first Ramtha Feast; I wanted to see Ramtha up close and personal and decide once and for all if Ramtha was real; 'cause I had many facts (doubts). But the one thing that blew my mind was JZ/Ramtha presence and eye contact. (I am no slouch with engaging with powerful people; I meet with world leaders all the time; for almost a decade).

The FEAST: Ramtha greeted my eye to eye; hand to hand. My eyes almost popped out of my head and I hardly remember a thing; amazing experince/moment. Then as we walked to the dinner Feast, I could not comprehend what happened to me. Now for the next 9 hours, I came to my logical senses and realized this was all BS, and I was surrounded by people who were just pretending to be into it ... but all secretly knew it was BS as well. There were a few teachesr there; and their eyes said it all. One teacher had the look like he knew it was BS. Another teacher was snapping out of it just like I was. Some other students just stopped caring. And a handful of students were very much emotionally into it; but talking to them afterwards they were hardcore into their own self-importance and loved to believe that they were the chosen ones. "Self Importance" is the key and the trick to get people to buy into "Ramtha be all".

(A year earlier) Reading cards was the "Self Importance" hook that caught the school in a massive wave. I was one of the first guys on stage that "read" the cards. I actually wrote the step-by-step method on how to read the cards that went went "viral" on email. The best way to get emails to go viral was that I told a few people not to share this important knowledge. Within weeks ... hundreds of student read my instruction sheet on how to read the fabric on the back of cards and the easiest way to organize and memorize them. (Same method in Engineering and Mathematics). So where does "Self Importance" come in? The first 50 students that read the cards on stage each gave a 20 minute speech on how important they are. One lady went on the local news (another country) to demonstrate her great skill. Mike Wright was dissapointed JZ would not allow him to do it on youtube. I felt like a total asshole after I did my thing on stage; and oddly enough I got more mad when many women wanted to seduce me.

The final line was crossed when JZ/Ramtha proclaimed that Japan was going to sink and that all Japanese students must pick up and move to Yelm. I justified in my head that is one thing to teach Sovereignty, being self-sufficient, and storing food and water; I do think this is wise advice on many levels. But to piggy back a major disaster in Japan with a horific proclamation that the whole country is going to sink ... that is beyond unprofessional. How does one even analyze such advice? You'd have to be 100% certain the advice was coming from the most powerful enlightened master to stay and participate in the school. I do not fit into that demographic, so now I am back riding solo. The spiritual path is an alone journey. Thank God.

I thank this webpage for pointed out that Vera Stanley Alder's books are the books JZ plagiarised; that was the magic bullet that centered my heart.
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Re: Your RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by ex »

thank you for posting this. good luck.
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Re: Your RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Kelku »

Welcome Eddie

and thank you for sharing your story.
An enjoyable read. You seem to have gone through rse without greater emotional or financial damage.... Good for you. :D

When you describe the experience of your first personal encounter, I was reminded of my own similiary strong reaction.
The 2nd time it was still intense ... The 3rd time it was less intense but more scary. Then in the end it was completely gone.

I wondered for quite some time how these initial reactions can be understood.
Was the experience genuine, made up or manipulated?
After reading and watching some Derren Brown's videos I've learned that we can be manipulated to have such strong physical and psychological reactions and I believe that this is what happens when we meet eye to eye with a supposed master.... We are suceptible, wide open, ready to experience something special and a skillfull handler is able to deliver.

I'd love to hear how you explained to yourself this strong reaction just to figure out the BS shortly after.
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Re: Your RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Eddie »

My first encounter was nearly six years ago. I went to RSE thinking it was just role playing like a Renaissance Fair or Star Trek convention. It was a beginner event, and the first six days were disciplines. We had one video of Ramtha; and I was weirded out because I found out that I was surrounded by 800 people who believed in it. But I loved how the school was setup and the disciplines. The last night of the beginner event "Ramtha came down". Ramtha came on stage and asked if anyone did not believe he was real. I raised my hand; I tried to stand up but my "partner" tried to drag me down. Ramtha came to my side of the stage; made eye contact with me; and said I was one of the boldest students he ever had. I came to the ranch not believing in "Ramtha"; but I was blown away by the eyes and the power. Give credit were credit is due: Judith JZ Knight is naturally powerful. I have had many meeting and encounters with powerful men; she takes the cake; no comparison.

So this lead to my confusion.
One one hand RSE had greatness at the school: disciplines, intro to pseudo science, thinking outside the box, being self sufficient in life, and attaining unemotional power for ourselves. A one-of-a-kind institution.
However, the other side was constant garbage of conspiracy theory, untrusting your fellow man, selling crap overpriced vitamins, making up catastrophies so people move to Yelm, scaring people, unsafe environment for young women (under 18), lies about science testing JZ, and my personal favorite(s) of the CIA and NASA not wanting us to master the disciplines so that they can keep the power to themselves.

So to answer your question, I don't think its just the setup that gets us hooked. I think Judith has power; I think she uses in improperly; and to make matters worse ... there are now people less powerful raking in all the easy cash (Oprah, The Secret, etc); and JZ is jelous 'cause her overall business model is a cult-ish mess.
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Re: Your RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Eddie »

So how did I realize the BS prior to me sitting down at the Feast table? It was the vibe in the room. I was surrounded by the "dedicated" students; at least dedicated enoughto drop $5K; and (besides me) all lived in Yelm. The vibe was, "Is this really real"? It was so intense that JZ/Ramtha made it a focal point of he Feast that nobody in teh room really belives in "Ramtha" 100% or else we would have already mastered the disciplines. Certainly nobody disagreed. Afterwords, we all talked a big game. But who doesn't after you drop $5K on a meal.
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Re: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Eddie »

thanks for the link to Darren Brown's videos. Now I can convince myself that I spent 6 years of my life studying the Science of Scams.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Kelku »

Thank you, Eddie, for your reply.

I agree that JZ has a powerful and charismatic character. For sure one has to have an impressing personality to apply ones power on people.
The linked videos ('The so called Messiah') display very vividly what we are discussing here.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ02I6Qy ... ure=relmfu

I agree that people who spend that much money (on a feast) tend to whitewash the experience.
I translated the last european feast and was wondering how the participating/paying students felt about it.
IMO the evening was a complete mess...
After some drinking the insults started. Some people have been verbally attacked and worn out....
What to say? These people showed up again at the next event..... and the contradicting, nonsensical stuff that was said they justified with some very fanciful explanations
“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.”
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Eddie »

Thanks. I very much appreciate you taking the time to help.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Virginia »

As I have always said people seeking answers are to be admired. Sadly there are always predators willing to take advantage of that. It is huge business. Once you learn more and more about the manipulative practices of many religions and organizations it leaves you empty for awhile if you are a seeker...or as we call it, cult hopper (sorry, we've all done it no judgment).

Get your feet under you, your critical thinking restored, educate yourself on red flags of cult like behavior (which it seems like you are doing all of this already) then TRUST yourself. Get some friends and share your beliefs and question them. A good place to continue to search and not spend your money while you are doing it. You are a Science guy, great..stick with that for awhile, there is much to learn about our universe just in Science. Question the science, see where it falls down. This is just advice from someone being very careful before I step back out into the "whats it all about" seeking. I also think it's okay if we don't get all the answers NOW. I mean how could? We can't even comprehend most of the KNOWN universe let alone the unknown.

So glad you are here Eddie. You are amongst people who understand exactly where you are right now.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Vanilla »

Can I ask you Eddie what the "Ramtha" character talked about the entire dinner?
What was it that you could see made the other teachers wake up?
What happens during a dinner? What food is there, do you have to bring your own?
9 hours of what? Just the "Ramtha" character talking, was she asking questions? Were people asking questions? Anything like new revelations or secret knowledge taught? Who were the teachers you thought for sure woke up? Any new predictions?

I love how you say you fell for the story that The CIA didnt want us to have the remote viewing power.

I did real remote viewing, and its nothing like they do at the school.

They get a bunch of people blindfolded and say, " Now draw a famous landmark" and if someone draws Big Ben THEY GOT IT. They are psychic. That is not how remote viewing works at all. ''Pick a farm animal" is not remote viewing.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by WofthesunEofthemoon »

[quote="I did real remote viewing, and its nothing like they do at the school.

They get a bunch of people blindfolded and say, " Now draw a famous landmark" and if someone draws Big Ben THEY GOT IT. They are psychic. That is not how remote viewing works at all. ''Pick a farm animal" is not remote viewing.[/quote]

Vanilla, who says that the ability to "remote view" exists at all? To my mind, what you are presenting is as much 'hoo-hoo' as anything that Ramtha presents. Please clarify.

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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

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I dont believe in remote viewing anymore. I did not say I believe it now, did I? I took courses by the people who coined the term, technical remote viewing used by army supposedly. And my comparison was that RSE is just playing little guessing games. Now I look at my response I see your point. But to make it clear, I dont believe in Ramtha RSE, psychics, remote viewing...ok I don't.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

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Thank you for clarifying, Vanilla.

Warm regards

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David McCarthy
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Great thread Eddie..Welcome to EMF.... :D
Thank you for your post..Eddie, ex, Kelku, Virginia, WofthesunEofthemoon and dear Vanilla.

As a moderator...I think its important to clarify something here and to help this thread stay on topic.
I understand your concern WofthesunEofthemoon.... I don't believe in "remote viewing" either, nor does Vanilla .
But even if some of our posters believed in 'remote viewing' EMF is not about to slam them because of that.
Perhaps a new thread to respectfully debate this subject would be interesting for some.
But knocking down someones ('hoo-hoo').. is black hole territory on EMF...as One mans 'Religious Faith' may be another mans 'Woo-woo'!
and neither means cultic abuse is taking place.
We do encourage exploring other groups / religions that have cultic abuse taking place,
and yes.. you can guarantee a huge dose of cleaver / religious seductive Woo-woo is being used to undermine critical thinking within these churches / organizations.
But lets keep our focus directly on exposing the abuse, coverups and ways of healing from RSE and other cults.
Otherwise we will fall into the same trap as with Joe's Catholic church cult thread when all hell breaks loose when someones translates our exploring cultic abuse withing a religions faith/ organization who then feels an attack is being made on their cherished religion.

My RSE Experience & Red Flags....anyone?

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by WofthesunEofthemoon »

Thank you for this timely reminder, David.

My comment to Vanilla was ill-founded.

Warm wishes

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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Ockham »

Avoiding whether or not remote viewing is legitimate science, there was a good take away point that almost everything in the RSE instruction and literature consists of simplified or incomplete facts and theories that RSE cherry-picked from mainstream science, philosophy and religion. I liked the observation that it was Judy Knight's, "white trash," understanding. I have wondered how much of the RSE watered down instruction is just that Judy Knight is well-read, but short on comprehension, versus marketing by the likes of Greg Simmons to keep the material simple enough to prevent losing customers in complex philosophy and heavy science.

When I read The Weinberg/Knight white book, Ramtha, I found the inacuracies of everyday science such as in the book's description of the relationship of energy versus wavelengh of electromagnetic radiation rather off-putting. It certainly calls in to question how carefully anything in the book has been understood and documented (i.e., if there were a Ramtha, then how well captured was the entity's teaching?). (No, I don't believe there is a Ramtha.)
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

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a response to Vanilla's question on the Feats and/or dinner party:

There were 50 people (or less) at the Feast. We ate for a bit while "Ramtha" rambled on. Then there was the opprotunity to ask the master teacher a question. For those people that asked questions that were based on "Fear" or a type of "Rambling" thoughtless question ... it was in the element of JZ to deliver an entertaining and charismatic answer as she weaves in a delightful story.

Though when a person asked an intelligent question based on critical thinking, you can clearly see the struggle and lousy sales job of JZ; she would twist around and bring up a story that would trigger fear or get someone's adreniline going.

So we ate great food, drank lovely wine, and listened to BS. The BS I heard at the Feast were the core of the teachings for the next 6 months. It was informative to see a con at work to work her illusionary craft.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Kelku »

For everybody who still wonders what fabulous secret knowledge and private sweets are given at a feast we have Eddie's word and mine that this is NOT the case.
Basically it is the same as being part of a drunken wine teaching just more lightening (your purse).
The food is included but people have to bring their own wine which, IMO, is ridiculous if you consider the price (5.000 $). Plus it really looks bad when people wear formal dresses and carry a plastic bag with clinking wine bottles. The staff at the noble italian palazzo looked at least startled when our group came in... lol.
People desperately tried to ask personal questions which was denied by Scamtha for a while until s/he gave in... then the answers were featureless or abusive.
The personal interaction mostly displayed that night, was Scamtha picking some people (only one side of the room) and rumpling up their hair really badly. So badly that my brain formed the mantra, "Don't you get close to me!"
After s/he had a decent amount of wine we (the translators) shared looks of inquiry quite often but maybe I was just too sober to grasp the meaning. ;-)
She also displayed a fit of rebellious juvenile behaviour by lightning a pipe in there which is strictly forbidden, of course, which made S. Klein nervous and me chuckle) ... later on somebody called the police and the music had to be turned down.

.... so business as usual except that Judith gets a nice paid vacation. I guess there were about 70 paying students. In Milan there were about 100...- very intimate indeed.

So if one was wild about getting dreadlocks designed by a drunken masterteacher the money was well invested. ;-)
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by ex »

bring your own wine. in yelm that has to do with the laws. in italy its just to be cheap. 70 people drinking heavily out of a wine cellar can quickly turn up the bill. the evening becomes a 'less' profit event.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by preeatenna »

Thanks for those "lightening" descriptions, Eddie and Kelku. It's obvious that one doesn't get one's money's worth, by any applied standard. Scamtha has been complaining in recent times that he has been reduced to officiating at social events, and that people come to the school but don't stay for very long, not like the good old days in the late 80s and early 90s. My response to friends telling me about this is that Scamtha should have created shis year better. Why is that this Master Teacher has become a whiny victim, and is unable to demonstrate shis ability to apply shis own disciplines to shis own destiny. (irony warning here). Years ago, s/he said " I can no show anytime I like". I think that right now would be a good time for the "no show."
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by seriously »

Hey Eddie. Thanks for your post. You had a unique perspective most people at RSE Inc don't get. I'm not telling you what to think but my experience has been, the longer you're away from RSE Inc. the more bizarre the common denominator of RSE Inc. becomes. Check out other channels on youtube. They'll most likely look pretty ridiculous to you. In time, I'm guessing your perception of JZ will seem just as odd. Accepting channeling as real, believing a god like entity wants to enlighten humanity exclusively through JZ and this entity wants JZ to charge large sums of $$ in exchange for a knowledge transfer is the RSE Inc. common denominator in my opinion. You have to believe these core concepts. If you step back and think about it, it just doesn't make sense. If you throw on all of the conspiracy theories, brainwashing, breaking up families, crazy predictions that never come to pass, bizarre mandates to eat certain things, take drugs, etc etc etc, it will seem so bizarre in time.

If someone on the street would have come up to you and said Japan is going to fall into the ocean, aliens are going to fight for our future but don't take sides, there is a dark planet in our solar system that is going to wreak havoc, you need to live underground to survive the end days, you'd say "Dude, here's $5. Please leave me alone and seek medical attention. You're ill." Since you and most of us on this board somehow bought into the common denominator, all of the BS seemed plausible. It was a slow process from you're not reaching your potential to hoard food and live in an underground shelter to survive the end times but JZ shamefully directed many many people on that journey.

I digress. Thanks again for sharing Eddie and welcome to EMF.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Eddie »

Thanks to all that have posted and provided feedback. My life is waaaaaaayyy better. I still have my moments where my thoughts pass through the dirty rag of Scamtha ... small traces of silly guilt of denouncing the school. But overall my life is pretty good; work is good; have a real girlfriend for the first time in 6 years; and I'm having fun working out and eating at resteraunts without the guilt of doing disciplines of drawing a card on work/girlfriend/eating.

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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by Vanilla »

ddie I am glad. I just met a man who came here as 37 year old man and now 60. All his money into his ug. He has nothing. He just woken up. He is so mad at the school for all its lies he fell for. He left his family, all his daughters grew up without him. Its just hitting him. You have gotten over it. It sounds like.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by seriously »

Eddie. Congrats!!! Great news.

Vanilla, that's a sad story. FU JZ. You've destroyed so many families and hurt so many people with your BS.
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Re: Eddie: My RSE Experience & Red Flags

Unread post by tree »

fascinating story Eddie. Wow.

I think most people on the outside could accept a story like yours and even justify the exhorbitant amount of
money spent, because your story sounds somewhat rational.

Your experience of meeting her in person so reminded me of the Darren Brown videos/tactics.

she claims her IQ goes up every year (160 last I heard she claimed), but pure NLP at its finest.

Thank you for posting. Truly fascinating.
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