my questions continue

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my questions continue

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Always in the back of my mind throughout all my years at RSE, was that study.
It was done a couple years after I first started there, yet for some reason, it always stuck with me. I was there when the 'tests' were done, and already had knowledge of science on a pretty deep level, so when I heard what they were going to do to try and 'prove' Ramtha and JZ real, I had serious doubt about the sincerity of the testing. Through people at school, and my own eyes, I knew that these tests were made "Ram" friendly.
What I mean, is that the testing was all done exactly how JZ wanted. Scientific studies, at least any that hold merit, aren't done under conditions friendly to the outcome. I always felt that these were, and after reading things that weren't made available, and weren't talked of at school, my awareness of something being afoot has only become more certain.
The more I learn here, the more I regret spending what I have on Blue College.

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Re: my questions continue

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Blessings to you Free Soul.
Know that jz counts on these types of experiences you and others have had to keep them hooked. Perhaps to help you with your dilemma - ask yourself what is it in your deepest self that you really want - to be "psychic"? to be a "better" person (whatever that means), to be more loving? to know God? to live and be peace, harmony, compassion? ? ? If you want psychic abilities - there are books and people and Life that will teach you - without causing harm to your body and mind and Soul. If you want a deeper spiritual life - there's legitimate Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Native American mystic teachings, teachers available - again, without harm to your body, mind or Soul. (pm me and I can make some suggestions).
Bottom line - there is nothing you can learn at jz's that you can't learn elsewhere in a loving, HONEST, compassionate environment. -- or, you can be directed to all the books and sources that jz uses and you can learn for free.

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Re: my questions continue

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I think it's good to question. And finding your card, or hitting a bullseye, or other psychic gifts you may have, are not things that the school has given you; rather, they are things you already had. Perhaps you could have learned them in the outside world. That is not to say that none of your experiences in the school have merit. From my understanding, having not attended and simply having a friend who is in RSE, many former students on this board did report having some positive experiences in the school. But, it is argued, and IMO, you can have those experiences outside of the school. It must be a tough decision you face. Be kind to yourself. Keep asking questions.
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Re: my questions continue

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Hi Freesoul,
I too saw that teaching, and it was one of the key catalyst moments for me to get out of RSE. As far as I was, and am, concerned, if Ram was supposedly enlightened and that was the best he could come up with, then I didn't and don't want a bar of it. There is nothing there I aspire to anymore. That is also aside from the wide range of red flags that were already flying in my face. I can't believe how much happier I am in my life now that I have left RSE behind. Truly everything is flowing again.
There are so many posts on EMF that speak on the RSE red flags and more. I am grateful to those who wrote them, and to myself for not closing myself off from hearing another perspective. Unlike so much of what was said on the stage at RSE, I can relate to a lot of these posts as being so much more than philosophy - because a lot of them are direct experiences for me too.
All I can say now is that I wish I had trusted my gut feeling and the original doubt I felt right at the outset, and that I forced myself to push aside. I would have saved myself a lot of money and also the self deprecation that was abundant whenever I was not manifesting my creations. Now that I have allowed myself to enjoy the natural flow of life, I have stopped trying to make my emotions wrong and things are flowing effortlessly again.
All the best - where ever your journey takes you.
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Re: my questions continue

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Can't pm right now, and I appreciate your response Appealing. I know that I want probably what most everyone human wants: Happiness, Love, Freedom from animosity and anything else that doesn't sit right in my soul. I have found that the longer I've stayed in school, the harder and more difficult my life has become. The more I pull away from it, and do things like interact on EMF, it brings me a sense of security, or calm. The more I entrenched myself to the school, the more my life, and my spirituality seemed to deteriorate.
I can't describe the joy and hope it gives me, just having this 'virtual conversation' with someone who has experienced what I am. I read through your other posts and it was like reading my own words or experiences.
I too have loved ones in school now who I know I can't speak completely honestly with, without creating friction, but that time is coming near. The more I pull away from RSE, the more that the relationships I have with people who choose to stay there will change, presumably end, and that is a painful idea, knowing that these people I love are going to go somewhere, or stay somewhere that I will not follow, and will continue to believe in ways that I am not just growing out of, but finding problems with, and holes in. Just having conversations with them over the last few months, when I started voicing my doubts and concerns with the 'inconsistencies' and 'dishonesties', they looked at me like I just farted in church.
I just needed to stop doubting they would say. There is literally NO way for me to convince them that my doubt has a stronger foundation than any of their 'knowingness', and that is heartbreaking when I foresee the ending of relationships that I have poured my life into having no possibility of reconciliation, because our lives are going in such diametrically opposed directions.
It is a great oasis of thought, however, to know that I can still have relationships with the other 6.5 billion people on this planet, without having to bite my tongue, or deny what my heart and mind are demanding my spirit do.
I would rather have 1 relationship thats completely honest reciprocally than 1 million that I must fake. I am pretty sure that my last event at RSE is coming soon,
yet I will keep an open mind while there. No matter what happens it comforts me that EMF isn't going anywhere.

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Re: my questions continue

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I have seen her/him on what the bleep.
Scientists have done intensive studies to prove that she could be faking. They said due to her nervous system responses she is telling the truth and she seems to turn into a different person altogether i don’t know what to think. These scientists are not only supportive to her but she teaches them so they can further there understanding of the world. Quantum physics is the most accurate form of physics to date and says that channeling is possible. it says you can manifest reality too. When i watched this movie it changed my life and i am now able to be happy and see truth in every day life. I used to be add i used to be depressed.
Now i am understanding of the world and i do not feel anywhere as much suffering as i used to. many people who watched it did not get the same results (in fact im the only one i know who did). I believe i was just destined to become enlightened. others simply cant and won’t get it. this is why i ask about ram, maybe threes something to it. what dose she say that is convincing them to do harm to themselves or others. is she claming to be god? my understanding of the teachings are that she tells us we are all gods and we can create our own reality/mind frame through our own positive thought patterns. but i may be wrong that is why im here, to see if there is someone who has a greater truth. I know about the money and the claims to be an entity from Atlantis. but i have had visions of this place and I’ve seen an entire world of truth in a flash and so have so many others.
I am convinced that i was there in a passed life and this has nothing to do with ram, this is on my own account. There's so much more i could tell you i have become so different so intuitive because of this movie. this movie that ive seen like 50 times, and still learn something new everytime i see it.
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Re: my questions continue

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Hi Freesoul:

I have a dear one in RSE, but I have never participated, although at one point I was about to - what prevented me, in part, was that I could not tolerate the thought of turning my back on family and friends. I reasoned that no one should have to make that choice, or pay so much money, in order to be enlightened, or learn how to use natural PSI abilities, or make friends with like minded individuals, and, in fact, nobody does have to. As AD 60 has said, many of the things you learn at RSE are things you could learn as an outsider, for free. Yet, as my reason for not joining is virtually identical to your reason for not wanting to leave, I can understand your reluctance to question, or argue, or leave. As I said to another exitting RSE student on this board: If those loved ones are truly your friends, they will still be your friends if you leave. And, we live in a world so diverse that finding agreement on every point is virtually impossible. And, there is a difference between conditional and unconditional love, as you may be about to learn.
I own What The Bleep, I like the movie, however, if you want Quantum Physics, you can read Quantum Physics, pure and simple.
I would say that one thing to question which emerges from your posts is, how much does it matter, in the end, whether JZ is actually chanelling Ramtha? Another is, if there are things you value in RSE, yet you have doubts, why should this create so much conflict within? Why does this give rise to hard choices? It is my understanding that most RSE masters actually have one foot in and one foot out of the school; after all, one can't attend events 24/7 all year, and must live with and deal with the rest of humanity.
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Re: my questions continue

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Lost in Space,
Because you never became involved with RSE you don't know what the hell you are talking about. When you become involved in the school on the level that I have been, EVERYTHING revolves around the pretense that Ramtha IS a 35,000 year old entity, not JZ pretending or acting, as I am coming to learn. With you having never participated at RSE, you are asking, what seems to me at the time, very judgmental and condescending questions about why I feel and think the way I do right now. Who are YOU, to try and tell me anything about anything, you don't know me, you read two paragraphs I wrote on a website. I find your response not only ignorant to the goings on at RSE, which would allow you to be understanding to the plight I find myself in, but you ASSUME beyond imagination, and become defensive and presumptive, just like this would be: You are obviously PRO RSE, and come from a place that found my post offensive to you in some way, so you felt a need to attack me by way of your post to get even in a childish manner.
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Re: my questions continue

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I have never even considered being in RSE, though my daughter is involved and has dragged her whole family and my only 2 grandchildren into it. Since she got involved, 2 years ago, I have researched and studied the "school" from all angles, including Judy Knight's claims of being supported by Quantum Physics and scientists. I was a science major in college, so was suspicious of accepting her claims at face value. I was also in the miliutary during the Viet Nam and post Korea era, and studied the techniques of brainwashing. I have since heard the stories of some of her victims, including my daughter, who is still a believer. I have researched the statements of scientists and "scientists" who are quoted in her promotional film "What the Bleep" and have visited the websites of some of the scientists, who state that she used a statement of theirs, totally out of context to support her scam. I have also investigated some of the "scientists" who are nothing more than shills for her scam. She has made millions off misguided people who were searching for the "meaning of life" and instead fell for her line of BS.

The woman is pure evil, in that she is not only stealing people's retirement funds, but stealing their minds and destroying lives. I'd tell you to get away from her as far and as fast as possible, but it likely wouldn't work any better than it has with my daughter.
Down with Judith Hampton Knight!
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Re: my questions continue

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I was not presuming or condescending; if I were those things I would not be asking questions. True, I was not involved, but I did research the school thoroughly, and I have spent enough time on this board to have a clue about what goes on there. And my friend in RSE radiates the teachings - I don't need to be told. I am sorry you took my attempts at being somewhat supportive and empathetic as offensive. I am not offended by being accused of being pro-RSE, it is simply not true, and I deny it without taking offense. I will wish you well, in any event. I reminder you that this board is also for people coming to grips with their concerns about loved one who are in the school, not just for people who have been or are students of RSE. What I expressed, rather badly, was the thought that regardless of Ramtha's reality or nonactuality, it is the effects of the teachings that count. In my friend I see that some of them have a positive effect, and some of them most emphatically do not.
And, as I mentioned, it was the exhorbitant expense of the school and the thought of turning my back on my life, my family and my friends, as well as the fact that the more I learned of the teachings, the more they reminded me of things I had learned or been exposed to elsewhere, mostly for free, that convinced me not to join. I was on the brink though, and I am not criticizing people that did join.
Speaking only for myself,
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Re: my questions continue

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You claim that you aren't being presumptive or condescending because, "if I were those things, I would not be asking questions." Look at the "questions" you ask, anyone can, and if you would honestly, you will see the accusatory tone in them. If being supportive and empathetic to you is forming questions like "I would say one thing to question which emerges from your post is" and "why would this create so much conflict within" or "why does this give rise to hard choices" than I don't want your support or empathy, you can keep it. You say you are 'just asking questions' yet you form them in ways that are espousing advice rather than seeking it. Don't stand behind a wall of faux support while tossing unsolicited advice, calling it 'just simply asking questions', because you know that isn't what you are doing.
Yes, I am defensive, yes I question your true intent and your actual motives for posting here.
You believe that because you have studied rse, and read some posts on this website, and because you know someone who attends school there that it makes you an authority, let me remind you that you honestly don't know what you are talking about when you claim that 'some of the teachings have a positive effect'. I can tell you from 16 years of RSE teaching, that there is not one, NOT ONE teaching from RSE that has had or ever will have a 'positive effect' because it is ALL based on on gigantic lie, and the 'BASIS' for the teachings is all FEAR based, how in the name of anything holy is that helpful. When you say things like this and then question the basis for my personal feelings and emotional predicament, you come across as pretentious and artificial as you don't know of what you speak. Please don't contact me or try and communicate with me, we obviously are coming from diametrically opposed positions.
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Re: my questions continue

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Dear freemysoul,
We welcome your knowledge base of over sixteen years attending RSE and reaching out on EMF
to help others understand and recover from the devastating effects of RSE.
Thank you for that.
But please consider to avoid these types of confrontational posts and accusations.
so you felt a need to attack me by way of your post to get even in a childish manner.
They serve no one !!
Thank you for your post's Sad Grandfather and Lost in Space
EMF can get very bumpy at times ...:shock:


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Re: my questions continue

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Thanks David.
And, Freemysoul, I can only repeat, I am sorry you were offended. I was not criticizing you. My questions were perhaps to be taken as critical of RSE.
I love my friend. My friend is current. I try to hope for and look for the best possible outcome for him. I worry about him. That is my "position". I am only an authority on me and I repeat, I have concerns and questions, not the nasty ulterior motives you describe. I think there is room for both of us here. Was not thinking of private messaging you, be assured. I was planning to leave you strictly alone.
Moving on to other threads of interest.
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Re: my questions continue

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I appreciate your position, yet question why my post is the confrontational one. I can appreciate and respect not creating conflict, as I have not and will not do that. I am curious also as to why you thank Lost yet try to scold me. Have you even read the previous posts? I am very sensitive at this time, and have no desire to create problems or start confrontations, but if what you are requesting I do, is not respond when someone pokes me in the eye, I don't wish to be a part of EMF.
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Re: my questions continue

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After re-reading the posts in full, I reacted childishly and possibly offensively. I apologize to anyone that I may have offended, I am in an emotionally precarious position at this point, and hypersensitive. I do feel that Lost was out of line, as I stated in my posts and that won't change, but how I handled or responded to it could have been done more responsibly and considerately. The last thing I want is to cause more harm than good. Thanks for having this site available to everyone that uses it.
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Re: my questions continue

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The last thing I want is to cause more harm than good. Thanks for having this site available to everyone that uses it.
Thank you freemysoul
Your posts have been the source of much soul searching and revelations that is helping many understand what RSE really is about.
To say that recovering from RSE is an arduous journey is a total understatement!!
there are no words that can describe the hell of discovering we have been spiritually and mentally raped.
Who can we trust from here on?
Oftentimes the loved ones we left behind were as much traumatized and broken as we,
so the doors of EMF must remain wide open to them.

I could sure use your help in keeping EMF a safe harbor for everyone..
Well.... almost everyone :D

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Re: my questions continue

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Hi, Freemysoul,

What a dear person you are! You have swallowed your pain to review everything that has been said to you and given a lovely response.

I can't possibly know what you are going through, but your pain and sense of hypersensitivity does reach me. I have so been in a place like that, when the dearest of my friends have tried to give me their thoughts and I have known that they have absolutely no idea of where I am coming from. The only thing that has prevented me from 'biting back' has been the realization that they were trying to help me in the only way that they knew how.

When reading the postings between yourself and Lost in Space, I saw a resemblance to this. There has only been love here, for you. I don't mean the slushy, kind, I mean the universal, concerned kind which is reaching out to you. Your answer to David tells me that you really do know that, too. I agree with you, he is a the sort of person who has no agenda except that of wishing that people all be well and that none of us are in slavery, either to our own pain, or to a person such as JZ/Ramtha. How lovely that we all have found him.

I would add to that, also, that I am very grateful to have found Lost in Space, who has posted many things which have been of value to me and I recognize the universal care and concern in them. No-one can make another see, or experience the world in exactly the way that we do and perhaps, for you, LiS's robust way of seeing things has been painful.

I can understand that. But, there is a lot of love there, too.

Much love

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