Believing in Ramtha!

Many experiences have happened during these techniques, known as disciplines, at RSE. People have been hurt physically, emotionally, and otherwise. Post your experiences.
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David McCarthy
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Believing in Ramtha!

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Hi Everyone.
bromia posted this comment on another thread... >
the other night when I was telling him about EMF he said to me, "You mean you actually BELIEVED that this woman channeled this ancient warrior?"

I thought this topic and debate best have its own thread.
I invite everyone to share your journey and insights into and out of RSE.
Such as...
Did you believe in Ramtha?
Why did you believe in Ramtha?
Do you still believe in Ramtha?
What happened to change your mind in your belief in Ramtha?
Do you feel we share some of the blame for getting caught up in JZK's cult because we believed in the existence of Ramtha?
These are some solid questions to explore here.
but please feel free to add other questions you may feel helpful.

Thank you bromia :idea:


I would like to touch upon the thorny issue of ‘believing in Ramtha’,
I think it’s fair to say that very few of us entered the gates of RSE actually 'believing in ‘Ramtha’.
I certainly did not. We came with an open mind to investigate some amazing claims and possibilities. Nothing wrong with that at all.
It took JZK’s clever PR spin (LIES)to draw us in, and then to weave the RSE trap even tighter with the suggestion of the ‘suspend your disbelief!
This all seemed reasonable at the time given the façade of a ‘spiritually’ safe environment and surrounded by kindred spirits…. it felt safe and liberating to lower our guard at RSE.
And hey…should it turn out a bad idea we could simply collect our critical thinking at the door and leave.
Sure… if you can find it!
It took me seven years and then some... :shock:
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Believing in Ramtha!

Unread post by tickle »

Did you believe in Ramtha?
Why did you believe in Ramtha?
1. Channelling/mediums were not a new concept to me. I was brought up with it. I believe in mediums
2. I knew students who had been in school for a long time. They were much older than me and I looked up to them and made the mistake of thinking older people are wiser than me. I take responsibility for this.
3. The teachings made sense to me (back in the late 90's). But now that I am remembering, I already knew those teachings from other sources eg Emile Coue
4. I had success with the disciplines. Sending & Receiving was my favorite
Do you still believe in Ramtha?
I'd need to get my head read if I said yes to this 8)
What happened to change your mind in your belief in Ramtha?
The $35K auction in c. 2007 was the first whisper in my ear that something was not right.
The live streaming of V's court case gave me a kick in the 'a' to get me to investigate. IMO, it was mass-to-mass 3rd seal power which was, IMO, not what we were taught to do.
I discovered, IMO, an anomaly between the teachings and the students' behavior and also IMO an anomaly between the teachings and the channels behavior.
In my opinion (IMO), the behavior does not match the teachings. Talk one way, walk the other way. IMO.
Do you feel we share some of the blame for getting caught up in JZK's cult because we believed in the existence of Ramtha?
No. Because I never agreed to what is, in my opinion, mind control. If I was told that my mind would be messed with, then I would take responsibility but I was never told that.
I was told that the teacher was a 35,000 yr old enlightened master and I believed such. Just like my maths teachers told me they were maths teachers and I believed them. My maths teacher was a maths teacher, my English teacher was an English teacher. My business studies lecturer was a business studies lecturer. My spiritual teacher .............. turned out to be a lawyer's client :?: In my opinion (IMO)
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Re: Believing in Ramtha!

Unread post by tickle »

PS: I will accept some of the blame/responsibility if she changes "You created it" to "We created it"
and she accepts responsibility for stuffing up all her doomsday predictions
and apologizes for leading us to the lye and the scams and refunds all of us for the scam money we lost
and stops peeing and vomiting on stage
In my opinion
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Re: Believing in Ramtha!

Unread post by seriously »

Did you believe in Ramtha?

Unfortunately, I would have to say yes I did believe in Ramtha for a short time. I was always skeptical and felt uneasy about the concept of channeling and had doubts about the existence of Ramtha. However, for a time, I suspended disbelief and really tried to embrace the "teachings".

Why did you believe in Ramtha?

I was indoctrinated into the Cult by my parents. It's a long story. You can check it out here if interested:

Do you still believe in Ramtha?

Ahhhh haaaaaaa haaaaa. OMG, NOOOOOOO! To say believing in Ramtha is silly is being too kind. Ramtha, the enlightened one and member of the Great White Brotherhood, I don't believe in you. You're not real. JZ invented you for her own self interest at the expense of RSE Inc followers. Please strike me down as I type this............waiting......waiting.......and I'm back.

What happened to change your mind in your belief in Ramtha?

I mustered up the courage to listen to common sense and reason that was nagging at me. I made the hard decision to leave RSE Inc, get a real job, go back to college and get my own place. I cried when I told my parents. I Fing cried like a little girl. I was breaking away from a fantasy belief system that morphed my family and shaped by adolescence. After I was out for a while and it wasn't too long, I knew I made the absolutely correct decision.

Do you feel we share some of the blame for getting caught up in JZK's cult because we believed in the existence of Ramtha?

Absolutely. Even though I was a kid, I should have listened to common sense and reason. Respect science. Respect reason and logic. Respect true scientific experiments and real, repeatable results and evidence. You have to think things through. JZ is a horrible, horrible person for doing what she does. She sells a BS bill of goods and gives people BS answers to questions no one knows the answers to.
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